Of Ogres and Women (Closed for cgraven)


Really Really Experienced
Feb 25, 2011
The far off lands of Bailesville was a peaceful one, living in a safe harmony as it nestled in the outskirts of the fertile plains. Everyone had their purpose there, very rarely straying from that role; even then, their choice would take them as far as the next town over, before settling down into the same routine. With very few squabbles amongst the townsfolk, and with even fewer with the neighboring lands, Bailesville was indeed a quiet place to live...

Until the ogres came in from the north.

Ruthless in advance and uncaring in their pillaging, the plains were soon becoming dry and bare as the desert land to the west. Something had to be done, if only to preserve future generations from knowing fear and poverty. A white flag was eventually raised, in the hopes that it would be received with a moment of mercy... if at all.
Ogres! For centuries they had been seen as merely brutes beneath the contempt of the other races. The elves had thought them a joke in the poorest of tastes. The dwarves had driven them back from their vaunted Mountains to the waste lands of the icy north to continue there never ending bickering and inter tribal warfare. It was this inter tribal warfare that had kept the fearsome creatures from threatening the older more civilized races of the middle kingdoms. It was their disunity that protected the Elves and Dwarves. A disunity that one Ogre clan would remedy.

The Blue Clan of the ogres was not particularly large but it was united under a single family, the family Urgknot. Under its patriarch Thunder Urgknot the wars of unification began. The first to fall and been their knee to the Blue Clan and the house of Urgknot here the Yellow Horde ogres. Like all ogres the derived their clan name by the tint of their skin. Soon the Red, Black and Gray Clans feel and bent their knee to the house of Urgknot. It took another thousand years for the old hatreds to die. By that time the ogres where ready to leave the icy realms that they had been forced into. The bitterness of the cold a reminder of what had been done to them.

Like a cold winter wind they swept out of the north down on to the fertile plains of the newest race of the middle kingdom man. They came with a vengeance spreading fear and desolation as they pillaged and raped their way from human kingdom to kingdom. Those that submitted and bent their knee were allowed to rule under the fist of the Blue Clan and the house of Urgknot. Those that did not had their lands turned to desert wastes every living soul slaughtered. Now it was Bailesville’s turn to submit or parish as the three Ogre rides came to meet the white flag.

“ If you want peace humans you will pay the tribute that is demanded of you.”

It did not take long for the elders of Bailesville were to learn the tribute that was to be demanded.

“ You will bring before us every virgin of your town of breeding age ten will be selected to serve your new Masters. You have one hour humans their virtue for your lives.”

The Ogre straightened in his saddle.

“ If you hide any then all will parish.”

Bailesville now knew what the price was for their survival.
The town's elders have scrambled for an alternative-- any answer whatsoever. Finding none, it was with a heavy heart that they had done as the ogres demanded. There was a wide array of young women, and out of those that weren't already promised to someone else, close to a half of that number still held onto their chastity. It seemed that what was before scorned as foolish tendencies had been a saving grace for those young girls.

One of these young virgin girls was named Aara. The eldest of five girls, she was trained to a life of hard work in the straw fields in order to support the rest of her family. Her back was held straight as she stood in line, thankful that the next sister was just barely underage and able to stay at home. Her stick straight brown hair was gathered together at the base of her neck, just meeting the swell of her behind, firm with hard work. Her skin, tanned with sun exposure, stood out in contrast to the rest of the alabaster skinned ladies, their lightly colored eyes downcast to their feet. Her own, the smooth brown of freshly overturned earth, didn't meet the ogres' either, nor were they trained on the ground.

While she wasn't fully accepting of her possible future, if it was one that saved the home she loved from a gruesome fate, then she'd have to be foolish to cast it aside.
The Elders of Bailesville took consul among themselves as was their right. Each had become a consul elder because of the wisdom their years had brought. Each and ever one of them knew what refusal of the Ogrish Hordes demand would be. Death for all, Man Woman, and Child. In the end they were willing to sacrifice the few for the many rather than fight.

An hour later each virginal maid of breeding age was lined up in front of the Ogre War Lord. Ten of these young innocent maidens would be taken, sacrificed so Bailesville could survive. The Ogre War Lord strutted up and down the line of young human beauties. He lifted their chins with a single finger to peer into their wide frightened eyes. His golden eyes, with their vertical slit like a serpents, seemed to be able to see into very depth of their souls. Soon he began the culling of the virgin maids. The first selected was the youngest of the group her tawny copper hair seemingly capturing his interest. One by one the young pale skinned golden and redheaded beauties were selected until nine had been selected. The War Lord stood before a stunning you copper haired beauty like all the others she stood there her shoulders slumped and demurely looking at her feet, radiating her fear. The other girl held back straight as she stood in line. Her was straight a rich lustrous brown hair gathered at the base of her neck, cascading down the sinuous column of her spine to just brush the sensual swell of her firm little derrière. Unlike the others this nut brown haired beauty skin was not pale alabaster or rich creamy ivory but a golden hue kisses by the sun’s golden rays. Her own, sweet doe brown eyes didn't meet the Ogres' either, nor were they trained on the ground. With a sudden swiftness that belied his great size and bulk The Ogre War Lord ripped open the blouse of the copper haired beauty baring her firm young breasts for all to see. The girl’s right breast had a small blemish at which the Ogre grunted in disapproval. He then turned to the brown haired beauty. ,


With that single word Aara became the ninth to be selected to complete Bailesville tribute to the Ogres.

