OK...what is an


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
Alpha man? Or a man that is alpha??

I'm guessing it has something to do with BDSM?

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Alpha male is the male in the house.. the one with the stubborn head and everthing goes his way. My husband is one, just like his father and brothers... I joke on him a lot, being the alpha female and having those priveleges :D

Cytra said:

Alpha male is the male in the house.. the one with the stubborn head and everthing goes his way. My husband is one, just like his father and brothers... I joke on him a lot, being the alpha female and having those priveleges :D



Aha...no wonder he and I are like oil and water.;)

So, tell me about being an alpha female? Does this mean you're like Domme, and that there is a clash?
intrigued said:

So, tell me about being an alpha female? Does this mean you're like Domme, and that there is a clash?

pretty much. Just think of the Alpha as the "leader of the pack" and what happens when 2 try to lead.
Not into the BDSM lifestyle, but i guess you could say that its kind of like dom on dom. some days, one is more submissive than the other, but aggressive sex is always right around the corner... I like :)

storm1969 said:
pretty much. Just think of the Alpha as the "leader of the pack" and what happens when 2 try to lead.
So then...as some DOM's are DOM's all the time and some are only DOM's in the bedroom...an alpha male is DOM~like but not ONLY sexually??

cytra...I like too, if this means its fiery.:)
What Cytra said.

Alpha comes from the Greek numbering system. It means "one" or the first if I rem rightly.

In studies on wildlife the Alpha male or female is the topdog of that particular group. With it comes more food and sexual priveliges :D. A group of animals will most commonly have an Alpha male and female. Everyone seems to know their place.

Beta animals are the second down the rung and Omega animals usually pull up the rear. There is more between Beta and Omega but I forget what they are.

In BSDM terms it's usually "Top" and "Bottom". No need for a huge explination of why. There can be a conflict if you have 2 tops that want to play together. Someone will always have to give up some power. That's why you should play with 3 or more (heh heh).

Hope this helps
Signed Captin Science.
Exactly.. he likes things his way, what he thinks is always right, he has to have the last word, and will put up a fight if the other does not immeditatly submit because he knows he's right-- which i have proven him wrong every now and then. I feel victorious when i can give him the "I told you so," and same for him.

Not really Greek "numbering." Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet; it looks like this: "A". Beta is the second letter; it looks like this: "B". We liked them so well, we named our alphabet after them: "alpha," "bet." Omega (which I don't have on my keyboard) is the last letter, after Zeta (which, yes, looks like "Z").

Signed Corporal Letters
Oh, yeah, one more thing (damn, I feel like Colombo):

This terminology came from science, but is used everywhere. It really doesn't have anything specifically to do with BDSM. The captain of the football team could be considered the Alpha male in that small group. Stuff like that.
Cytra said:
Exactly.. he likes things his way, what he thinks is always right, he has to have the last word, and will put up a fight if the other does not immeditatly submit because he knows he's right-- which i have proven him wrong every now and then. I feel victorious when i can give him the "I told you so," and same for him.


Now this is getting interesting...so what happens when you prove him wrong?

blind and kotori...are you people yanking my chain?:D

I would think this ongoing power exchange can be very, very hot.

has nothing to do with BDSM.

It originated with an experiment done at Havard Univ. back in the 50's.

A rat cage was built with 3 sections. 1 large communal area and 2 smaller cages to each side. All interconnected. Rats were introduced and observed over several generations.

The more dominant two males took over the side cages. They allowed 'selected females' to share the cages with them. Size alone was not the determining factor. It was a combination of many things, including intelligence. These male rats were refered to as 'Alphas'. The males restricted to the communal cage were called 'Betas'.

The 'betas' were actually observed to be more prone to aggresive behavior among themselve and with the females than the 'alphas'. (Alpha wannabe's??)

As the population grew and crowding became a factor more and more 'homosexual' behavior was also observed within the 'beta' community. There was a popular book written that based much of it's observations and data on this experiment. "The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris.

So the term came to mean more in the context of natural leadership and explained why some men rose to the top while others languished in mediocrity.

Behavioral psych. stuff and unrelated to BDSM beyond a casual relationship.

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SINthysist said:
Another Hanns thread bro...

I suppose bro. But it is an interesting subject and hans just doesn't scare me at all.

Oops kotori is absolutely right. It's the Greek alphabet.

"The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris.
I hate to say it but Desmond Morris gives Anthropology a bad name. It's interesting armchair analysis but no real meat to his ideas.

are you people yanking my chain?
If you have a chain to yank sure ;) and yes it's a lot of fun.

There are also people known as "Switches" as they can switch back and forth. I guess it would be like being Superman. Mild mannered Clark Kent getting his ass tanned one minute. Superman the next time in trademark blue tights telling you to "Get down on your knees Slave and wiggle your ass in the air" or something like that.
Re: Alpha

Ishmael said:
has nothing to do with BDSM.

It originated with an experiment done at Havard Univ. back in the 50's.

A rat cage was built with 3 sections. 1 large communal area and 2 smaller cages to each side. All interconnected. Rats were intorduced and observed over several generations.

The more dominant two males took over the side cages. They allowed 'selected females to share the cages with them. Size alone was not the determining factor. It was a combination of many things, including intelligence. These male rats were refered to as 'Alphas'. The males restricted to the communal cage were called 'Betas'.

The 'betas' were actually observed to be more prone to aggresive behavior among themselve and with the females than the 'alphas'. (Alpha wannabe's??)

