Obama Hires Christo To Cover Dams

I'm surprised they haven't shut down Rush Limbaugh who broadcasts over "their" airwaves.

Hell, they shut down the Air Force-Navy game and the NFL for the troops in order to punish them...
I'm surprised they haven't shut down Rush Limbaugh who broadcasts over "their" airwaves.

Hell, they shut down the Air Force-Navy game and the NFL for the troops in order to punish them...

Obama stays busy during the shut down helping the GOP make ads for 2014. My favorite is the one with park rangers beating 90 year old vet terrorists.
I'm surprised they haven't shut down Rush Limbaugh who broadcasts over "their" airwaves.

Hell, they shut down the Air Force-Navy game and the NFL for the troops in order to punish them...

Why would anyone want Rush 'OxyContin' Limbaugh off the air?
He's a constant reminder of the disingenuousness and hypocrisy of the right.
Besides, it makes it REAL easy to see the Dittoheads who can't actually string together a coherent sentence without echoing his daily scree.
Who the fuck locks up anything that's open at night without guards or ticket sellers?

The myopic looking for a crises that shall not be wasted...

Is he going to do this silly bullshit all the way to the ceiling debate running around giving his in-your-face Eddie Haskel speeches?
The optics here are going to come back to bite the Dems:

The World War II Memorial exists thanks to some $200 million in private donations — plus $15 million or so from Washington: In other words, the feds paid for the grass. But the thug usurpers of the bureaucracy want to send a message: In today’s America, everything is the gift of the government, and exists only at the government’s pleasure, whether it’s your health insurance, your religious liberty, or the monument to your fallen comrades. The Barrycades are such a perfect embodiment of what James Piereson calls “punitive liberalism” they should be tied round Obama’s neck forever, in the way that “ketchup is a vegetable” got hung around Reagan-era Republicans. Alas, the court eunuchs of the Obama media cannot rouse themselves even on behalf of the nation’s elderly warriors.

Meanwhile, Republicans offered a bill to prevent the shutdown affecting experimental cancer trials for children. The Democrats rejected it. “But if you can help one child who has cancer,” CNN’s Dana Bash asked Harry Reid, “why wouldn’t you do it?”

“Why would we want to do that?
” replied the Senate majority leader, denouncing Miss Bash’s question as “irresponsible.” For Democrats, the budget is all or nothing. Republican bills to fund this or that individual program have to be rejected out of hand as an affront to the apparent constitutional inviolability of the “continuing resolution.” In fact, government by “continuing resolution” is a sleazy racket: The legislative branch is supposed to legislate. Instead, they’re presented with a yea-or-nay vote on a single all-or-nothing multi-trillion-dollar band-aid stitched together behind closed doors to hold the federal leviathan together while it belches its way through to the next budget cycle. As Professor Angelo Codevilla of Boston University put it, “This turns democracy into a choice between tyranny and anarchy.” It’s certainly a perversion of responsible government: Congress has less say over specific federal expenditures than the citizens of my New Hampshire backwater do at Town Meeting over the budget for a new fence at the town dump. Pace Senator Reid, Republican proposals to allocate spending through targeted, mere multi-billion-dollar appropriations are not only not “irresponsible” but, in fact, a vast improvement over the “continuing resolution”: To modify Lord Acton, power corrupts, but continuing power corrupts continually.
Mark Steyn
The myopic looking for a crises that shall not be wasted...

Is he going to do this silly bullshit all the way to the ceiling debate running around giving his in-your-face Eddie Haskel speeches?

I hear that Obama hired ORKIN to cover the Statue of Liberty.
Maybe David Copperfield can make the Pentagon disappear...


The military seems to be taking the brunt of his petty vindictiveness.
Wait till the ads run next year and America see's Obama kicking old men around at a free park.

Nobody was "kicked around". In fact, the old men stormed the barricades and entered a closed federal park illegally. The park service let them in rather than "kick them around".

Sure. Every day its more great tv ads.

The Dems have got all of those great clips of Boehner saying, We are funding the government, but Harry says no to everything.

Even kids with cancer.

Let them die.

WSJ is leaking word from the White House that they do not care, as long as they are winning in the polls at the moment; the last few months have been kind of brutal for them, so they are desperate for any kind of win and in true Chicago-style, they do not care who they have to knee cap...
The Dems have got all of those great clips of Boehner saying, We are funding the government, but Harry says no to everything.

Even kids with cancer.

Let them die.

WSJ is leaking word from the White House that they do not care, as long as they are winning in the polls at the moment; the last few months have been kind of brutal for them, so they are desperate for any kind of win and in true Chicago-style, they do not care who they have to knee cap...

How long before Obama hires Bull O'Connor and the fire department to get people off Washington streets?
U_D, why do you hate kids with cancer?

It must be because Ted Cruz is Hispanic...

Why do you do nothing but ascribe positions to your perceived enemies Cap'n?
I can only assume it's because you so desperately need a win that even demolishing a straw man is an ego boost.
How long before Obama hires Bull O'Connor and the fire department to get people off Washington streets?

I cannot believe the NAACP is keeping their fucking mouths shut as he denies them access to the MLK memorial; grass and stone.

