Obama Fraud At Work

'Mommy, where's Grandpa?'

'Grandpa is on the computer yelling and screaming about Obama.'


'Yes, still'
Brought to you by the Department of Because You'll Believe Anything.
The video, produced by independent journalist James O’Keefe, [....]



You act as if this moron has any credibility at all.
You learned nothing from listening to this partisan liar the last time eh?

What an ultra-maroon..
what a gull-a-bull..
What a nin-cow-poop..

You're familiar with Einstein's definition of insanity aren't you Vette?
Oh this will be fun to pick apart.

OK, let's take the number of people that are hired to register voters, whether they work directly under an Obama banner, DNC, RNC, etc. etc. There's going to be more than quite a few.

Now in the first part of the video when the girl asks if they would cross check, the worker says that it's not my expertise.

So how did this worker directly allow her to commit voter fraud? By not calling the proper authorities about it right away? Do you think people that are volunteers or aren't paid much are going to be judicious to such questions?

Lastly, the title of your thread says Obama fraud at work. So did Obama directly employ this woman? Does he directly employ everyone who works for his election campaigns? If you were running a presidential election, would you be sitting and watching every worker?

I'm not saying voter fraud is rightnor am I saying this woman should do it. Instead I'm pointing out just how desperate you are to run into a crowded theater and say ZOMG Obama fraud is at work! I can link it all to him! No No, just listen to me, I can make the connection if you give me the rest of my life. No, I'm really not grasping at straws!

I'm sure Miles will lick the egg off your face.




I Guess It Wasnt True After All?


Schumck Ud?:d
isnt it funny

The TIN FOIL HAT CROWD doesnt believe anything..................except that Obama was born in teh US:D
Having watched the (highly edited) video, can someone explain to me what they did wrong?
Just when I have a glimmer of hope you'll address something you don't agree with, you're playing the let's throw out stupid lines like a couple of classroom dunces.

Change your name to C&P coward already.
Having watched the (highly edited) video, can someone explain to me what they did wrong?

As I said, the worker didn't automatically alert all authorities that the person asking may be committing voter fraud. So let's lock them all up, hold Obama accountable at the top, and jail them all!

As I said, the worker didn't automatically alert all authorities that the person asking may be committing voter fraud. So let's lock them all up, hold Obama accountable at the top, and jail them all!


She gave them a form that anyone can d/l off the fucking internet. :rolleyes:
She gave them a form that anyone can d/l off the fucking internet. :rolleyes:

Al Gore invented the internet.

The voter registration form she used was acquired through the internet.

Thus it's also Gore's fraud at work if we follow the impeccable logic of Vette.
I wonder if she worked for Strategic Allied Consulting?
shove your BS puke, where there are juans that believe your shit!
I am trying to locate Vette's thread about SAC.

I know he must have created one, given his righteous indignation in this thread.

Can some one help me?

I can't seem to pull it up when I search.

It has to be there!