Okay, about the Catholic Church.


Mar 12, 2002
I was having a conversation with someone (about a minute ago) and in it, I mentioned that my family is Catholic. I emphasized that THEY are Catholic, and that I am not (he was confused about my sexual liberation and how it fit with Catholicism).

And as soon as I mentioned that I was not Catholic, he began to attack the Catholic Church, thinking that it was now okay, because I'm not Catholic.

Just because I can no longer believe many of the teachings of the Church and I no longer practice, doesn't mean that I'm anti-Catholic. I'm not anti-any religion.

To each his/her own. My family is Catholic because that is what works for them. They can happily give their all to that belief system, and I am happy for them that they've found something they can believe in with such conviction.

But as far as I'm concerned, it's not an 'if you're not for us, you're against us' type deal.

There's some grey area in there, folks.

I see this kind of thing a lot. Someone says they're not religous, and people begin to bash religion. Someone says they're not gay, and people begin to bash gays.

I don't just mean on Lit, I mean in RL, too.

Just something I had to get off my chest.
I mentioned to a neighbor, a Christian, that I was raised Catholic but I'm now an atheist. She asked if that meant I hated God now. I caught her putting sheep blood on her door today. Should I be worried?
I get sort of pissed when people start bashing Catholics, too. Even though I'm an atheist, I was raised Catholic and I still think that of all the Christians, Catholics are some of the best of the lot.
Some of the best drunks, gamblers & cussers I know are Catholic.

You don't have to agree with the church, but it doesn't make all Catholics bad.
Pyper said:
I get sort of pissed when people start bashing Catholics, too. Even though I'm an atheist, I was raised Catholic and I still think that of all the Christians, Catholics are some of the best of the lot.

I have much to be grateful for, from my Catholic upbringing. I learned a lot about treating people well, and I have a good sense of morality and virtue. I'm grateful for the years I spent in Catholic schools. I just can no longer match up my beliefs with those of the Catholic church, and rather than walk around with this impending feeling of church-imposed guilt, I decided to search for what made me feel peaceful inside.

And I found it.
I'm not a Catholic..............I don't bash Catholics

I'm not gay........................I don't bash gays

I'm not American................I'm not p_p_man!:D
lobito said:
Some of the best drunks, gamblers & cussers I know are Catholic.

You knew my former preist? Seriously, that man could drink, smoke, cuss, and gamble with the best of them. He was a riot.
Why Do You Think The Only Catholic President Was Assassinated?

The Masons on Catholicism and The Presidency:

"Whatever bigotry is in evidence in the United States is exhibited solely by the Roman Catholic hierarchy; that the Canon Law of the Roman Church and the directives of the Pope validate the fears of the people that the dual allegiance of American Catholics is a present danger to our free institutions, and lastly that the people in passing upon the qualifications of a Catholic candidate for the Presidency will be guided by their knowledge of history and their great store of plain old-fashioned common horse sense, and their innate caution not to gamble when their Liberties and National Security are at state.

Among American citizens there should be no question or suspicion of allegiance to any foreign power, but in the case of the Roman Catholic citizen, his church is the guardian of his conscience and asserts that he must obey its laws and decrees even if they are in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the United States."

Illustrious Luther A. Smith 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 33°
S.J., U.S.A.
The Mother Supreme Council of the World
New Age Magazine
The official organ of the Supreme Council 33°
February 1960

freemasonwatch.freepress-freespeech.com/ luciferquotes.html
Lioness, I haven't given up on faith.. I am spiritual, and I have found a belief system that gives me inner peace.

I have this kickass poster you might like about Jesus.

It says "Jesus was a rebel, Jesus was a misfit. He got beaten up and mocked. But if you stood in his shoes and lived his life, can you tell me... what would Jesus do?"
I was also raised Catholic and still do some of the prayers. I'm not allowed to go back to the Church until I get my marrige approved and get my husband converted, which will be a cold day in hell before that happens. I find the rituals beautiful and I miss them.

I wonder if there are some practising catholics on this board, and if so do they confess about their BSDM lifestyles? I think that would make an interesting confessional. "Forgive me Father for I have sinned... I enjoy spankings and nipple clamps!"

Anyway, I practise whatever I feel like.. From voodoo, hoodoo, witchcraft ot just plain 'ol prayer.

