Obama Pays for His China Snub


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
Hong Kong ignored the request to extradite Snowden and let him leave.

Do you think the arrogant prick in the White House gets the message?:D
Wow, the Chinese are really petulant and spiteful. Does the country need to take a little nap?
Hong Kong ignored the request to extradite Snowden and let him leave.

Do you think the arrogant prick in the White House gets the message?:D

I don't know, shithead. Why don't you discuss the matter on a China-based porn board?
Does anybody really think China would have handed us a traitor under any circumstances?
My dear American sex-loving friends, do not get upset,considering back in 1999, your heroic missle hit our embassy in the former Yugoslavia and your heroic airplane hit down our fighter over South China Sea in 2001, you gained a lot.
If China has its own porn board, we do not need to go through the firewall to land here. China and the US are like a couple, quarreling and bickering and some minor friction is unavoidable. they can recocile each other soon. Our President Mr. Xi has sent his daughter in the hands of the US, isn't she now studying in Harvard or Yale or wtf there? it is up to American people to handle her.
My dear American sex-loving friends, do not get upset,considering back in 1999, your heroic missle hit our embassy in the former Yugoslavia and your heroic airplane hit down our fighter over South China Sea in 2001, you gained a lot.
If China has its own porn board, we do not need to go through the firewall to land here. China and the US are like a couple, quarreling and bickering and some minor friction is unavoidable. they can recocile each other soon. Our President Mr. Xi has sent his daughter in the hands of the US, isn't she now studying in Harvard or Yale or wtf there? it is up to American people to handle her.
Say more about this... "handling"
My dear American sex-loving friends, do not get upset,considering back in 1999, your heroic missle hit our embassy in the former Yugoslavia and your heroic airplane hit down our fighter over South China Sea in 2001, you gained a lot.
If China has its own porn board, we do not need to go through the firewall to land here. China and the US are like a couple, quarreling and bickering and some minor friction is unavoidable. they can recocile each other soon. Our President Mr. Xi has sent his daughter in the hands of the US, isn't she now studying in Harvard or Yale or wtf there? it is up to American people to handle her.

Are you thirty's blackmailing girlfriend?
Well, first of all, on behalf of some horny Chinese people, I thank you for your attention and reply. And i hope my English is good enough to make me understood because I have passed the college English Test Band-6, a national exam of English proficiency attended by millions of college students and other people from all walks of life who wish to get a job in good companies in China. The exam is so difficult that even native speakers of English at college level fail to pass.

Mr. Xi Jinping is not a premier, he is the head of the country, the premier being a Mr. Li, well, it may be hard for you to understand, because you do not have premier in the US, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs either.

Mr. Thirty is a horny guy, as everybody can see, but he doesn't like to enjoy gay thing. And I do not have interest in his asshole, that is all.

China and the US are two share holders of the same companies, and it is not surprising for you to see the real estate around your neighborhood are often taken up by the sons or daughters of the corrupt officials of China. When hurricanes come, they living in China are more concerned about their properties in the US than you all.

I have many friends both of Chinese and of Ameircan blood now living in the US, and I don't mind getting more.
world leaders realize that obama is a fuck up, time for the asshat to go ... straight to prison where all Chicago politicians call home
Does anybody really think China would have handed us a traitor under any circumstances?

Didn't we just harbor one of their escaped political dissidents? Chen Guachang I think? The blind guy? Doubt they're in the mood to give back one of ours.
world leaders realize that obama is a fuck up, time for the asshat to go ... straight to prison where all Chicago politicians call home

If Obama was the Stalinist, Maoist dictator that you claim then Russia and China would cooperate with him.
Didn't we just harbor one of their escaped political dissidents? Chen Guachang I think? The blind guy? Doubt they're in the mood to give back one of ours.

I think so but that's not nearly as important as the fact that Michelle wasn't around at the summit.

If Obama was the Stalinist, Maoist dictator that you claim then Russia and China would cooperate with him.

What makes you think silly things like that?
Didn't we just harbor one of their escaped political dissidents? Chen Guachang I think? The blind guy? Doubt they're in the mood to give back one of ours.

Not quite correct.

The Chinese let the 'Blind Man' leave the country with a US visa granted by the State Department. They could have kept him.
china knows what's going on. russia knows what's going on. it's the american people that need to wake the fuck up and see what's going on.
china knows what's going on. russia knows what's going on. it's the american people that need to wake the fuck up and see what's going on.

Once again, nobody is actually stopping all you wonderful patriots from emigrating to those awesome countries you obviously prefer to this one.
Once again, nobody is actually stopping all you wonderful patriots from emigrating to those awesome countries you obviously prefer to this one.

this debate has been a long time coming. as far as your comment goes, sophomoric at best.
In point of fact, it is impossible to become a Chinese citizen via immigration.