The young beauties were roped together to be led away to their new life in the Ogre’s lair. For three days they marched to the North. If their steps faltered or if they failed to keep the pace the fiery kiss of the lash licked at their firm little bottoms to encourage them. When at last they arrived at the Lair each girl was strung up and stripped for inspection. Some, the unluckiest would go to the brothels that serviced the common Ogre soldier. Others would go to War Lords and one would go to the house of Urgknot to become a concubine to the Supreme Ogre War Lord. And so Aara was placed on display with the rest of the tribute.

Focusing on keeping her breathing even, Aara waited as the Ogre Warlord went up and down the lines of young women, worried families waiting a measurable distance away. She didn't need to look to know her own parents were amongst that number. They had loved each daughter dearly, not once regretting the absence of a son to carry on her family's name. They were also wishing that her daughter be spared from whatever gruesome fate lay before her.

Aara, on the other hand, stayed in line with her head faced forward. If she looked back, she knew she'd break down and want to race back, be the little tomboy with knobby, skinned knees and a tangled brown mess on her head. Age had rounded her out some, especially on her hips and chest, and an odd sort of vanity led her to want to tan her skin all over, not just the exposed arms and legs, which had unfortunately thwarted the interest of the local boys. They all liked the fair-skinned, blushing bride maidens.

Which was why the first emotion she showed after standing in line was a mixture of shock and surprise when a massive finger was pointed in her direction.

Bridgette, the sister just barely saved because of her age, started shouting a denial as she squirmed to get out of their father's arms. As much of a wildcat as their late grandmother, her messy red curls flying with her struggles, she nearly broke free when Aara caught sight of her, being tied into line.

"No!" she shouted, making her sister pause. The poor thing had tears streaming down her face, but if Aara didn't do this now, she'd regret it for the rest of her life. "You have to take care of your sisters now. Promise me!"

Bridgette's slow, watery nod was the last thing Aara saw before the line was pulled forward.

It was a long walk, for even longer three days, as they trudged ever north. The air around them grew colder, the ground less lush with life. All girls had stumbled, though Aara only did twice-- once when the ground below her shifted and she lost her balance, and the second when helping another girl along took too much time for the ogre's liking. They had finally made it, and were ushered into a cell, before being stripped of all clothing. Tears came then, but she stubbornly refused to let them fall, to let her captors see.

Ropes twined around her wrists and body, holding her in place in an equally lewd and sturdy position. Her hair tie was removed as well, her thick locks fanning out across her back. Once everything was done to the ogre's satisfaction, there they were left, in the dark and the cold. It settled across Aara's skin, raising gooseflesh and pebbling her nipples, but there was little that could be done. Nothing was said between the girls as the wait stretched on, the silence being filled with sniffles and light sobs.
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Aara's captures had taken the greatest pleasure i stripping her of her clothing. Their grubby and gnarled hands taking the most indecent liberties with her soft flawless body. The War Lord that had brought her in with the rest of the tribute from Bailesville had noticed her spirit on the long humiliating march that had taken the young virgins from their families and all they had know or hoped for. For these untouched innocents there would be know husband and wedding night to surrender their virgin's treasure to. No tender lover to seduce them in a forest clearing under the watchful eye of the virgin moon in her flight across the night sky. No for Aara and the rest of Bailesville's tribute to the Ogre horde their only value lay in there youth and beauty and when that fade their future lay in the common soldier's brothels where they would be anyone who had the coin to pay for them.

The War Lord was pleased with the way his men had displayed Aara, withe her arms and elbows uplifted so her angelic face rested on her forearms and her proud young breasts were displayed to perfection. He gave a slight nod to the attending ogre and the young beauty was drawn up and forced to balance on her tiptoes the muscles in her well toned legs and the sensual curves of her gorgeous young body accentuated for the buyers who were just arriving. He of course not bid on her against a superior officer but he would buy her for himself for he longed to bring this young human beauty to kneel at his feet and coo as she called him Master.

What ever hope the War Lord had to possess Aara for his own began to fade when he saw he one called True Sight take notice in the young beauty. he lifted her chin and looked deeply into her soft doe brown eyes.

"What do they call you girl?"

His voice was dark and guttural like all the ogres she had heard and yet he was not like any she had seen so far, for as he gazed into her soft eyes she could feel her soul being barred to him. He seemed to be only half listening as she spoke her name. But his eyes those eyes that seemed to see her most hidden thoughts, she could see in their haunting golden depth that he knew what she was called before she ever spoke.

" Have her dressed you know how he likes to unwrap his new toys."

