OK I have the solution


Jun 1, 2002
ok I have the solution to our governments woes. I am announcing it right here on LIT I am forming a new political party called the Common Sense Party.
when my party is in power:
First and foremost we will no longer have the superfluous spending that we have right now.

1. Senators and representatives get paid only the expenses they need to perform their duties so as to prevent congress from being a full time job. Staffers will be paid a set salary by the congress itself.

2. Senators/reps will not be allowed to vote for any bill that will send money to their distict. If they think that the money for a hot dog museum in their town is a good Idea then they need to convince the rest of the congressmen/women that it is a good idea.

3. to prevent senators from trading votes with eachother there will be a limit to the number of votes that they can cast in a year. Votes cannot be sold/traded or transfered in any way.

In this way we can cut federal taxes without reducing spending on important things like roads and military stuff. if anybody has more idea for our platform let me know and I will consider it. and please stay away from the abortion issue that is not what we are about and it assigns to many labels.

Starblayde said:
Anyone who wants to be a politician isn't allowed to be.

Anyone who would be a good politician has enough common sense not to want the job.
ChefChip said:
1. Senators and representatives get paid only the expenses they need to perform their duties so as to prevent congress from being a full time job.
How many hours a week do you think Congressmen work? Do you really think they can accomplish their jobs on a part-time basis?
Starblayde said:
Anyone who wants to be a politician isn't allowed to be.

I don't want to be the politician, I just want these things to happen. if that means becoming part of the system to work within it so be it.
ChefChip said:
I don't want to be the politician, I just want these things to happen. if that means becoming part of the system to work within it so be it.

No, i was agreeing with you. Its just a shame that the proper 'idealists' get drawn into the system and end up helpless
Re: Re: OK I have the solution

Mischka said:
How many hours a week do you think Congressmen work? Do you really think they can accomplish their jobs on a part-time basis?

the same way many state legistlators do it. get a real job and serve their community out of good will not for money
You didn't answer the question. What is your estimate for the number of hours federal Congressmen work?
Mischka said:
You didn't answer the question. What is your estimate for the number of hours federal Congressmen work?

a lot I will ask my dad who works for the GAO wich is a congresional agency but I know that they are only in session for about six months a year
That doesn't mean they don't work when they are not in session. Congressmen have to go home to their constituents, to find out what is needed back home. They work year-round.

Also, the federal legislature differs substantilly from state legislatures. In Texas (where you live, right?), the legislature only meets every other year. Apples and oranges.

I'm not saying I am against shaking up the system, but you need to start from an accurate basis.
Mischka said:
Congressmen have to go home to their constituents, to find out what is needed back home. They work year-round.

You mean 'they're supposed to'.

Funny how you only notice when an election is coming up......
Mischka said:
That doesn't mean they don't work when they are not in session. Congressmen have to go home to their constituents, to find out what is needed back home. They work year-round.

Also, the federal legislature differs substantilly from state legislatures. In Texas (where you live, right?), the legislature only meets every other year. Apples and oranges.

I'm not saying I am against shaking up the system, but you need to start from an accurate basis.

the idea here is to get these people to think in the interests of their comminuties without monetary gain as a reward. also if people thought more about what is best for the whole country on the national level.
Mischka said:

Also, the federal legislature differs substantilly from state legislatures. In Texas (where you live, right?), the legislature only meets every other year. Apples and oranges.

I'm not saying I am against shaking up the system, but you need to start from an accurate basis.

Mischka, I understand that the Texas legislature is only paid about $7000 per year, because they didn't want professional politicians. The practical result is that most of the TX legislature is populated with millionaires. Any truth to that? Maybe my information is outdated.
patient1 said:
Mischka, I understand that the Texas legislature is only paid about $7000 per year, because they didn't want professional politicians. The practical result is that most of the TX legislature is populated with millionaires. Any truth to that? Maybe my information is outdated.

I was refering to the Va legislature when I was comparing it to the sate level but I just want to emphasis that I want senators who really want to help their constituents rather than profit from them.
I was sure this would have been more response provoking. maybe I have too big an ego or too much time on my hands.
Chefchip, it is an interesting idea when you're in the mood. I think our political pre-occupation is global these days.

I raised the question about the TX legislature because I thought it was one of those good ideas that didn't pan out. You replace the professional politicians with guys that are employed by special interests, or are special intetrests unto themselves, not with ordinary citizens.

You might want to try bringing this thread back at another time.
I do think it's one of your best.
I think there are some valid point in that idea. For one, if the politicians spent less time and money with hookers they could get the job done, done well at that, in the time allowed for part-time work. Not every politician turns their congressional seat into a full-time job so it is possible to do it in a part-time manner.

I did notice however that you forgot to mention healthcare and social security.
MsSpellChecker said:
I think there are some valid point in that idea. For one, if the politicians spent less time and money with hookers they could get the job done, done well at that, in the time allowed for part-time work. Not every politician turns their congressional seat into a full-time job so it is possible to do it in a part-time manner.

I did notice however that you forgot to mention healthcare and social security.

both of those are very important and though I know a lot about them and have my own opinions I am not well versed enough to venture them yet. I will say that if spending is reduced then other monies can be funneled into SS and Medicare. But in order for that to work I think people need to realize how those systems work better. I am not going to go into it but to say the least the money you put into SS is not for you, it is for the people who are old now. So as a result don't complain about how your money is being spent. Honestly I don't know how to save SS, investment is too risky and lower risk stuff does not produce the yeild we need to raise the funds.
