Okay maybe it's me...


Feb 17, 2002
But when I watching...**gasp** War Tv last night, Rumsfeld made a statement that made me go ???HMM????

Paraphrasing: "We urge the Iraqi people to listen to Coalition radio to get instructions on where to go for food/water and medical supplies.".

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, how on earth did he expect the Iraqi people to get that message?

They have state run TV/Radio, Don't get MSNBC/CNN or any other U.S. station.

Did he really think that Saddam is gonna say : HEY PEOPLE, turn on coalition radio??

Just struck me funny and made no sense.
Probably the same way they transmitted Bush's speech into Iraq...

The US EW planes (EC-135 'Rivet Joint' & EA-6 'Prowler') are equipped to jam and over-ride transmission frequencies - so they're probably using them as mobile radio stations :D
According to our news reports..

Iraq State Radio has been jammed and taken over by the US. It might have been a temporary take over, I'm not sure...

but if it can be done once...

Okay, it just struck me funny, since minutes earlier they were saying they had no communication from inside the cities :)

Thanks guys !
Well then I guess the news here and the Iraqi people they've interviewed don't know that.

They keep saying how there is no communication and how the people only know what Saddam is saying.

I must vow to stick to CNN news ;)
Yeah well, that's right up there with G.W. saying "to the Iraqi people, our war is not with you" as they bomb the fuck outta them!!


Some people just can't tolerate any attempt by the United States and the Coalition to minimize civilian casualities, and the purpose of the campaign.
They're just swimming in ignorance and hate.
Oh fuck please.

It was meant tongue in cheek.

How the hell do you tell people that you aren't fighting them, but just want their leader. Then proceed to bomb them?

Say nothing at all, that's all.
Lost Cause, It appears that you are the one who can not tolerate different ideas.
Also, since the chemical weapons have never been accounted for, that's what would be worrying me.

I don't think he has nukes or bombs left.
Yeah, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I want to think it's going to be quick and easy, but...I have a bad feeling that it wont be.
VOA and "Coalition Radio" are broadcast on shortwave in the region. It's illegal to own or use a shortwave radio in Iraq for that reason, but according to some CBC interviews with displaced Iraqis in Canada yesterday, lots of people over there have short wave radios.

I saw an wryly amusing editorial cartoon yesterday in which some hapless Iraqis are watching cruise missiles whizzing overhead and one points up to say "Oh, look....it's our liberators."

Rumsfeld is the master of political deception...that whole team from Ari Fleischer to Cheney to Wolfowitz make Nixon look like Barney the Purple Donosaur.