You heard the 1st Minister have her bathed, her neither regions shaved and dressed for she is to become the property of Strong Bow Urgknot
If it was bad enough that the ogres had taken their perverse pleasure in undressing her, then the way they set her up for display was even worse. The ropes sharply pulled up, putting a strain on her arms that could only be relieved by standing on the balls of her feet. Even that gave the few ogres there pleasure, their serpentine eyes roaming over her naked figure. Her eyes clenched shut, not wanting to look at any of them. She was stripped naked for them like a sex-crazed floozy, by the sake of the Creators! A flush darkened her cheeks and the top of her neck.

The feeling of a large hand gently grasping her chin startled her into opening her eyes, finding another ogre standing before her. While this one was staring intently at her, it was into her eyes. He asked of her name, but it was all Aara could do to resist from shivering. She was naked before the other ogres, but she was exposed to this one. No secret was left untouched.

"A-Aara..." she stammered, wondering if he could even hear her... or if he already knew her answer.

The order came to have her bathed, and the momentary relief of having the ropes loosened and her bonds cut away was replaced with a wary fear as she was flanked by a pair of the blue-skinned beasts. Each took an arm in their massive hands, starting to lead her from the room. Wait... they said nether regions shaved?!

The bath water they dunked her in was lukewarm, still managing to steal her breath. A massive hand grasped both of hers in one, stretching them over her head and raising her up. The other, soon lined with suds, slowly ran over her naked body-- arms, down to neck and shoulders, the expanse of her back and around to her stomach, and up to each breast. The pads of his clawed fingers rubbed and pinched each nipple, making Aara squirm and kick her feet helplessly. While the first ogre busied himself with her torso, the other took the task of catching each leg to wash that. Once that was completed, his hand lewdly slid up her leg, rubbing her Venus mound with his fingers, making sure to dip in between her outer lips.

Hot tears of shame rolled down her face as she squealed and cried out her protests, which fell on deaf ears and lecherous grins. The hand washing her mound slid further back in between her legs, taking care in washing each globe. Going from one to the next was made a slow torture, each finger passing slowly into the very forbidden area of her ass. None too soon, it stopped, only for the ogre between her legs to reach for a sharp blade she didn't notice until just then. Aara's struggles were quelled the hand on her breasts rising to her throat. "Keep them spread nice and pretty," his deep voice rumbled, paired with a light squeeze. She shook as she fell still, and more tears came as her legs were spread further apart.

Each pass of the blade seemed to last a year, and was made even worse when her nether lips were flattened by uncaring, large hands. With a last critical once-over, topped off with her most intimate area being spread open once again, she was dunked into the water, suds being thoroughly rinsed off. Aara was then toweled off-- another excuse for the ogres to fondle every inch of her-- and she was then dressed in an outfit that covered as well as exposed her. A deep blue, silky and thin fabric plunged a deep neckline into a sash tied at her waist. Her left arm was draped by an elegant sleeve, and the fabric ran down to the floor, but was cut high up on her legs, damn near up to her hips. Her body as unused to the cold as she was, her nipples beaded sharply, easily showing through the thin fabric.

Once again, her "escorts" grasped each arm, walking down a long stone hallway and leading her to a set of double doors. Her dread grew with every hurried step she was forced to take, trying to keep her legs pressed together as much as possible to prevent the strange feel of her mound against the smooth fabric.

(OOC: clicky clicky! It's the second from the left)
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True Sight of the Kule de Fae 1st minister of the Imperial court of the Ogre Empire was intrigued by the young human beauty with the nut brown hair and golden skin kissed by the warm southern sun. Yet it was her soft doe brown eyes that had caught his interest. There was an open wide eyed innocence that contained not only her fear but a strong, bright, flickering spirit he rarely saw in the tribute that was sent to Strong Hold, the seat of the Ogre Empire. She would not easily be cowed, or bowed to another’s will. Oh yes she could be broken to become noting but a pretty little rag doll her gorgeous young body used to pleasure who ever had the price for he, but what a waste.

True Sight had watched discreetly from a hidden viewing cubicle Aara’s humiliation as she was crudely bathed by her Ogre attendants. It would not do for them to become carried away with their duties, for if they did this magnificent young beauty might be spoiled. He watched as the young beauty was molested by her keepers. True Sight found himself leaning forward as the ogre between her legs reached for a sharp blade, she didn't notice until just then. The girl’s struggles were quelled when the hand on her breasts gripped her slender throat.

"Keep them spread nice and pretty,"

Her keeper’s deep voice rumbled, paired with a light squeeze. She shook as she fell still, and her silent tears seared her flawless cheeks as her legs were spread further apart for Aara’s latest humiliation. True Sight kept his vigil until the young beauty had been dressed and made ready. He would be the one to present this chaste young beauty to Strong Bow Urgknot Supreme War Lord of the Kule De Fae and master of the ogres.

Aara was lead from her bath to be presented robed in a shimmering blue gown that did little to hide her chaste maidenly charms but rather accented them while drawing the viewer’s eyes to them.

