Obama has been good for the stock markets.


Literotica Guru
Sep 15, 2012
The TEATARDS have their money in Beck's freedom seeds, that's why they know zip about the real markets. They'd poop their Depends if they had to to look at a stock chart. How did those overpriced gold collectable coins work out for you? Oops, no college for the kids.
Kids, learn about the markets.

You won't have to live in a trailer like the teahadists.
My favorite moment on Lit this year was when 4est_4est_Gump finally told us what his so-called "investment portfolio" consisted of.

After pinkie-swearing on his daughter's soul that he had gotten completely out of the stock market in 2008 once a black president was elected and invested in nothing but gold and Freedom seeds in preparation for the upcomin' apocalypse, it turns out he never quite got around to doing that.

Sooo...he actually made money in the stock market run-up, but hey, gold and Freedom seeds really ARE a good investment! Pinkie-swear!

"Do as I say, not as I Scooby-dooby-do!"
It isn't that the stock market is up. It is that the value of money is down.

Stocks are an equity...they hedge inflation.

The action of the federal reserve, (run by an X Wall Street fat cat as you would describe them), is having the intended effect of propping up the stock market by making money available on the cheap.

The more money you print the less the money is worth and the more of it you're willing to trade for the same stock.
Except the value of the dollar isn't way down. We've been at it for five years now and it still hasn't.
Except the value of the dollar isn't way down. We've been at it for five years now and it still hasn't.

Isnt way down compared to what?

The doubling of the price of gas is not due to the Keystone pipeline refusal.

Inflation is insidious regressive tax.

Corporations learned during the Carter years that simply raising prices which would be the most effective way to demonstrate the devaluation of the dollar just isn't going to work.

Look how many Ounces are in a quart of Gatorade now.

Measure your box of cornflakes vs 5 years ago.

There's a reason that when you go to the grocery store you get less bags of groceries while simultaneously paying more.

If you look at nearly everything you buy on a price per ounce basis, just about everything is roughly double what it was 5 years ago. That's pretty significant.

Sure some things aren't quite as bad as either the company laid off workers automated more things use less packaging made it less fancy or less complicated to produce...

And all of those sort of efficiency gains are of course reflected in the stock market as actual gains. But I maintain that the bulk of the stock market growth is because people are hedging and the Fed has made all other non equity investments pretty much worthless because interest investing is of no value when there be fed is giving money away for free.

Obviously not all of the gains are attributable to either increases in productivity of the underlying companies or inflation of the equities due to the deflation of the currency...

All of the rest of it therefore is pure speculation. It's another bubble. Bubbles don't happen in a true free market which of course we haven't had in what a century? The government making free money available to the fat cats on Wall Street while talking about how they're working for Main Street results in market distortions. If I were a big bank and able to get huge quantities of cash for free of course I would devil in the stock market with it. Using the greater fool theory of investment my plan would be to course get out right before the next crash.
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Nothing has doubled in the last five years. Not almost everything. If it was you'd have a point but that's not reality.
Nothing has doubled in the last five years. Not almost everything. If it was you'd have a point but that's not reality.

Admittedly the anecdotal evidence that I see in my local grocery store could very well be skewed. This used to be a Uniontown and one of the last holdovers is one grocery store with no competition and union wages.

So in order that 12 to 20 people have above scale wages at a higher cost of living every single person in town has a lower standard of living.

And of course in my town and yours the price of every food commodity that is it anyway tied to corn is up due to the ridiculous ethanol program supported by Democrats and Republicans I like as a major welfare system for farmers.

Even environmentalists now concede that the program is actually counter productive and will actually increase their carbon emissions. But like any government run program that become somebody's cash cow it will never be killed.

But monetary policy in sundry ways IS Definitely propping up the stock market to historic highs. I'm not sure what the m1 supply was 5 years ago versus now but it 80 billion dollars a month in phony money... that's nearly a trillion dollars per year... and all of it has to be parked somewhere. Just the threat of pulling that rug out eventually was enough to cause the stock market to tumble. I can't see that there's any argument that monetary policy and the stock market are directly linked.
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The TEATARDS have their money in Beck's freedom seeds, that's why they know zip about the real markets. They'd poop their Depends if they had to to look at a stock chart. How did those overpriced gold collectable coins work out for you? Oops, no college for the kids.

wow, total blissful ignorance. Your ignorance must make your mom so proud
Except the value of the dollar isn't way down. We've been at it for five years now and it still hasn't.

derp boy, have you noticed prices going up but wages staying stagnant ... oh wait, you don't have a job as you collect the obama welfare

the only people truly enjoying the economy...well you and those like you, and the 1% ers