Obama orders CDC gun violence study, study shreds his position


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Earlier this year, President Obama signed a set of executive orders targeting gun violence in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. Among them was an edict commanding the CDC to do a comprehensive survey of studies regarding guns and gun violence in the United States. Clearly, once the CDC produced the hard evidence that the US was a violent nation of wild-west shootouts, the American people would be eager to approve and fund future research while embracing strict gun control legislation.

At least that was the plan. The study, which was compiled by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council under the CDC's direction, was recently completed and released. The anti-gun crowd has been awfully quiet about it. Could it be that it didn't support their bogus hypothesis?

The study finds that "Between the years 2000-2010 firearm-related suicides significantly outnumbered homicides for all age groups, annually accounting for 61 percent of the more than 335,600 people who died from firearms related violence in the United States.”

While this is still a depressing statistic, it supports gun-rights advocates' claims that the country has a mental health problem, not a gun owner problem. In fact, the study found that those who own guns, carry them, and fight back against criminals are actually far better in dangerous situations.


Happy 4th ya'll. :D
160,000 people shoot themselves and you don't think the study shows there's a problem?
160,000 people shoot themselves and you don't think the study shows there's a problem?

Yes, that people are so depressed and disheartened in a country that has suffered horrific leadership for over 12 years now that they are killing themselves.
160,000 people shoot themselves and you don't think the study shows there's a problem?

Read it all MORON. ;) You have the same problem. :D

the country has a mental health problem, not a gun owner problem
Read it all MORON. ;) You have the same problem. :D

the country has a mental health problem, not a gun owner problem

And when you take away clean, simple ways to commit suicide, the suicide rates go down AND DON'T GO BACK UP.
He aint gonna confiscate the first pistol in Nigga Land so the whole deal is more bullshit to impress the stoopid girls.
That's what I thought. Run along, little racist.
Thinking is what you forgot to do.

Run along, little dumbass.

Suicide rates per 100,000

1 Greenland 108.1
2 South Korea 31.7
3 Lithuania 31.6
4 Guyana 26.4
5 Kazakhstan 25.6
6 Belarus 22.9
7 China 22.23
8 Slovenia 21.8
9 Hungary 21.7
10 Japan 21.7
11 Sri Lanka 21.6
12 Ukraine 21.2
13 Russia 20.2
14 Croatia 19.7
15 Latvia 18.2
16 Moldova 17.4
17 Serbia 17.3
18 Belgium 17
19 Finland 16.8
20 Bhutan 16.2
21 Uruguay 15.8
22 South Africa 15.4
23 Poland 15.4
24 Taiwan 15.1
25 Estonia 14.8
26 France 14.7
27 Suriname 14.4
28 Bosnia and Herzegovina 13.3
29 Austria 12.8
30 Czech Republic 12.8
31 Cuba 12.3
32 Bulgaria 12.3
33 Romania 12.0
34 United States 12.0
35 Sweden 11.9
36 Norway 11.9
37 United Kingdom 11.8
38 New Zealand 11.5
39 Portugal 11.5
40 Canada 11.5
41 Ireland 11.4
42 Denmark 11.3
43 Iceland 11.3
44 Chile 11.2
45 Switzerland 11.1
46 Trinidad and Tobago 10.7
47 India 10.5
48 Slovakia 9.9
49 Germany 9.9
50 Australia 9.7
51 Kyrgyzstan 8.8
52 Turkmenistan 8.6
53 Netherlands 8.5
54 Republic of Macedonia 8.0
55 El Salvador 8.0
56 Zimbabwe 7.9
57 Luxembourg 7.8
58 Thailand 7.8
59 Argentina 7.7
60 Spain 7.6​

Seiden cited a particularly striking example of this, a young man he interviewed over the course of his Golden Gate research. The man was grabbed on the eastern promenade of the bridge after passers-by noticed him pacing and growing increasingly despondent. The reason? He had picked out a spot on the western promenade that he wanted to jump from, but separated by six lanes of traffic, he was afraid of getting hit by a car on his way there.

“Crazy, huh?” Seiden chuckled. “But he recognized it. When he told me the story, we both laughed about it.”

It would be nice to have a link to the actual CDC study, and not to some crap, probably right wing website, to see what the data shows.

But even using the data in question, there is still a problem with gun violence. If 39% of the 335,000 gun deaths were violent crime, that means that well over 100,000 deaths during this period were caused by guns.

The other problem is that the data given doesn't talk about how many people were shot by guns illegally during this period who didn't die, how many were there? You hear the news in NYC, and you hear that a drive by shooting happened and for every death, there are 4 or 5 who were hurt...so wounding doesn't matter?

Actually, there have been a lot of people in the government who want to study gun violence, and the conservatives have used their power in congress to block funding and to forbid federal agencies to do any comprehensive studies on gun violence and the root causes, or to evaluate how much the legal gun trade feeds the illegal one.......and if the gun nuts are so certain guns aren't the answer, how come the wingnuts contrinue to block using federal funds to study the real truth about gun violence, if they aren't afraid the truth is, that easy access to guns is feeding the murder and violent crime rate. All I need mention is Texas has one of the most liberal gun laws in this country, and has one of the higher violent crime and homicide rates, and a number of other states with easy access to guns are up there as well.