“ You will kneel when you are brought into the presence of your Masters Aara.”

With the slightest of nods Aara was forced to her knees before True Sight.

“You will kneel up straight….”

The tip of a spear pricked at the small of the girl’s back.

“Your hands clasped at the nape of your neck and elbows out.”

This time True Sight waited to see if the young beauty obeyed or weather her attendants would have to compel her to comply. Once Aara was in the required position of display. He slowly circled the kneeling young beauty. He was pleased at the way her firm young breasts were thrust up and out as if in offering to those that viewed her. Her gorgeous young body displayed to perfection. Satisfied True Sight let the back of his hand caress the young girl’s cheek, his touch was almost tender. Then he buckled a supple leather collar around Aara’s slender throat. It bore the signet of Strong Bow Urgknot , and declared to all that she was his personal property. True Sight attached a lead to Aara’s slave collar.

“Come girl.”

Aara was lead from the slave market and into a coach that would take her to Kule De Fare,


Aara, bare footed was lead through the corridors of Kule De Fae. In her wake she heard guttural mummers of what those that saw her would do with her or to her once her Master had tired of her. Finally two great iron doors sung open and Aara got her first glimpse of Strong Bow Urgknot upon his throne and what her fate might be.

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Aara was surprised to find the kinder ogre standing before them suddenly, but she didn't want to get her hopes up too high. Kind he may be, but he was still an ogre when the sun set. Pleading for release to him may not work the way she wanted to.

A gasp came when she was forced to kneel, and a sharp "Ow!" followed the prick of the spear, though it did straighten her back. The instruction to put her hands on her neck and raise up her elbows was followed halfway through, before she realized the intent. She was already dressed ridiculously and bare in places she shouldn't be; why not just carry her in on a silver platter, with an apple stuffed into her mouth?! Before her temper got the best of her, her elbows were grabbed and forced up, with a bit of a struggle on her end. Aara glared daggers from the sides of her eyes, but schooled her tongue from saying anything she would regret. Her jaw clenched harder with the introduction of a collar and lead, cheeks burning.

Being led through the doors and into a coach, of all things, she tried not to openly stare at everything around her as she was taken up to the Kule De Fae, a massive stone castle. Being the first one she had ever seen in her life, her eyes grew wide and the size... no, not the size. It was the sheer weight of superiority that threatened to bow her spine and make her feel small. The thoroughly cold air made her shiver as she stepped out of the coach, nearly wincing every time her bare feet stepped on the floor. The murmurings directed towards her and her well-used body being conquered by them next had her shying closer to the middle of the hall, away from their imagined reaching hands.

And then she saw it. And him. The head of her new lot in life.

He was about the same size as the other ogres she had seen, but like the kind one, had an air about him, one that demanded fealty and respect. He was sitting on an oddly constructed throne that suited him, dressed in armor that she assumed decreed him royalty of sorts, and his hand... held other leashes. Just like her own. Her eyes remained wide, but her back was forced straight once more, unwilling to show weakness in front of her captors.
Strong Bow Urgknot Supreme War Lord of the Kule De Fae reclined on his throne his little naked pets collared and kneeling at his feet as his 1st Minister True Sight led in the newest acquisition. The young beauties, one golden haired with pale ivory skin the other a chestnut haired beauty eat from bowls at their Master’s feet. Where the 1st minister’s eyes were unsettling with their knowing gaze Urgknot’s seemed deceptively aloof, yet they were eyes that saw everything while not appearing to look. Very little escaped his notice. He saw as True Sight had not only the fear in the young beauty’s soft doe brown eyes but he also so the spirit that burned ever stronger in their clear innocent depths. Those soft eyes hardened as she saw what fate awaited her. Aara glared daggers but was wise enough to schooled her tongue from saying anything she would regret. Her jaw clenched, and her cheeks were burning.

Kneel before your Master as I have shown you Aara. It is unwise to provoke Urgknot the strong Bow.

All eyes were on the young beauty to she if she would obey the instructions being whispered to her by the 1st minister or whether she would be providing them a little show as her screams echoed through the immense hall. Aara’s moment of truth had come would pride keep her standing or would she bend her knee to the creature that now owned her body and soul.
For an ogre king, or whatever he was called, he seemed nothing at all like the human king who ruled back at home. King Duncan was just, fair, and kind. This Urgknot probably wouldn't have noticed if either one of his pets escaped. He would probably send one of his cronies after them with a lazy wave of his clawed hand! Well, she'd show him... she'd play their game, and when the timing was right, her escape would be made.

Her knees hit the floor, back straightened, hands to her nape and elbows up; technically, it was what they expected of her. The imperial lift of her chin, eyes focused straight on Urgknot the Strong Bow, showed she wasn't going to be as docile and uncaring as his current pets were. If it was a woman like that he wanted, then she would fight him tooth and nail every step of the way!
Urgknot could almost read the young beauty’s thoughts, her dreams of escape, as she sank to her knees in one sensual fluid motion and assumed the position of display. Her head did not bow, nor did she demurely lower her eyes but rather with an imperial lift of her chin, eyes focused straight. It was then that Strong Bow turned his gaze on the young beauty with the nut brown hair his dark golden eyes easily capturing her gaze. It was only then that she felt the dark power that lurked behind those golden eyes. Their was a compelling strength in his eyes and as with True Sight Aara could feel her inner most thoughts, desires, and her very soul bared to him.