If they are concerned about trash, the Tea Party would volunteer to come clean up.

So would Glenn Beck.
Nevertheless, just because it’s a phony crisis doesn’t mean it can’t be made even phonier. The perfect symbol of the shutdown-simulacrum so far has been the World War II Memorial. This is an open-air facility on the National Mall — that’s to say, an area of grass with a monument at the center. By comparison with, say, the IRS, the National Parks Service is not usually one of the more controversial government agencies. But, come “shutdown,” they’re reborn as the shock troops of the punitive bureaucracy. Thus, they decided to close down an unfenced open-air site — which oddly enough requires more personnel to shut than it would to keep it open.

So the Parks Service dispatched their own vast army to the World War II Memorial to ring it with barricades and yellow “Police Line — Do Not Cross” tape strung out like the world’s longest “We Support Our Troops” ribbon. For good measure, they issued a warning that anybody crossing the yellow line would be liable to arrest — or presumably, in extreme circumstances, the same multi-bullet ventilation that that mentally ill woman from Connecticut wound up getting from the coppers. In a heartening sign that the American spirit is not entirely dead, at least among a small percentage of nonagenarians, a visiting party of veterans pushed through the barricades and went to honor their fallen comrades, mordantly noting for reporters that, after all, when they’d shown up on the beach at Normandy it too had not been officially open.

One would not be altogether surprised to find the feds stringing yellow police tape along the Rio Grande, the 49th parallel, and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, if only to keep Americans in rather than anybody else out. Still, I would like to have been privy to the high-level discussions at which the government took the decision to install its Barrycades on open parkland. For anyone with a modicum of self-respect, it’s difficult to imagine how even the twerpiest of twerp bureaucrats would consent to stand at a crowd barrier and tell a group of elderly soldiers who’ve flown in from across the country that they’re forbidden to walk across a piece of grass and pay their respects. Yet, if any National Parks Service employee retained enough sense of his own humanity to balk at these instructions or other spiteful, petty closures of semi-wilderness fishing holes and the like, we’ve yet to hear about it.
Mark Steyn, NRO
The optics here are going to come back to bite the Dems:
Mark Steyn

Mark should probably take a look at who's ass it getting chewed on before he makes a statement like that. Especially after McConnel and Rand's open mic moment.

Unfortunately for the House GOP they think that the entire country is as uninformed as their constituency. As it stands, more people are blaming the GOP for their intransigence than either the President or the Democrats in Congress.

They realize that the GOP putting a gun to the head of the economy then agreeing to put down the gun if only the Democrats acceded to their demands isn't compromise, it's a terrorist hostage negotiation.
I cannot believe the NAACP is keeping their fucking mouths shut as he denies them access to the MLK memorial; grass and stone.

If they are concerned about trash, the Tea Party would volunteer to come clean up.

So would Glenn Beck.

The plantations got barrycades too, and they cant get out to protest.
Obamacare’s Unconstitutional Origins
Tax legislation has to originate in the House; the health-care law didn’t.
Andrew McCarthy, NRO
OCTOBER 5, 2013

Of all the fraud perpetrated in the passage of Obamacare — and the fraud has been epic — the lowest is President Obama’s latest talking point that the Supreme Court has endorsed socialized medicine as constitutional. To the contrary, the justices held the “Affordable” Care Act unconstitutional as Obama presented it to the American people: namely, as a legitimate exercise of Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce.

To sustain this monstrosity, Chief Justice John Roberts had to shed his robes and put on his legislator cap. He rewrote Obamacare as a tax — the thing the president most indignantly promised Americans that Obamacare was not. And it is here that our recent debate over the Constitution’s Origination Clause — the debate in which Matt Franck, Ramesh Ponnuru, Mark Steyn, and yours truly have probed the historical boundaries of the “power of the purse” reposed by the Framers in the House of Representatives — descends from the airy realm of abstraction and homes in on a concrete violation of law.

It is not just that the intensely unpopular Obamacare was unconstitutional as fraudulently portrayed by the president and congressional Democrats who strong-armed and pot-sweetened its way to passage. It is that Obamacare is unconstitutional as rewritten by Roberts. It is a violation of the Origination Clause — not only as I have expansively construed it, but even under Matt’s narrow interpretation of the Clause.


Note the crucial qualifier: Obamacare could be upheld only as a tax. Not that Obamacare is necessarily a legitimate tax. To be a legitimate tax measure, Obamacare would have to have complied with all the Constitution’s conditions for the imposition of taxes. Because Democrats stubbornly maintained that their unilateral handiwork was not a tax, its legitimacy vel non as a tax has not been explored. Indeed, it is because Obamacare’s enactment was induced by fraud — a massive confiscation masquerading as ordinary regulatory legislation so Democrats could pretend not to be raising taxes — that the chief justice was wrong to rebrand it post facto and thus become a participant in the fraud.

We now know Obamacare was tax legislation. Consequently, it was undeniably a “bill for raising revenue,” for which the Constitution mandates compliance with the Origination Clause (Art. I, Sec. 7). The Clause requires that tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives. Obamacare did not.
Andrew McCarthy