As the population grew and crowding became a factor more and more 'homosexual' behavior was also observed within the 'beta' community. There was a popular book written that based much of it's observations and data on this experiment. "The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris.

So the term came to mean more in the context of natural leadership and explained why some men rose to the top while others languished in mediocrity.

Behavioral psych. stuff and unrelated to BDSM beyond a casual relationship.


Thank you.

I wondered if this was something we develop, or if it is inate and it seems you are saying it is inate. That answers my question.:)

I trhink what I am struggling with is its effect on sexuality, and as noted above when you said at times homosexuality was noted, I guess everything goes back to sexuality.

I've had too much coffee.
Blindinthedark said:


I hate to say it but Desmond Morris gives Anthropology a bad name. It's interesting armchair analysis but no real meat to his ideas.

iggle your ass in the air" or something like that.

Hmmm, I don't remember reviewing the book for quality in my post.

1 point for me, 0 for him--or vice versa. pretty much sums up to the battle of the sexes. it allows me not to feel like the suppressed wife, and him to feel like a man. everyone is happy and life goes on. sometimes though, feelings get hurt, and you then discover limitations... because you care. we definately have our ups and downs, fights, etc, but then who doesn't? our main conflict is our relentlessness to give in. When he tells me something that I did not want to hear, i'll put in a fight and probably make things worse. but then, after the anger has died down, i realize.. hey, he's right. everything is well again. as for me, my main weapon is memory and precision, so i log everything and when something slips his mind and he makes something else up, or does something wrong, i tell him, and he does not want to believe me. we both need to make sure the stove is hot by ourselves...

as for in the bedroom, i want to explore certain things with him that he is unwilling because he doesnt want "my dick in the house." but, we are still a growing couple and things can change in the next couple of years... :devil: he's my bitch in the end.. hihi

Blindinthedark said:
Oops kotori is absolutely right. It's the Greek alphabet.


I hate to say it but Desmond Morris gives Anthropology a bad name. It's interesting armchair analysis but no real meat to his ideas.


If you have a chain to yank sure ;) and yes it's a lot of fun.

There are also people known as "Switches" as they can switch back and forth. I guess it would be like being Superman. Mild mannered Clark Kent getting his ass tanned one minute. Superman the next time in trademark blue tights telling you to "Get down on your knees Slave and wiggle your ass in the air" or something like that.

lol, the images of Superman saying something like that has me spewing coffee!:)

As I am always the one yanking the chain, it would be nice to have mine yanked if only once.:D

The more I research BDSM, I am beginning to think I am a switch, and actually, I think alot of people are, particularly women. We love to be "taken to the point of mindless surrender", yet we like to push and tease and please (intensely) and leave our partner a bit mindless, too.
Isn't it all mood, and what ones needs are at the time?
Re: Re: Alpha

intrigued said:
Thank you.

I wondered if this was something we develop, or if it is inate and it seems you are saying it is inate. That answers my question.:)

I trhink what I am struggling with is its effect on sexuality, and as noted above when you said at times homosexuality was noted, I guess everything goes back to sexuality.

I've had too much coffee.

Not really. Sexuality is but one component.

For example, the alphas fought far less often than the betsa and were far more tolerant of the females behavior. They were also tolerant of the betas to a point. It was observed that the alphas tended to pick their fights with care (intelligence?) rather than try to defend everything (Control?). This leads to some of what Cytra posted and her posts suggest that she is NOT dealing with an alpha at all.

Loud, argumentative, abusive, controling behavior is not an indication of an alpha.

intrigued quoted: Isn't it all mood, and what ones needs are at the time?
I'd say it depends on the person more than just the mood. There are some people who are programmed to be dominate and others to be submissive. These folks can play the other side but really get off in their "natural state". I'd say even switches have a preference. But it's hard to say. You'll have to do a poll. Or check out the BDSM forum. I'm sure you'll get lots of pointers and ideas there :D
intrigued said:
lol, the images of Superman saying something like that has me spewing coffee!:)

As I am always the one yanking the chain, it would be nice to have mine yanked if only once.:D

The more I research BDSM, I am beginning to think I am a switch, and actually, I think alot of people are, particularly women. We love to be "taken to the point of mindless surrender", yet we like to push and tease and please (intensely) and leave our partner a bit mindless, too.
Isn't it all mood, and what ones needs are at the time?

Hi, Miss I.:D

This is interesting here.

I definately like the alpha male type...the one in control. If I'm understanding this right, switching...the pushing and teasing...is assuming a more domineering role. For the me the fun of the switch is the controlled response to it. It's a tease back at me. In that respect it's not much of a switch at all.

I'm not sure I should be thinking about this when I need to fix brunch in a few mins.
Re: Re: Re: Alpha

Ishmael said:
Not really. Sexuality is but one component.

For example, the alphas fought far less often than the betsa and were far more tolerant of the females behavior. They were also tolerant of the betas to a point. It was observed that the alphas tended to pick their fights with care (intelligence?) rather than try to defend everything (Control?). This leads to some of what Cytra posted and her posts suggest that she is NOT dealing with an alpha at all.

Loud, argumentative, abusive, controling behavior is not an indication of an alpha.


How would you categorize a male (or female) that always has to be the one who is right, and who will not let anyone other male tell him what to do, with the exception of people who are certified? Argumentative is the only word from your list that i can relate to. With the amount of information I have given on my spouse, I strongly doubt that you can say whether he is or isn't an alpha male.