“Aara is it not!”

It was a statement of fact more than a question and his voice so dark, so gutturally rich was felt as much as it was heard. Urgknot slowly stood, he towered over the young human beauty so small so petite as she knelt before him. Strong Bow held out his hand to the young girl.

“Come let us retire to a place less public for I have no wish to shame you in front of my court unless you wish it.”

Strong Bow Urgknot Supreme War Lord of the Kule De Fae led Aara from the great hall. There was no guard, only the 1st minister True Sight followed at a discreet distance. Urgknot lead the young virgin to his bed chamber, True Sight stood guard at his Master’s door. Slowly the Massive iron door creaked closed shutting off the Place of Kule De Fae, separating Aara from all her girlish dreams and wishes as her fate now rapidly closed in around her. Strong Bow taloned fingers slipped the sash that held Aara’s scandalously sheer blue gown closed. That wisp of sheer gossamer wisp of material fell open to bare the young virgin to this creature that held her fate in his hands. Urgknot massive hands encircled Aara’s trim little waist and he drew her gorgeous virginal body to his. Strong Bow’s lips brushed the sensual bow of Aara’s slender neck. Kisses as light and seductive as the brush of a butterfly’s wings slowly caressed her flawless silken skin. As Strong Bow murmured,

“You know I am going to claim your chaste virginity now Aara.”

He began to kiss his way down her body as he slipped the sheer blue gown from Aara’s shoulders. It caressed her supple young body to pool around her ankles the tip of Strong Bows tongue lazily circled her dusky pink areola and flicked at the tip of the girl’s stiffening pale pink nipple.

Urgknot's eyes met hers, and just like before with the True Sight, she was just as easily exposed. Her eyes widened with the effect he had on her, and a chill raced up her back as he spoke, the dark sensual timbre humming in her body. She shivered, the motion gently shaking her barely covered breasts. Before her shame and pride made her cover them, he was standing, towering before her, and extending a hand in invitation. Either follow him into privacy, or be openly shamed... Remembering the lecherous words from the other ogres while walking in, Aara stood, stepping closer to Urgknot as she looked behind her, seeing if any had followed.

She was then led to what could only be his bedroom, being shut inside with him... He slipped the sash from her gown, and she closed it over her body again, out of a habit of chastity. Yes, she was naked in the open before, but she has chosen the specific place to tan her skin very carefully, making sure there was no risk of her ever being caught! This is different, her stubborn mind told herself. His lips fell unexpectedly soft against her neck. While she had expected nothing more than a brute to mercilessly claim what was now "his", she wasn't going to voice her thoughts on the matter, lest her luck change.

He spoke to her again, making her body shiver against his as the deep voice slid into places she never knew existed. It was enough to make the tight grip on her gown loosen, which he used to his advantage, sliding it off her body. His lips followed the descent, still light caresses that trailed across her skin and making it warm with the beginnings of arousal.

"I... I, I, no, I can't--" Aara started to murmur in protest, before his lips closed on a nipple. Startled, she gasped aloud, wide eyes watching as Urgknot closed his mouth around her breast again, and again, the flicker of a tongue making her press her knees tightly together. Her hands raised to his armor covered shoulders, the intent behind that action unknown... even to herself.
Urgknot was smiled to himself as this magnificent young human beauty Stammered,

"I... I, I, no, I can't--"

Aara’s desperate little plea died on her moist ripe lips in a sensual little gasp as Strong Bow’s lips closed over her nipple. He rolled the pebbled little bud on the ridged roof of his mouth. His sharp teeth grazed the tip of the young virgin’s now erect, and engorged nipple he gently held it between his teeth as he inhaled deeply drawing a cool steady stream of air of the feverish bud. Those feathery butterfly kisses caressed the contours of Aara’s breast as he turned to the hapless young beauty’s neglected nipple. Even as he suckled and teased the girl’s nipple his finger rolled her already aroused nipple between his thumb and fore finger. Urgknot’s nostrils were filled with the intoxicating scent of Aara’s growing arousal. Silently he swept the confused and aroused young beauty into his powerful arms as if the girl was light as a feather. He carried her to his bed and laid her upon it.

His body was poised over Aara’s but instead of taking her there and then, claiming what was his by right of conquest. Those darkly seductive kisses trailed down across the flat quivering plain of her abdomen. His hot moist breath stirred the downy chestnut fleece that covered Aara’s Mon.

“I can not wait to taste you Aara.”

