older women


Oct 31, 2002

i hope im doing this right cos this is all new to me,so be patient if i cock it up please!
ok i would love to meet an older women for sex one day,its a fantasy of mine.is there any older women in the U.K. surrey area looking for a younger(29) male to enjoy and have sex with?
if so please contact me through here.


I think there is a personal board here at lit for this kind of thing, if I am not mistaken.

Good luck in your search.
Personals don't work the greatest.

I wonder if there's some older lady hang out. Like sitting in the salon or something.
well there were quite a few on the freeway today..
driving around 30 miles/ hour.... and i saw a couple of them at savon buying them selves some depends...

as to finding one out there.. well there are quite a few... but the question on wether or not any of them will sleep with ya...
it all depends on their depends...

sorry diaper rash and alzheimer humor.

good luck on your search though
there were quite a few on the freeway today..
driving around 30 miles/ hour

Me, I drive a Nissan 240SX. I hate being stuck behind people, and this car has the requisite amount of pep you need to drive around in my part of the world. Where I live now is the speedin'est town I ever lived in.
Just curious, what is it that you like about older women rather than younger women? Is it the fact that they have more sexual experience?:confused:
the experienced women seem to be dirtier and more willing to do things than the younger girls.older women teach u things to
Well I used to

have a big problem with being with a women over the age of 33.....

However,I have became alot more
open about it over the last year
because that is were most of the
flirts come from=)

In fact,I'd say older women have
be more open to talk to me but I
have been rather surpised at how
older women have have came up
to me.Maybe it's because I act
different than I did a year ago..

Yes I'd say older women tend to
teach you more.I have learned
alot of the pasted several months.

I had my first experience with a
older women whom was my baby-
sitter as a child.Go figure!It really
opened my eyes alot.

I was talking to her back in the
spring time about all my problems
(I used to whine about them here
all the time)and she basically told
me to shutup crying and go after
what I want.I had always had a
attraction since she was my
babysitter so I had been attracted
to her for a while.She goes about
5'9,145 pounds,blonde hair and
she had broke up with her bf
due to abuse and he calling her
fat and stuff.

So I made my move and it was
the best thing I ever did.She
taught me alot of stuff I thought
I had already knew but really

Sorry for ranting so much and
I hope you find what you are
looking for=)
I here ya THEBOSSUK.

I hear ya BossUK,
The older women thin does something for me as well, although i don't know why. Never done anything about it, but would like to try sometime.


is that the name of a new pokemon character or somthing?
"I give her a 10 ...... a fuckin 10 ......... I still got wood"

-Billy Bob (Varsity Blues)