O'Hell NO.. wtf is wrong this dude!?


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010
the things people do these days, majority do it for attention. *Shakeshead*

the things people do these days, majority do it for attention. *Shakeshead*

My main concern would be infection. Those types of piercings are known for becoming very infected... and he's now got several around his eyes. Way too close to the brain. Besides, those will likely reject before long. Waste of time and money.
My main concern would be infection. Those types of piercings are known for becoming very infected... and he's now got several around his eyes. Way too close to the brain. Besides, those will likely reject before long. Waste of time and money.

fuck that, fuck the brain lol.. that shit is very fucking close to his eyes.

i won't be surprise if he does catches something an loses vision.
I can't even stand to have a stray hair in front of my eye let alone a steel bar.
Word on the street is, he just got released from prison and had some trouble adjusting, so...
fuck that, fuck the brain lol.. that shit is very fucking close to his eyes.

i won't be surprise if he does catches something an loses vision.

Well sure, if one of the pieces becomes loose and unscrews completely, but most people who've piercings check to make sure their jewelry is snug throughout the day. Usually, the jewelry is well-made, surgical steel and very rarely will break or malfunction in any way. This gentleman has other piercings, which leads me to believe he has somewhat of a grasp on how to care for them.

But the placement of these in particular is not only foolish, it's dangerous. A bad infection anywhere on the face, especially next to an opening like the eyes, ears, nose...etc is much worse news than the fear that the ball on the bar might come loose.

And, like I said, piercings sometimes will reject. Eyebrows are especially prone to this.

This is just for shock value. He obviously didn't think it through.
if this dude walked in and asked me for a job, I'd piss my pants laughing. Maybe he can get a job painting stripes?