Urgknot’s seduction of her innocent young body continued as his great thumbs spread the young virgin’s folds. His great thick tongue slid along the length of the girl’s moist pale pink folds as Urgknot the Strong Bow tasted his newest little concubine for the first time.
Aara shifted and squirmed underneath his attention, her virgin body feeling so many new sensations. He would graze the tip of her beaded nipple with his teeth, making her hiss, while the rush of cold air made her shiver deliciously. Before she knew it, her head had fallen back in pleasure, her fingers curling lightly into his armor.

Urgknot swept her up into his arms with a startled gasp from her, but she was too stunned, her body tingling too much for her to do anything. Aara found herself spread out on his bed, the warm fur blankets tickling her bare skin in a pleasing manner. She looked back up to him as he stood before her again, towering over her small body. Warm lips pressed to her shivering form, starting down her abdomen to her womanhood, where she was spread open once again, the second time in her entire life someone had openly looked at her that way. Her mouth opened to protest, until his warm tongue slid over her petals.

"AH!" she cried out, head falling back on the bed as her lower back arched. As he continued pleasing her, rhythmical whimpers continued spilling from her throat, an ache she never knew existed settling in where he was currently lapping at her folds. Her back squirmed as pressure built, feeling her inside walls growing wet.
Aara of Bailesville was not the first young innocent virgin Urgknot had taken to his bed. Some whimpered and begged for mercy other lay there as if they were dead and merely accepted their fate. Yet these simpering young beauties held no interest for the Supreme War Lord of the Kule de Fare. But this spirited young beauty, with her fiery spirit, and pride, this gorgeous beauty who’s dream of escape shown in her soft doe eyes, who had looked on his sweet little pets with such distain, this beauty he looked forward to bending to his will.

Each little whimper and gasp of unknown pleasure that bubbled from Aara moist ripe lips was music to Urgknot’s ears. Each little surrender as her pretty little head lulled from side to side as she squirmed with her growing arousal and arched her maidenly hips to the beast’s tongue and mouth, pleased him beyond words. Each pass of his great thick tongue cleaved deeper and deeper between Aara’s soft pink virginal flows. Like a flower blossoming they opened to him glistening with her fresh dewy nectar. He supped on the young virgin’s innocent as he coaxed the guardian of her virgins treasure from its hooded hiding place. Urgknot lashed Aara’s sweet little clit with his mouth, lips, tongue and teeth. He guided the young beauty’s hands to her aching breasts and taunt pebbled nipples that had swollen to his touch.

“Touch yourself Aara, feel the pleasure your fingers can bring to you.”

Time and again Urgknot brought Aara to the edge of an abyss that promised her such unimagined pleasure, Brought her to the edge of that dark abyss to titter on the edge that illusive pleasure almost with in her grasp and as she closed her fingers to grasp it Strong Bow stilled and let it slip from his gorgeous little concubine’s grasp.
A fine sheen of sweat beaded on Aara's body as Urgknot's attentions raised her internal body heat. Skin flushed, eyes hooded, hair mussed around her shoulders and legs spread, she looked the vision of lust, far from the virtuous young lady that left her home not three days ago. Her whimpers rose in pitch as she felt his tongue slid deeper into her tight channel, the foreign sensation heady and arousing.

Her hands were placed on her breasts, the nipples pressing into her palms as they rested in her momentary confusion. They pulled away so just the fingers were touching her, slowly starting to mimic Urgknot's previous actions. The first light pinch made her gasp, making the next ones become more firm and sure. Paired with light flicks, and her body was trembling harder under the sensation.

She was rising up to a point where she felt she could simply die, before she was eased back... just to have it come again, before retreating once more. Aara couldn't understand what was happening. She had only heard of a kind of a sexual release once in passing, having moved on in embarrassment before she heard any further. Could this be it, and something she was doing wrong was preventing her from getting to that point? Determined to make this happen, to stop the odd form of torture, she set her feet a bit further apart and lifted her hips harder, thumbs repeatedly flicking over her nipples.
Urgknot Played the little virgin’s gorgeous young body as if was a fine musical instrument and he was the Master of it. It did not take long for Aara’s delicate little fingers to at first tentatively pluck at the aching nipples. With that first sinful touch a surprised gasp slipped from her moist ripe lips. It was not long before she was tugging and pinching her throbbing nipples even as her hips arched pushing her aching pussy to Strong Bows mouth.

The young beauty’s breathing was now coming in staggered little gasps, her head lulling from side to side and her chestnut brown hair in wild disarray formed a dark halo around her angelic face. Urgknot’s massive hand closed around one of Aara’s dainty little hands as it teased and pleased her aching nipple. He guide it down across the shimmering plain of her sweat soaked abdomen down to her virginal folds to slip between those soft pale pink pedals. He placed the tip of Aara’s finger on her throbbing clit and guided her as he taught her how to pleasure herself. His hand slipped from his little concubine’s as he gave her little pearl of passion one more devilish lick.

“Do not stop Aara! continue my sweet vixen!”

