Obama vs Romney


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
both men know how to work the system, the question is which way do YOU (the voter) swing?

Do you want someone who knows how to work entitlements? Someone that can only "speak" via a TelePrompter with someone else wrote the message


Do you want someone how knows how to move people, create value, and get things done? Do you want someone that will look you in the eye, stair down the enemy and reduce the enemy to a pile of pee
both men know how to work the system, the question is which way do YOU (the voter) swing?

Do you want someone who knows how to work entitlements? Someone that can only "speak" via a TelePrompter with someone else wrote the message


Do you want someone how knows how to move people, create value, and get things done? Do you want someone that will look you in the eye, stair down the enemy and reduce the enemy to a pile of pee
I want someone who isn't a tool.

How would that be?
Politics has not changed since females learned to manipulate males, and kids learned to manipulate mom & pop. One party promises heaven on earth, and the other party pays for it, tho it never happens.
Do you want someone how knows how to move people, create value, and get things done? Do you want someone that will look you in the eye, stair down the enemy and reduce the enemy to a pile of pee

Move people? Must not be a romney supporter...the only thing he moves people to is excessive laughter.

Create value? Romney hasn't ever created shit, he is a pompus elitist who was born with a platinum 200 million dollar spoon in his face, that fucking fruit has never ever ever had a callous nor worked a day of hard labor in his life.

What has he created??? Romney care, socialized health care that is EXACTLY like Obamacare. The first of it's kind in America and the first step to a socialized nation ;)

Get things done? like gun bans, socialized health care, massive government expenditures, supporting gay marriage, abortion and every bit of Obama's welfare for the wealthy program??? Yup he did get those things done....


WTF IS THIS^^???? oh that's a 6 1/2 min video of Romney supporting and saying the same things as Obama nearly WORD FOR WORD on every major issue we face right now like Wall St's good puppet bitch boy....JUST LIKE OBAMA.

Your "conservative" or "republican" beacon of hope is every ounce the socialist lefty Obama is, enjoy voting for Romney AKA Obama 2.0...the real originator of socialized health care in America Jen.

Tell yourself anything is better than Obama, even the "Original Obama" .... believe that lie FOX fed you and LOVE IT!!! LOVE VOTING A SOCIALIST LIBERAL INTO OFFICE BECAUSE YOU WERE TOLD TO JEN....doesn't it feel good knowing every word you spout will be made 100% pure hypocrisy when you vote for SOCIALIST ROMNEY!!! yaaaayyy!!!

Just own it jen....you are a Romney supporter and as such a socialist just like he is. ;)
"stair down the enemy?"

Can't we just escalator them down instead? Less kinetic energy on our part and it gets them to the destination much faster.
Obama is anti American, and anti Business
what has obama done to create jobs (in the private sector)?

hell, what did Bill Clinton ever do (the only jobs that he created was opening up trade with China and helping expand the WalMart Empire)

I know, you obama people hate these hard questions and HATE the truth. just look at the way obama fell apart with out his teleprompter (words that someone else wrote) and when obama was FACED with the truth.

obama, "I can NOT change government from the inside" so lets show obama the door so he can change things from the outside

"stair down the enemy?"

Can't we just escalator them down instead? Less kinetic energy on our part and it gets them to the destination much faster.
Obama is anti American, and anti Business
what has obama done to create jobs (in the private sector)?

hell, what did Bill Clinton ever do (the only jobs that he created was opening up trade with China and helping expand the WalMart Empire)

I know, you obama people hate these hard questions and HATE the truth. just look at the way obama fell apart with out his teleprompter (words that someone else wrote) and when obama was FACED with the truth.

obama, "I can NOT change government from the inside" so lets show obama the door so he can change things from the outside

Sounds like Mitt Romney's lil socialist progeny Obama is fucking up!!! Vote for the original American Marxist....ROMNEY!! :D
What has he created??? Romney care, socialized health care that is EXACTLY like Obamacare. The first of it's kind in America and the first step to a socialized nation ;)

Sounds like Mitt Romney's lil socialist progeny Obama is fucking up!!! Vote for the original American Marxist....ROMNEY!! :D

:rolleyes: if that helps you sleep at night.

Then tell me what YOU would like to see to correct America?

Spin that shit bro!! Spin it hard and long and half of that pro romney list where they try and make it sound like it's not Obamacare 1.0 is complete bull fucking shit.
.... socialized HC is still socialized HC and Romney is still on tape beaming with pride over it.

Spin all you want there are hours of you tube video's of him supporting Obama, condemning obama, sporting socialized HC and then condemning it...etc etc etc. The guy isn't even sure what fucking party he belongs to, has NO convictions and couldn't hold a single position for more than a week if his fucking life depended on it.