I think anyone who hates someone for what they believe in should look inside themselves and find out what's so hateful in them.. Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.. :) Petra
pet petra said:
I'm not allowed to go back to the Church until I get my marrige approved and get my husband converted,

WHOA! That's not true. You're not allowed to RECEIVE THE EUCHARIST until those things are done, but the chuch is glad that you go to church and that you participate in the service.

I know quite a few people in my family's church who were married outside of it, and who have raised their children as practicing catholics, while at the same time, they cannot receive the Eucharist. Those people ran the choirs, and took part in youth activities.
vixenshe said:
WHOA! That's not true. You're not allowed to RECEIVE THE EUCHARIST until those things are done, but the chuch is glad that you go to church and that you participate in the service.

I know quite a few people in my family's church who were married outside of it, and who have raised their children as practicing catholics, while at the same time, they cannot receive the Eucharist. Those people ran the choirs, and took part in youth activities.

That is good to know.. The priest here in the church I used to go to was furious and said he'd rather not have me back.. Apparently when I talked to other people who went to his services, they said he's quite a jerk. I'm moving to Arizona next month, so I'll find a church to go to.. I miss it.. The whole ritual and the music, etc.. There is also a "spiritual communion" that can be done as well which is nice.. :) Thanks for your info! :) Petra
pet petra said:
That is good to know.. The priest here in the church I used to go to was furious and said he'd rather not have me back.. Apparently when I talked to other people who went to his services, they said he's quite a jerk. I'm moving to Arizona next month, so I'll find a church to go to.. I miss it.. The whole ritual and the music, etc.. There is also a "spiritual communion" that can be done as well which is nice.. :) Thanks for your info! :) Petra

the 'spiritual communion'.. the blessing.

Your priest is a dimbulb.

and you're welcome. Go seek out a Church with a more accepting priest.
At least they're consistant.

I'm pro-choice, the Catholic Church is anit-abortion. But they're also officially anit-death penalty. If you're going to base your philosophy on a "sanctity of life" platform (at whatever stage), it's nice that they extend the concept to full grown human beings. I can't believe the "christians" who would preserve a few random cells at the expense of a woman's life, and yet have no qualms calling for capital punishment.

BTW, I consider myself a "recovering Catholic." 16 years of Catholic School.
kotori said:
At least they're consistant.

I'm pro-choice, the Catholic Church is anit-abortion. But they're also officially anit-death penalty. If you're going to base your philosophy on a "sanctity of life" platform (at whatever stage), it's nice that they extend the concept to full grown human beings. I can't believe the "christians" who would preserve a few random cells at the expense of a woman's life, and yet have no qualms calling for capital punishment.

BTW, I consider myself a "recovering Catholic." 16 years of Catholic School.

They're not anti-abortion, they're pro-life... pro-life covers the whole abortion, capital punishment, euthenasia, etc thing.
Re: Why Do You Think The Only Catholic President Was Assassinated?

Lancecastor said:
The Masons on Catholicism and The Presidency:

"Whatever bigotry is in evidence in the United States is exhibited solely by the Roman Catholic hierarchy; that the Canon Law of the Roman Church and the directives of the Pope validate the fears of the people that the dual allegiance of American Catholics is a present danger to our free institutions, and lastly that the people in passing upon the qualifications of a Catholic candidate for the Presidency will be guided by their knowledge of history and their great store of plain old-fashioned common horse sense, and their innate caution not to gamble when their Liberties and National Security are at state.

Among American citizens there should be no question or suspicion of allegiance to any foreign power, but in the case of the Roman Catholic citizen, his church is the guardian of his conscience and asserts that he must obey its laws and decrees even if they are in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the United States."

Illustrious Luther A. Smith 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 33°
S.J., U.S.A.
The Mother Supreme Council of the World
New Age Magazine
The official organ of the Supreme Council 33°
February 1960

freemasonwatch.freepress-freespeech.com/ luciferquotes.html

Interesting post, Lance . . . did you know that 22/24 signatories of the original Declaration of Independence were Masons . . . or that Dick Cheney is the Mason currently holding the highest public office (War, anyone . . . must protect the pilgrim routes to Jerusalem . . . and the oilfields) :)