Age Restriction On AR15s Off The Table Says Negotiator


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Murphy, top Dem negotiator in Senate gun violence talks, says no age increase on AR-15-style rifles

The Connecticut lawmaker said negotiations have advanced beyond expectations

By Just the News staff
Updated: June 10, 2022 - 3:04pm

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, a top Democrat negotiator in the bipartisan Senate effort to pass gun-control legislation after two recent mass shootings, says raising the federal age to 21 to buy AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles is now off the table.

Murphy, in whose state 28 people were killed in 2012 in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, made the statement Thursday on CNN.

He said the proposed change was dropped as part of negotiations to get enough Republican senators to vote in favor of other changes. Any such change would need the support of at least 10 Senate Republicans to overcome a 60-vote procedural hurdle in the 100-member chamber.

The compromise, Murphy said, would be adding "additional scrutiny" to 18- to 21-year-olds trying to buy a weapon like the AR-15, though he didn't specify whether a waiting period would replace raising the age, according to Business Insider.

"I think we continue to try to find a path to 60 votes that includes some provision that recognizes these 18- to 21-year-olds tend to be the mass shooters, and that many times, they have juvenile criminal records or past histories of mental health that should prohibit them from buying a weapon," Murphy reportedly told CNN.
these crazy fucking reeptards -

idiot shits made it illegal for gun makers to sell smart guns.

maybe someone wants one - 'I have kids in the house' etc etc - someone wants that level of safety.

nope - no freedom to buy it. you assholes fucking put a dictator in place.

you fucks are sooooo fucking stupid.
these crazy fucking reeptards -

idiot shits made it illegal for gun makers to sell smart guns.

maybe someone wants one - 'I have kids in the house' etc etc - someone wants that level of safety.

nope - no freedom to buy it. you assholes fucking put a dictator in place.

you fucks are sooooo fucking stupid.
You have no business judging stupid. It's obvious you hold a journeyman-level rank in stupid.
It's unconstitutional. Are you going to hold the car companies responsible for every killing by a drunk driver?
Aah yes, the false equivalency again.

Drunk drivers purposely drive while drunk....they don't purposely do so (majority) to kill others.

Mass killers buy guns to mass kill.

Guns are a unique weapon in the US. It's readily available and is the favorite way for mass killers (experienced with weapons or not) to kill lots of people quickly.

Until that changes, it will always be unique and always be open to stricter regulations

Because those who die have their rights taken away
Aah yes, the false equivalency again.

Drunk drivers purposely drive while drunk....they don't purposely do so (majority) to kill others.

Mass killers buy guns to mass kill.

Guns are a unique weapon in the US. It's readily available and is the favorite way for mass killers (experienced with weapons or not) to kill lots of people quickly.

Until that changes, it will always be unique and always be open to stricter regulations

Because those who die have their rights taken away
The vast majority of mass shooters are insane, people who are drunk and driving are temporally insane. More people are stabbed to death by crazed people than are killed by rifles of "any" kind. Are we going to go after knife makers as well every time somebody is stabbed? The idea is self-defeating, stupid, and illegal but typical of the deranged Democrat mind.
The vast majority of mass shooters are insane, people who are drunk and driving are temporally insane. More people are stabbed to death by crazed people than are killed by rifles of "any" kind. Are we going to go after knife makers as well every time somebody is stabbed? The idea is self-defeating, stupid, and illegal but typical of the deranged Democrat mind.
Yes, I get that you disagree with me. Good luck with your expectations.

I'll continue to lobby for mine.
A compromise is brewing. Republicans agree to raise the age to purchase a modern sporting rifle to 21, Democrats agree to restore the voting age to 21. Matt Gaetz has already signaled his support provided they also lower the age of sexual consent to 16.
A compromise is brewing. Republicans agree to raise the age to purchase a modern sporting rifle to 21, Democrats agree to restore the voting age to 21. Matt Gaetz has already signaled his support provided they also lower the age of sexual consent to 16.
The voting age has nothing to do with it.
In many states, juvenile records are not accessible for weapons background checks. Therefore, every 18-year-old in those states has a clean background.
Raising the age to 21 would yield three years of adulthood for criminal or mental health rulings to become background.
If the age remains at 18, then juvenile records need to be accessible. That is what’s being negotiated.