His voice darkly seductive as it sensually caressed the young innocent virgin’s senses. He slowly began to strip his armor from his massive body as he prepared to take the treasure that Aara had guarded all her young life. Strong Bow paused for a moment to watch the young innocent as she slowly left the innocence of her youth to hesitantly enter his world of unholy pleasures.
That aching point, it was close, so close to being reached, when she felt a hand closing over one of her own. Startled, Aara froze at the contact, feeling trepidation mixed with eagerness over what he was planning next. Her hand was led down to her most private place. Despite the pleasing touches he was teaching her, and the shiver that went through her at first feeling her wetness, it was like a sudden dousing of cold water. A large ogre was making her his, unlawfully so, and she was helping the process along... Her chest heaved with the effort of trying to gain control of herself again, watching as more of himself was revealed to her.

Her eyes widened, realizing he was just as large and formidable out of his armor as he was in it. Firmly solid muscle mass, thick blue skin, and those eerily perceptive eyes trained on her the entire time. A finger flicked over her clit, and her legs suddenly tightened as a sharp stab of pleasure overtook her body. Aara curled into herself as she cried out once again, the force of the pleasure nearly becoming overwhelming

“Do not stop Aara! continue my sweet vixen!”

Her finger flicked over her swollen bud again and again, finding herself back at that precipice of pleasure. Inexperience kept her from pushing all the way over, but eagerness prevented the lust from dimming from the current level. "Mmm..." she whimpered, needing something she had no comprehension of just yet.
Urgknot saw the hesitation in Aara’s smoldering soft doe brown eyes as her emotions flashed in their innocent depth, the feeling of trepidation mingled with her growing arousal. He loved the little shiver that passed through her gorgeous young body at the first touch of her own finger to the moist hot folds of her own aroused body. Those soft brown eyes grew wide as a dark realization played at the edges of Aara’s consciousness, that she herself was becoming a willing participant in her own rape. His eyes once more held hers captive almost willing her to embrace the sinfully unholy pleasure he was offering to her. His eyes smiled down into Aara’s as her delicate little finger flicked over her clit, and her legs suddenly tightened as a sharp stab of pleasure overtook her gorgeous young body even as his seductive command for her to continue whispered to her aroused young body.

Nothing in Aara’s young life had prepared her for this, this pleasure that seemed to consume her body and soul as her finger flicked over her swollen bud again and again. A soft sensual


whimpered as Aara tried so desperately to grasp that illusive pleasure that danced like a flickering flame before her mind’s eye.

Urgknot’s bulk settled on the massive bed next to the petite young human beauty. His mouth closed over Aara’s the tip of his tongue slid across the sensual bow of the girl’s lips, passed the even row of her white teeth as she gasped in the pleasure her own fingers were bringing her to savor the summer sweetness of her mouth. Urgknot let that kiss deepen linger even as his finger joined hers in Aara’s quest for that illusive pleasure. He guided the innocent young virgin’s finger guided it to slip within her chaste young body. Their fingers slowly opening stretching Aara in preparation of what was to come. They brushed the tin barrier of the hapless beauty’s maiden head the symbol of her chaste innocence before returning to her throbbing needy clit. Slowly he let their fingers seduce Aara's gorgeous young body. He smiled for his bed was the alter upon which this stunning young beauty's virginity and innocence would be sacrificed.
Right in the midst of a gasp for air, Aara soon found her mouth covered by Urgknot's, his tongue sliding in before she could think twice. A squeak was eagerly swallowed, her cheeks flushing once again as she... mimicked his moves. It was wrong, sinful, something she shouldn't even consider; it was also so right, she couldn't help but return the gesture. After all the years of being chaste, she finally was getting a taste of what she was missing out on!

His hand joined hers, encouraging her finger back from her clit. He was met with some resistance, as if the digit didn't want to be separated from her newly found pearl, but she found herself tensing anew as both pressed inside!! Her eyes opened wide with the sensation of being breached, before rolling back into her head as they pressed in further. They-- no, he-- felt so large inside of her! Her body clenched repeatedly, trying to adjust to the intrusion, while she panted hard into Urgknot's kiss. Finally, they seemed to reach the end of her before pulling back out, teasing her button again before sliding back...

"Ohhhh... ohhhh... ahhh! Creators, oh GODS, preserve me, please!" Aara eventually cried out, about ready to shatter from the overwhelming intensity. Tears of sexual frustration leaked from her eyes, mixing with her effort to find some way of easing her body from this height she kept being taken to. Her fingers abandoned his slow play, returning to her sensitive nub before working it furiously, now desperate.
Urgknot Strong Bow slowly and expertly seduced Aara’s gorgeous supple young body as he savored the sweetness of her innocent young mouth as he led her shy little tongue in a dance as old as time. In her virginal innocence Aara had no defense against the dark seductively sensual fires that Urgknot was enkindling in her. He loved the was that her gorgeous young body arched to embrace their combined touch. How her innocent dark blue eyes flared with pleasure and a smoldering desire as he dipped his fingers and hers into the tight confines of her chaste virginal passage. Slowly his lips slipped from the young girl’s.

"Ohhhh... ohhhh... ahhh! Creators, oh GODS, preserve me, please!"

