Obama Is Going To Fuck Off Until Iran Has Its Nukes

Quick, what should he do?

vette probably thinks he should resign, shoot Biden, and let Boehner be POTUS. In which case, Iran would still have exactly the same chances of developing nukes.
He should have flattened their capability 4 years ago.

Then you'd be whining about Obama starting too many wars.

Also you recently said you believed Ahmeninijad' comment that he already had nukes. Now you don't. What changed? :confused:
China has hundreds of nukes pointed at the US. The Russians, too.

Who can sleep at night knowing this? Me. And quite well actually. When not hounded by my cellmate for cigarettes.
Overwhelming force.

We tried that in Iraq. The results were . . . highly regrettable, for Iraqis and for Americans. Iran is at least as volatile as Iraq, and three-plus times as big. What makes you think sending overwhelming force there would be a good idea?
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Vettehomo Logic says the united states should have its nuclear arsenal flattened.
Relax everybody. Obama is just pandering to the Israelis to make Benjie happy.

The last time I check the rules of the RWCJ say never believe anything Obama says, so why are you so upset?

The only ones who are afraid are the Israelis and they've got nukes now!
What do you think the President was contemplating when he said Iran would "never" be allowed to gain nuclear weapons? What do you think the Obama administration meant when they said the military option is on the table?

Nothing wise.