Okay, I'm pissed.


Feb 17, 2002
So I figure I'll go by "Eight Mile" on video, it was released here on Tuesday.

And it's only available on DVD. WTF is that shit? I don't have a DVD player yet, holding out for the one that is a combined VCR/DVD since I have bazillions of VHS movies (not those kind pervs).

Why not on VHS as well? Seems there's quite a few coming out on one format only.

I'm sure not EVERYONE has a DVD Player. Or do they and I'm just the last person in the world to figure it out??
LadyGuinivere said:
So I figure I'll go by "Eight Mile" on video, it was released here on Tuesday.

And it's only available on DVD. WTF is that shit? I don't have a DVD player yet, holding out for the one that is a combined VCR/DVD since I have bazillions of VHS movies (not those kind pervs).

Why not on VHS as well? Seems there's quite a few coming out on one format only.

I'm sure not EVERYONE has a DVD Player. Or do they and I'm just the last person in the world to figure it out??

yep, im still a relic with just vhs player too....

aarrrgggg.....:rose: morning LG
Re: Re: Okay, I'm pissed.

eagleyez said:
yep, im still a relic with just vhs player too....

aarrrgggg.....:rose: morning LG

Whew, I'm glad I'm not alone :)

Morning sweetie!!:kiss: Coffee? I'll send you some.
I think I noticed something else I was interested in only being in DVD fomat. They are going to force us to switch sooner than later.
Soblue said:
I think I noticed something else I was interested in only being in DVD fomat. They are going to force us to switch sooner than later.

yep, the industry dictates the format changes...

I have a drawer full audio cassettes that never see the light of day...

ah well...

morning oh Blue one:rose: ;)
Yep, kinda like the whole CD thing.


I have boxes of LP's (Vinyl records for the young 'uns) and cassettes, and now I have towers of CD's.
One thing that helped clinch my buying a Playstation 2 for the young one was its ability to play DVD's. They're pretty slick, too.

I'm usually slow to get the latest tech fad.
LadyGuinivere said:
Yep, kinda like the whole CD thing.


I have boxes of LP's (Vinyl records for the young 'uns) and cassettes, and now I have towers of CD's.

yeah, my "Dont Be Denied" album is in their right?

still negotiating?:D
eagleyez said:
yeah, my "Dont Be Denied" album is in their right?

still negotiating?:D

Yes, love, it is :)

I must drag those boxes out of storage one day soon and go through them all.

I have every Led Zeppelin album ever made in there. Supertramp (not a word), Genesis, Who, sheesh..

I may have to go get them sooner than later!
LadyGuinivere said:
So I figure I'll go by "Eight Mile" on video, it was released here on Tuesday.

And it's only available on DVD. WTF is that shit? I don't have a DVD player yet, holding out for the one that is a combined VCR/DVD since I have bazillions of VHS movies (not those kind pervs).

Why not on VHS as well? Seems there's quite a few coming out on one format only.

I'm sure not EVERYONE has a DVD Player. Or do they and I'm just the last person in the world to figure it out??

I'm in the process of up grading to DVD's myself. I have a lot of VHS, no porn, the wife tossed them. :(
DVD players are cheap. You only need the cheapest one to enjoy a movie. They are around $70 in the States.
Re: Re: Okay, I'm pissed.

bknight2602 said:
I'm in the process of up grading to DVD's myself. I have a lot of VHS, no porn, the wife tossed them. :(

OUCH!! Maybe she was afraid you'd ...never mind ;)
Re: Re: Re: Okay, I'm pissed.

LadyGuinivere said:
OUCH!! Maybe she was afraid you'd ...never mind ;)

Right watch it? Get ideas? I think she didn't want the teenage boy to find and watch them. Like that never happened. I walked in on a party he and a bunch of his guy freinds and they were watching it and........

No I didn't look. hehehe
I was going to say, maybe she was afraid you'd wear something out?? :D :p
I think I may have 2 chick flicks, total. Ghost and Grease.

Face Off, Patriot Games, Broken Arrow, Escape from New York, Escape from LA, (a lot of Kurt Russell...drrool), Air Force One, ..

I'm more into action/suspense/mystery/comedy than chick flicks.
Hi LadyGuinivere,
I was going to buy Black Hawk Down for my dad as a Christmas gift this last Christmas. So I go into HMV and try to find it. Figured it would be easily visible. After looking for ages I finally ask the sales assistant. He tells me the same thing; only available on DVD. I started to question him WHY it wasn't on VHS and he just shook his shoulders. Then he checked his computer and said it wouldn't get out on VHS until later January/beginning of February!

I was so mad at the industry. Yeah, sure let it on VHS AFTER Xmas and have everyone get the DVD instead. Don't have one? Sure, we just happen to have a player for "sale". :rolleyes:

My folks don't have a DVD player at home, but I got one in my laptop. For me it's convenient as I travel around. I am sure they'll get a player at some point though, but yep, would be great with a VHS/DVD combination.