Obama has warned disabled vets that the prolonged sequester could put their benefits


Jan 23, 2011
Obama has warned disabled vets that the prolonged sequester could put their benefits in jeopardy.

The United States must really be rolling in dough, because in addition to having his dog helicoptered to Martha's Vineyard on Sunday, President Hussein Obama has given Syria $195 million to celebrate Eid al-Fitr.

From the official White House release:

Michelle and I send our warmest greetings to Muslims celebrating Eid al-Fitr here in the United States and around the world. During the past month, Muslims have honored their faith through prayer and service, fasting and time spent with loved ones.


To help the many Syrians in need this Eid al-Fitr, the United States is providing an additional $195 million in food aid and other humanitarian aid, bringing our humanitarian contribution to the Syrian people to over $1 billion since the crisis began. For millions of Americans, Eid is part of a great tapestry of America’s many traditions, and I wish all Muslims a blessed and joyful celebration. Eid Mubarak.
They always threaten vets and old people any time they don't get their money.

If they don't get their pork first they will cut the people where it hurts most to get them to turn the money back on.

They won't stop million dollar park benches and stockpiling drones/tanks for anything....but they will turn vets/grandma's 36k a year off in a fucking heartbeat.

LOL thug gubbmint at it's finest...and the REPOHZ are just as bad, get off your cross, we need the wood.
Remember how, in another life, he and his ilk referred to them as the stupid and the desperate?

We should have never taken them to war; they were only there to get and education and job training. No one in their right mind volunteers to go to war. Nations are such an out-dated idea, what we need is Universal Everything, especially government. With one world government, there would be no need for armies or war, so open your borders, destroy your healthcare and allow the UN to begin rewriting your law via treaty, after all, in this life, President Obama controls the Senate...
They always threaten vets and old people any time they don't get their money.

If they don't get their pork first they will cut the people where it hurts most to get them to turn the money back on.

They won't stop million dollar park benches and stockpiling drones/tanks for anything....but they will turn vets/grandma's 36k a year off in a fucking heartbeat.

LOL thug gubbmint at it's finest...and the REPOHZ are just as bad, get off your cross, we need the wood.

That's why I hammer kbate al the time. If that is your attitude, then you will never have to suffer them, you will get more Obamas, Clintons and worse...

You also tell the RINOs that they need to work harder to move to the Left and reduce the number of people in their party that want a more Libertarian government. Might as well tell the Christians to shove off to for then you will be a palatable alternative should the government prove to be corrupt, oh yeah, the people who sold themselves out for votes, man will they ever be clean as a whistle!
That's why I hammer kbate al the time. If that is your attitude, then you will never have to suffer them, you will get more Obamas, Clintons and worse...

You also tell the RINOs that they need to work harder to move to the Left and reduce the number of people in their party that want a more Libertarian government. Might as well tell the Christians to shove off to for then you will be a palatable alternative should the government prove to be corrupt, oh yeah, the people who sold themselves out for votes, man will they ever be clean as a whistle!

That's why I hammer kbate al the time. If that is your attitude, then you will never have to suffer them, you will get more Obamas, Clintons and worse...

LOL yea b/c Obamas and clintons are so much worse than Bush's, RR's and Nixons........REALLY? REALLY??

You also tell the RINOs that they need to work harder to move to the Left and reduce the number of people in their party that want a more Libertarian government. Might as well tell the Christians to shove off to for then you will be a palatable alternative should the government prove to be corrupt, oh yeah, the people who sold themselves out for votes, man will they ever be clean as a whistle!

I have read this heap of wtf about 30 times and I keep coming to the conclusion that you think REPOHZ and CHRISTIANZ are the only groups out there in favor of freedom?

And that you have to pick one team of morons or the other otherwise your just a fool???

Is that right?