Okay, this really made me laugh.


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
Thank you Roger Simon! :D

Here's a taste:

"And then I awoke on Sunday morning and faced the grim reality: The terrorists had struck.

Nothing moved on the streets. Not a car, no a person, not even a dog or cat. The entire world was silent.

As I reached for the phone to call Homeland Defense to report the attack, I was fearful I might be the last person alive.

So I felt no small amount of relief when somebody answered on the other end.

“Can you describe the attack?” the Homeland Defense guy asked.

Tiny white flakes are falling from the sky by the millions, I said, my voice shaking. They are quite cold, but when you take them inside to examine them, they melt! Yet, outside, they stick together in great, impassable heaps. I never realized that Iraq had such technology!

“Sir,” the Homeland Defense guy said, “I think you are experiencing snow.”

Impossible! I said. This is everything the terrorists wanted: the complete paralysis of the Eastern Times Zone of the United States! No planes, trains, buses or cars are moving! People are not only afraid to leave their homes, they are unable to leave their homes! This is the very definition of terrorism! If it was not Iraq, it must be al Qaeda."
yeah JJM, this really sums up the ignorance of the American populace. Anyone gots any duct tape?
I especially liked the last three sentences:

At the top of the list, right after snow, we face an enemy nation that is smug and dangerous, arrogant and insidious, sneering and contemptible.

But we will engaged it and destroy it.

And as soon as we’re done with France, Iraq better watch out.

wait for busy body or hanns to join this thread and start talking about seeding clouds :)
brokenbrainwave said:
yeah JJM, this really sums up the ignorance of the American populace. Anyone gots any duct tape?

Screw the duct tape...I've got the perfect defense against this type of nefarious attack.

Cleo32 said:
Screw the duct tape...I've got the perfect defense against this type of nefarious attack.


I knew I was wanting to drink your bathwater for some reason....
Mornin' sweetie! Thanks for the laughs. :)

I can't believe folks actually believe the spew coming out of that man's mouth. He is a fear monger praying upon folks and their emotions.

Go enjoy the snow and if you would send some our way next time k? Have a great day! :kiss:
When an attack does happen, your cell phone will be useless due to over-jamming.

Use Moles-code.
That's actually dangerously close to reality.

This afternoon I was tooling around on the computer while FOX News was on in the background. They interrupted the latest news of the Laci Peterson case — *sigh* — to announce a "FOX NEWS ALERT" consisting of "unconfirmed reports" that there had been an explosion at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, there was an evacuation, and HAZMAT teams were on the way.

While they didn't say "terrorism," it was on my mind and the minds of the people who watched it. They finally cut to a clip of an Atlanta news station with helicopter coverage and showed that there was one fire truck and four guys talking on cell phones in what was decidedly a non-emergency. A short time later, they said that it was a false alarm in only one of the wings of the CDC, and only those workers had left the building.

They went right back to aerial shots of Modesto Police searching the Peterson home.

Granted, I only saw FNC's coverage, but I'm sure the other networks did something similar.

AP/Yahoo! — CDC Briefly Evacuates One Building

We in the UK had the attack b4 you did.

At least when you have snow it has to be a decent amount
before everything grinds to a halt.

I've seen a whole city totally gridlocked because everyone
(including me DOH!) left early because of less that 1cm
of snow. Took me 3 hours to get home (the other side of town)
rather than 10 minutes

This last attack, we had a couple of inches and people were stuck in their cares for 40 hours!

Personally I think the French sent it.

Terror from above

Tunrs out that all of this fuss about duct tape was really started
by the gentleman owing the majority of the 3m stock, Osama Bin Laden. Some transcripts from his interview...

(Best read with a very silly mid-eastern accent)
"Oh yes,, it is quite the idea, I have them seal themselves into a room and make sure no air can get in"

"I'm telling you, it's pure genius,, I'm sitting on a gold mine !"

"Wait,, no, that's wrong, I'm sitting in a gold mine"

Continue to live folks,, that's the best defense