OK, the debates.


We'll see.
Feb 17, 2005
I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, I'm a Socialist. But i'd like to think I'm pretty apolitical when it comes to US politics. As far as I'm concerned, they're all corporate shills.

I was the first person in Rory's thread to say Obama got a kicking. I was among the first in AJ's thread to say Ryan was getting a kicking.

I've watched both debates, how the fuck can the right spin Ryan's performance as a win?
Because Biden didn't win as decisively as Romney won. It was a soft win for Biden, so the spin doctors are turning it into a soft victory for Ryan. The Romney/Obama debate was the only one I've ever seen that was totally unspinnable.
Maybe they thought the behavior of the other two debaters cancelled each other out.

You didn't watch the debate, you parrot talking points from your masters. Your opinion doesn't count.
You asked for an opinion, I gave you mine. You should spend as much time worrying about your own fucked up political condition. I see one of the few remaining men in your country was fined by the EU, you should be outraged.

You mean Nigel Farage? The one that complains about the EU and sucks at the tit?

You didn't watch the debate, you parrot the talking points.
Fuck you, I can still have an opinion; and though I only saw a few minutes of the debates, I didn't have to be hit in the face with a wet mop to see that she was assisting Biden.

So you're saying you didn't see it, but because the RW spin machine told you what to believe, that's the truth. Praise Jesus!
There's a thick, palpable disappointment among the Right that Biden didn't make any verbal gaffes at the debate.
I'm saying I didn't see it all, only a few minutes before having to go out. I make my own talking points.:rolleyes:

So, based on your limited viewing, you saw the 82 interruptions by the moderator?
So maybe you can explain the tax plan...the one supported by six reports:rolleyes:

I can it's easy as fuck doesn't matter who wins taxes are going up.
16 trillion debt
2.5 trillion defect.
Money to pay for entitlements gotta come from somewhere the shit it's free.
I can it's easy as fuck doesn't matter who wins taxes are going up.
16 trillion debt
2.5 trillion defect.
Money to pay for entitlements gotta come from somewhere the shit it's free.

Thank you. Now I need to hear it from the R&R boys.
I can it's easy as fuck doesn't matter who wins taxes are going up.
16 trillion debt
2.5 trillion defect.
Money to pay for entitlements gotta come from somewhere the shit it's free.

As hard as it is to read your 1st grade prose, the deficit isn't 2.5 trillion.
Not at all, I only saw a dozen or so from Biden and some from the third debater. Read about the rest.

So the moderator asking Ryan to actually answer the question rather than make an off topic speech is a bad thing?
For FY 2012 it was 1.1 trillion. You were close though, only off by a little more then 100%.

I just looked my self I was off a trillion but the point is taxes are going up.
no politician was to tell the truth how bad we are fucked.
There's not enough wealth to pay are debt.
Default going to happen.
I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, I'm a Socialist. But i'd like to think I'm pretty apolitical when it comes to US politics. As far as I'm concerned, they're all corporate shills.

I was the first person in Rory's thread to say Obama got a kicking. I was among the first in AJ's thread to say Ryan was getting a kicking.

I've watched both debates, how the [heck] can the right spin Ryan's performance as a win?

Didn't watch it. I heard that Biden was a rude asshole and the moderator let him get away with it. I heard that Ryan was a well mannered gentleman.

Don't know if that's an accurate portrayal of what happened, but if so, it shows who the better man is, and would thus be a win.
Biden's voice sounds like he has paste build up in his throat from all the semen he must have swallowed over the years.