Obama is killing.


Hooded On A Hill
May 27, 2004
Clinton yesterday, Biden earlier, and now Obama. They're crushing it. Great speeches. You can toy with them, pick fly shit out of their pepper, but they're doing a damned good job of motivating people to vote for them. Three great speeches.

I'm still voting for Johnson, btw.
I think Clinton's was especially powerful because he was willing to blast current and past republicans for such a bad job they have been doing still think that Obama is doing a bad job..

I hope more people have heard these speeches and that it shows at the voting booth..
Clinton yesterday, Biden earlier, and now Obama. They're crushing it. Great speeches. You can toy with them, pick fly shit out of their pepper, but they're doing a damned good job of motivating people to vote for them. Three great speeches.

I'm still voting for Johnson, btw.

No bodies watching dude. The entire convention was blown yesterday with the 'God' vote followed by the 'Jerusalem' vote. It was a fiasco.

It's all on U-Tube, because that is the new paradigm. Clinton, if you bother to read the text, spent more time patting himself on the back than he did promoting Obama. Quit watching and start reading.

An estimated 25.1 million people watched the convention between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Wednesday, when former President Bill Clinton delivered an impassioned nomination speech for President Barack Obama, the Nielsen ratings company said.

During that hour, just over 20 million people were watching the second half of the Dallas Cowboys' season-opening victory over the New York Giants. Faced with competition from Clinton, ratings for football's first game were down from the past two years.


Try again, Chief.
Biden was boring.

Clinton was textbook. Obama was pretty good.

Romney was Biden-quality.

His wife should have shown us some cleavage.

Michelle Obama is too Oprah for me.

Ohio. It's all about Ohio. KRC decides the Presidency.
Clinton yesterday, Biden earlier, and now Obama. They're crushing it. Great speeches. You can toy with them, pick fly shit out of their pepper, but they're doing a damned good job of motivating people to vote for them. Three great speeches.

I'm still voting for Johnson, btw.

I couldn't agree more (except for the Johnson part).

It's not even fair to mention the democratic and republican conventions in the same breath. I'm actually really surprised because usually the republicans are better at coordinating their message but the Dems brought their A game and completely nailed it.
No bodies watching dude. The entire convention was blown yesterday with the 'God' vote followed by the 'Jerusalem' vote. It was a fiasco.

It's all on U-Tube, because that is the new paradigm. Clinton, if you bother to read the text, spent more time patting himself on the back than he did promoting Obama. Quit watching and start reading.


LOL, bad job of trying to spin it. The God and Jerusalem vote was a blip in comparison to tonight. Tomorrow, no one is going to be speaking about it.
LOL, bad job of trying to spin it. The God and Jerusalem vote was a blip in comparison to tonight. Tomorrow, no one is going to be speaking about it.

Read, you do know how to read I presume?

No bodies watching dude. The entire convention was blown yesterday with the 'God' vote followed by the 'Jerusalem' vote. It was a fiasco.

It's all on U-Tube, because that is the new paradigm. Clinton, if you bother to read the text, spent more time patting himself on the back than he did promoting Obama. Quit watching and start reading.


Disagree, and I'm disappointed in you that you parroted the talking point about Clinton.
No bodies watching dude. The entire convention was blown yesterday with the 'God' vote followed by the 'Jerusalem' vote. It was a fiasco.

Jesus H, dude. You need to spend more time outside the rightwing bubble. "No body" gives a shit other than your fellow FNC obsessives.

Romney's personal refusal to mention the troops in Afghanistan is a MUCH bigger deal than the (quickly reversed) dropping of some boilerplate about God.

I didn't hear her. Was she also brilliant?

It was way beyond the usual spouse's speech, that's for damn sure.

My verdict: Michelle awesome, Clinton his typical self, Biden did what was asked of him. Obama was just OK early, but the speech had build, and the last 10 minutes or so was really strong. I find this convention's vision of America more hopeful and less cynical and bleak than the GOP's hymn to the infinite wisdom of Ayn Rand, but then nobody who has paid attention to my career here can be surprised by that.
Clinton yesterday, Biden earlier, and now Obama. They're crushing it. Great speeches. You can toy with them, pick fly shit out of their pepper, but they're doing a damned good job of motivating people to vote for them. Three great speeches.

I'm still voting for Johnson, btw.

I listened to Obama and am assuming it was the same speech you heard. I missed the part about the $1 trillion-plus annual deficits and his solution, so maybe you can fill me in.
As a matter of fact, I can't remember Obama proposing anything. He offered a lot of empty rhetoric and false choices, but anyone with a clue about current events would be well aware that he said nothing of substance.
I listened to Obama and am assuming it was the same speech you heard. I missed the part about the $1 trillion-plus annual deficits and his solution, so maybe you can fill me in.
As a matter of fact, I can't remember Obama proposing anything. He offered a lot of empty rhetoric and false choices, but anyone with a clue about current events would be well aware that he said nothing of substance.

He didn't mention his uncompromising demand for the unconstitutional power to assassinate and detain American citizens indefinitely without the Bill of Right's 5th Amendment guarantee of due process?

He didn't explain how the President is the nation's foremost protector of the Constitution and why he has decided to perjure himself by violating the oath he swore when inaugurated?

He didn't bring up how he is commanding the most intrusive invasion of personal privacy the United States has ever experienced? He didn't cite how, under his orders, the federal government now monitors every digital communication an American citizen preforms?

Did he bring up his fighting and voting against Illinois' Born-Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA) when he was a state Senator? You know, the Act which "was introduced to insure that babies who survive attempted abortions are provided the same medical care and sustenance as any other infant born alive. BAIPA was introduced after evidence was presented that babies born alive after unsuccessful abortions were simply discarded in utility closets without food, care, or medical treatment until they died."

Was he honest with the American people by telling them he sincerely believes that once a woman decides to have an abortion, that that death sentence is the only thing that matters even if the baby somehow survives the murderous attempt? That it's a "right", too, for that born-alive baby to be put to death anyway?

Of course he didn't...

...just like virtually every politician, if he were honest to We the People as to his true intents, he would never be elected.

No bodies watching dude. The entire convention was blown yesterday with the 'God' vote followed by the 'Jerusalem' vote. It was a fiasco.

This narrative is only playing in your angry little right wing circle.