And you koolaid drinkers FUCKING BOUGHT IT!!!!

2 actual conservatives some neo cons and a liberal we up for nomination and the liberal wins and the right wing steps in line without so much as a whimper to vote for the socialist RINO b/c FOX told them to, because all those guys talking about ditching HC all together because we simply don't have the money for it, and turning Wall Street's welfare for the wealthy off are SOO FUCKING DANGEROUS!! VOTE SOCIALIST!!! VOTE ROMNEY!!! IF WE TURN THE WELFARE OFF WE WILL ALL DIE!!! LMFAO

Enjoy your koolaid and gubbmint health care....enjoy paying taxes and having them wind up in GM/Bank of America/Goldman Sachs pocket just like your tax dollars did when Obama handed them nearly a trillion in welfare......fucking poser.

:rolleyes: if that helps you sleep at night.

Then tell me what YOU would like to see to correct America?

Ummm how about paying some fucking bill's, not spending money we don't have, and turn the corporate welfare off.

Lift the silly taxes/restrictions that make starting/running a new business a monumental challenge for anyone but the richest people in the nation in order to promote a healthier free market environment where business's can flourish and perish naturally.

For necessary gov spending (infrastructure, defense) how about put that shit on a diet and then bargain for the best prices on the tax payers behalf so they no long have to buy 500 aspirin, 20,000 dollar toilet seats etc etc.

How about nominating a legitimate conservative...like one of the ones who beat Romney's prissy liberal ass all over america and lead the poll's winning state after state during the debates.

I mean the guy was the laughing stock, not even on the radar joke....until Goldman Sachs (Obama's buddies) showed up with hundreds of millions and suddenly the joker is the winner??? Fox over night blackballs everyone but Romney and starts crowing like he is the 2nd coming of Christ, AND YOU FUCKING BOUGHT IT!!!

Spineless liberal fuck....you're a god damn poser who likes to think they are conservative, nothing more.
oh the "bark" is falling off your tree.

out of the choices we have, Romney is better than Obama. its just that simple.

my fantasy would be that Romney starts to correct our course which enlightens people to "business" style leadership vs what we have from "obama" and his kind aka professional empty men

Spin that shit bro!! Spin it hard and long and half of that pro romney list where they try and make it sound like it's not Obamacare 1.0 is complete bull fucking shit.
.... socialized HC is still socialized HC and Romney is still on tape beaming with pride over it.

Spin all you want there are hours of you tube video's of him supporting Obama, condemning obama, sporting socialized HC and then condemning it...etc etc etc. The guy isn't even sure what fucking party he belongs to, has NO convictions and couldn't hold a single position for more than a week if his fucking life depended on it.

And you koolaid drinkers FUCKING BOUGHT IT!!!!

2 actual conservatives some neo cons and a liberal we up for nomination and the liberal wins and the right wing steps in line without so much as a whimper to vote for the socialist RINO b/c FOX told them to, because all those guys talking about ditching HC all together because we simply don't have the money for it, and turning Wall Street's welfare for the wealthy off are SOO FUCKING DANGEROUS!! VOTE SOCIALIST!!! VOTE ROMNEY!!! IF WE TURN THE WELFARE OFF WE WILL ALL DIE!!! LMFAO

Enjoy your koolaid and gubbmint health care....enjoy paying taxes and having them wind up in GM/Bank of America/Goldman Sachs pocket just like your tax dollars did when Obama handed them nearly a trillion in welfare......fucking poser.

Ummm how about paying some fucking bill's, not spending money we don't have, and turn the corporate welfare off.

Lift the silly taxes/restrictions that make starting/running a new business a monumental challenge for anyone but the richest people in the nation in order to promote a healthier free market environment where business's can flourish and perish naturally.

For necessary gov spending (infrastructure, defense) how about put that shit on a diet and then bargain for the best prices on the tax payers behalf so they no long have to buy 500 aspirin, 20,000 dollar toilet seats etc etc.

How about nominating a legitimate conservative...like one of the ones who beat Romney's prissy liberal ass all over america and lead the poll's winning state after state during the debates.

I mean the guy was the laughing stock, not even on the radar joke....until Goldman Sachs (Obama's buddies) showed up with hundreds of millions and suddenly the joker is the winner??? Fox over night blackballs everyone but Romney and starts crowing like he is the 2nd coming of Christ, AND YOU FUCKING BOUGHT IT!!!

Spineless liberal fuck....you're a god damn poser who likes to think they are conservative, nothing more.
WTF happened to you?

Change your name to

BLABBING BOI:rolleyes:

WTF happened to you? I thought you were a conservative...

It's quite obvious however you are just another partisan hack who would send his vote screaming with a thousand dollar check to Karl Marx himself if FOX and the GOP said so.