The gasped prayer a sensual moan that sensually bubbled from Aara’s sweet moist lips. Bitter tears of mingled pleasure and frustration stained her flawless cheeks. With a groan of her ever increasing sexual arousal Aara’s fingers abandoned the slow teasing, tempting, play, his knowing fingers to return to her sensitive nub before working it furiously, now desperate.

Urgknot Strong Bow rolled to his side his body slipping from his little human concubine’s. He watched as she tried so desperately in her innocence to masturbate herself to sexual fulfillment. He smiled as he saw how great her need was and how she so desired to grasp that dark illusive pleasure.

“What will you deny me little Aara if I grant you what you so desperately desire?”

Urgknot’s voice was the dark sensually seductive hiss of the serpent as he tempted her as Eve was tempted by the serpent in the Garden.

Serpent in the Garden

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As worked up as she was, and as deeply seductive as Urgknot's voice was as it sank into her excited nerves, she could have found her release as soon as he spoke. However, an ill-timed squirm held it just from her reach. Exhausted, but nowhere near sated, her form collapsed onto the bed, her limbs shaking from the strain of trying to reach her goal. She couldn't even be bothered to move her hand from her womanhood, she was that exhausted!

That's when what he said sank in past the arousal flooding her mind: he'd be able to ease her ache? Truly?! Despite her pride wanting to keep quiet and not give him anything, her mouth babbled strings of incoherent sentences. "No... no, I feel... please, yes, I need! Please, it hurts, please..." Her voice faded off to a whisper, her need for oxygen and something to cool her internal flames driving her to gasp for air, her modest breasts rising sharply with the move.

Never would she realize what exactly she had given over until it was too late.
Urgknot knew he had Aara’s gorgeous young body to do with as he pleased. Even she had known it sense the moment she had been picked as part of the tribute, but Urgknot wanted more from this stunning chestnut haired beauty with the soft brown doe eyes. He wanted her soul as well.

Aara’s head lulled from sided to side her fevered words an incoherent babble as her little finger worked so diligently and so franticly at her little pearl of passion until, with her gorgeous sun kissed young body, shimmering in a fine sheen of sweat and her tears of frustration streaming down her cheeks. Gone was the proud little pious beauty that had sworn to herself that she would never give in to this beast, and who had dreamed of escape just an hour ago. Now something quite deferent occupied the young dark haired beauty every thought and desire as Aara gasped,

"No... no, I feel... please, yes, I need! Please, it hurts, please..."

“I shall please you sweet little Aara….and …..then…..You…….shall please me.”

Strong Bows thick lips pressed once more to Aara’s his mouth opening to hers demanding that she kiss him with all the lustful arousal that was coursing through every fiber of her young innocent being. Then and only then would his seductively sensual kisses float down her gorgeous young body to her hot little pussy. But this time he would add a seductive little lover’s nips here and there mingled with and obscenely erotic little lick from time to time as he paid special attention to al the little secret spots that brought Aara such sinfully forbidden pleasure. When he reached her hot little pussy shimmering with her wanton dewy nectar he would make her beg and promise him any thing so long as he gave her what she so darkly desired.

Urgknot’s lips parted from the hapless young beauty’s and the first of those sensually seductive kisses caressed the bow of her neck as Urgknot began again his seduction of Aara’s innocent young body and soul with his lips, tongue and teeth.
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“I shall please you sweet little Aara….and …..then…..You…….shall please me.”

"Yes... yes," Aara whimpered, nodding emphatically. She wanted release so badly, release from the heat and from the pleasure that was so intense it was slowly becoming painful and equally hard for her to think straight. His new kiss was met with a wanton moan, her tongue coming out to dance with Urgknot's once again as her arms wrapped around his shoulders, holding him to her. All too soon, he broke the kiss, and she raised up to try to catch his mouth again, falling back with relief as his mouth settled on her neck.

For the life of her, now that she was touching him, she couldn't seem to stop! Delicate fingers trailed across the back of his head and neck, smoothing out to exploring hands as they worked across his shoulders. Muscles tensed and released under his thick skin as he moved down her body, his strong arms holding himself with ease... strong biceps, taut triceps, thick arms that could crush her easily but didn't. Her hands found themselves on his chest, the steady thudding of his heart under her palm centering her into the moment.

Her head was thrown back in pleasure as his lips trailed down, finding even more ways to make her squirm. Each nerve ending sang under his erotic ministration, her body blossoming even more to him and that wicked mouth. His tongue curled into her belly button, making her shiver and arch up into him. His hands framed her hips, slid down onto her legs, and opened her up, exposing her folds to Urgknot once again. The weight of his gaze was just as intense as a touch, a kiss, a lick.

Yet he did none of these things, just let his warm breath tickle into her womanhood and let her blossom further into the warm light touch, holding her open for him, and spotting her wetness flowing from her. Her moans quickened the longer it continued, her hands tightening on his shoulders to prompt him into setting his tongue inside of her again.

"Please..." she cooed, her hands raising to his head. "Please, let me feel you... inside me..."