"I think we continue to try to find a path to 60 votes that includes some provision that recognizes these 18- to 21-year-olds tend to be the mass shooters, and that many times, they have juvenile criminal records or past histories of mental health that should prohibit them from buying a weapon," Murphy reportedly told CNN.
Waste of a legislator. Vote them out.

Ban ar15s and raise age for a gun sales to 21.

Charge gun makers fines if their weapons are used in mass shootings.

Do something or let more people die.

Mmmmm how about no to your fee fees based "sensible regulations" (LOL what a joke).

"Do something" ..... like fee fees based stupid, more people will die regardless because leftist knee jerk stupid isn't going to stop insane people from doing insane shit.

A scary looking accessories ban (assault weapons/AR-15 ban) won't stop mass shootings... which along with most violent gun crimes are done with pistols... we'll just rename the rifles and have them anyhow.

Look a California legal totally NOT AR-15.....

Would be 100% legal under your dumbass ban.

Good luck with your expectations.

Don't need it, we won this fight back in 1789. It's you who needs the luck.

I'll continue to lobby for mine.

Yes, lots of irrational fee fees based lobbying.

As long as you don't try to pretend it's "common sense" or "sensible" it's all good.

Klanguide feels that dead kids are a small price to pay for freedom.

Phill likes to engage in ascription and ad hom.... because he can't rationally argue any of his insane politics.

The voting age has nothing to do with it.

Of course it does.

Adulthood and thus civil rights are legally at age picking and choosing you're either an adult at 18 or not.

Either raise the age of adulthood or don't.
"Do something" ..... like fee fees based stupid, more people will die reguardless.
Guns aren't an absolute right. Restrictions of their availability don't require changes to any others.

You're free to not like my perspective. It won't stop me from continuing to lobby for change.

Regulations don't ever solve 100% of the problem. But guns are part of the problem. Reduction in risk is what I'm working towards.

If you need it to be about feelings to dismiss it, go for it. If I can put a knife in a crazy person's hand rather than an AR-15, I've already reduced the results significantly.
Guns aren't an absolute right. Restrictions of their availability don't require changes to any others.

You're free to not like my perspective. It won't stop me from continuing to lobby for change.

Regulations don't ever solve 100% of the problem. But guns are part of the problem. Reduction in risk is what I'm working towards.

If you need it to be about feelings to dismiss it, go for it. If I can put a knife in a crazy person's hand rather than an AR-15, I've already reduced the results significantly.

I understand you want fear based fee fees to fuck people over instead of effective change.

Like I said, vindictive and spite driven.
I understand you want fear based fee fees to fuck people over instead of effective change.

Like I said, vindictive and spite driven.
I don't care what you understand about my perspective. You just like to whine.

No, but your fantasies and delusions are your issue.

I always do, a good solid grip is key to good gun control.

Whatever makes you feel good.

Good luck on your expectations. No legislation I have suggested will prevent you from buying a gun.

Funny enough, you can't buy asbestos home insulation anymore. Fucking infringement on rights.

Whatever makes you feel good.

Your obsession with feelings .... weird.

Good luck on your expectations.

My expectations are already met.

No legislation I have suggested will prevent you from buying a gun.

Your suggestion is literally to prevent me from buying guns you think look too scary for me to have.

Because fee fees.

Funny enough, you can't buy asbestos home insulation anymore. Fucking infringement on rights.

"The right of the people to insulate with asbestos shall not be infringed" isn't an enumerated Constitutional right.
I have never seen a scary looking gun. What guns look scary to you?