OCC thread ( casting call) cheack it out :D


Really Really Experienced
Jul 29, 2012
hey i am planning to write a story about students in a college, and basically their sexlife and thier life at college in general. nerds , jocks , cheeleader, all types involved
Think america pie really , but obviously more sexual. Also throw in a bit of cuckoldery into it.
So basically American pie(more sexual) + cuckoldery at college. this type of story i am looking to create

I am looking for both boys and girls ( Preferably a good mixture of both) . Also people involved must be able to post atleast once or twice a day.

.atleast one guy must be willing to play the role of cuckold and another one cuckoldress. the rest normal , Boyfriend , girlfriend jock etc, whatever roles comes to your head.

if you guys are interested , it will be good if you post your charecters name ,details etc.

once we get enough characters , then we can start another thread and start
( i have not really figured out a tittle , so i would appreciate the help)
if you have any idea or suggestions please post them !
thank you !
in a roleplay of fraternity/sorority, I'm an 18 yr old brown hair and green eyes freshman, looking for a sorority. Going to a beginning of the year party.