Old French Postcards


Literotica Guru
Apr 3, 2002
Circa 1900....Taken back when the real shape of a woman's body was honored; B.T. : Before Twiggy.

I just love these cards and wanted to share my collection with all of you.


( I got these off of a free, public site; but if you think I am breaking copyright, please let me know and I will take them down.)
huskie said:
nice, but i heard french people don't bath much?? :)

Well, then,
I guess it is good that these aren't scratch and sniff...:eek:
those are great pics. i love vintage photography. thanks for sharing those with us.
Erotica Museum


Check out the erotica museums in Amsterdam or Barcelona, if you ever get a chance. Tons of vintage stuff.
I don't mean to spoil the mood here, but think about this:

How old do you think these women are today?
Thefraserman said:
I don't mean to spoil the mood here, but think about this:

How old do you think these women are today?


Well, since mine were taken in the 1900's, they are 'prolly pushin' up the daisys ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :rolleyes:
Re: Erotica Museum

lustforlife74 said:

Check out the erotica museums in Amsterdam or Barcelona, if you ever get a chance. Tons of vintage stuff.

Would that I could.....would that I could!!!
