Oh Lovely Lit Mistress Laurel


And to think Laurel only needed THREE hearts to grab her attention.
Absolutely. Not that there's any evil at the General board. Some rampant stupidity, yes, but I don't see that either. :D
Laurel said:
Absolutely. Not that there's any evil at the General board. Some rampant stupidity, yes, but I don't see that either. :D
Powerful with the force, this one is.
Laurel said:
Absolutely. Not that there's any evil at the General board. Some rampant stupidity, yes, but I don't see that either. :D

<----------------rampant stupidity.
Labrawhore Retrievewhore!

Let's all go out for coffee together. Right now.
He's so cute when he's stoned!

shhhh. don't tell summery, but I may have to stalk her! I like her pussy! :D
Laurel said:
Labrawhore Retrievewhore!

Let's all go out for coffee together. Right now.

Sartbucks wooo! Vente Mocaha!
Laurel said:

Let's all go out for coffee together. Right now.
What, and miss the stupidity?

I'm there.

Last one to Starbuck's is a whore-able loser.
Vulnavia said:
He's so cute when he's stoned!

shhhh. don't tell summery, but I may have to stalk her! I like her pussy! :D

you made me spit my dr peppper. bad vulnaverino!