Obama the Liar - Part 78



“Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.“
Here come the personal attacks, deflections, and denial.
Thanks for proving to us you have no idea what you're talking about, fro.

What were the odds of that happening?
Semiautomatic = automatic. That was covered months ago.

Semiautomatic refers to a firearm that requires you to pull the trigger to fire each round. Where this can get confusing is that pistols (non-revolvers) are sometimes referred to as automatics. But this refers to how they reload, not how they fire.

But to refer to a gun as "fully automatic" ALWAYS means that when you pull the trigger, the weapon will fire until you let off the trigger or you run out of ammo. The weapons used in Aurora were NOT full-autos. It is next to impossible for your average citizen to own a fully automatic weapon.

So either Obama lied, or he's a total idiot. I think it's a little of both.
Semiautomatic refers to a firearm that requires you to pull the trigger to fire each round. Where this can get confusing is that pistols (non-revolvers) are sometimes referred to as automatics. But this refers to how they reload, not how they fire.

But to refer to a gun as "fully automatic" ALWAYS means that when you pull the trigger, the weapon will fire until you let off the trigger or you run out of ammo. The weapons used in Aurora were NOT full-autos. It is next to impossible for your average citizen to own a fully automatic weapon.

So either Obama lied, or he's a total idiot. I think it's a little of both.



Here come the personal attacks, deflections, and denial.

It's not about any of those things. This isn't a personal attack, it's a fact: 95% of the board that actually interacts with you thinks you're a complete tool. We only post in your threads to mock your stupidity. You make a gazillion threads about your Master, Obama, then never follow up after the first post with any kind of support of the OP. You're a miserable failure as a husband and as an active member here. Your interactions are limited to Vettebirther, Koaladipshit, Dizzybooby and AJ/Wat. That must suck.

Like I said, this wasn't a personal attack, deflection or denial.

Have a nice day, moron. :)
Here come the personal attacks, deflections, and denial.

Pre-emptive derp strike today?

Anyone who disagrees with you is guilty of either a personal attack, a deflection and/or a denial?

*shakes head....poor miles, always a victim.
Remember that time Bush II lied about weapons of mass desctruction in Iraq and got over 4,000 Americans killed? Oh you're choosing to ignore that? How about the other 934 he told?

This is not a personal attack but you're a dumbass. Again it's not an attack just a factual statement.
Remember that time Bush II lied about weapons of mass desctruction in Iraq and got over 4,000 Americans killed?

Bush isn't president anymore you stupid fuck, how about sticking to the point of this thread which is the CURRENT Liar in Chief?
Bush isn't president anymore you stupid fuck, how about sticking to the point of this thread which is the CURRENT Liar in Chief?

Right. Again, as I said, the previous liar in chief helped start two wars, destroyed the financial system, and caused the deaths of thousands of people. By comparison Obama's "lie" isn't that big a deal.
Knife ban?

Mayhaps, with all the stabbings, there should be mandatory background checks before folks can buy cutlery.

Not HERE !!!!

Why would you say such a thing?


Hi Ken,

I can't tell you how happy I am that Vette decided to stay with you, even in light of the fact that he now gets shriveled cock pics, instead of stolen pussy pics.

I just really hope that Prop 8 is destroyed and you two can live in marriage bliss.



P.S. How are the tomatoes doing?
Hey, Karen Kraft! I ate some of your macaroni and cheese. It tasted like the box it came in.