Nuva Ring - Birth Control??


Dirty Grandma...
Feb 10, 2003
My 18 yr. old is looking for another birth control option than the pill. Gyno suggested the NuvaRing. Anyone ever tried it?
A friend of mine tells me the 'patch' works really well, but that she had problems with it coming off while she sat in water, and it's not supposed to do that. :confused:

It would help if you could tell us why she wants an alternative. Easier to remember? Something about the hormones involved? That would narrow down the options. :)

I think it could be because some of the birth control pills
have side effects such as nausea and weight gain, but
each woman is different.

I am on Yasmin, one of the newer types of pills, have
been on it since mid-July last year, and though I've
experienced nausea and mood swings at times, its
been a godsend because it put my time of the month
back on track (I was missing one month then getting it
the next, etc. due to constant stress).

Good luck!
Thanks for the replies. Even the lowest pills make her crazy (I could never take it either) This ring has even lower does of Estrogen and you put it in for 27 days - off a week - then a new one in. Sounds wonderful - I just wanted to talk to someone who had tried it.....
I have used the Nuva-ring for over a year now and have no side effects.

I have no mood swings other than just the normal every day ones... and I attribute the 10 lbs I have gained in the last year to my quitting smoking, rather than birth control.

I highly recommend that you discuss this with the ob/gyn. It may not be for everyone, but I find that it works the best for me since I have a tendency to "forget" to take my meds.... there is no forgetting... just put it in and at the end of 3 weeks take it out.
I'm on the patch. I love it, except that it causes weight gain. When I was first put on the patch I was quite underweight, so I didn't mind the side effect of weight gain because it went straight to my ass/hips and breast areas. I'm not underweight anymore though (almost a year later) and the thought of the patch causing weight gain is playing mind games with me. I am thinking about switching to Yasmin, I've heard a lot of good things about it. It supposedly causes the least reported weight gain as a side effect of all the BC on the market, but this is just hear-say.

BTW, my patch never comes off or gets loose while soaking in the tub or exercising. The only thing that bugs me about it is the yucky "band-aid" ring it leaves around the edges.
thank you all

I knew I would find answers here! Our gyno did suggest this type of bc for my daughter - but I wanted to get some more feedback from people who have tried it. Let me ask you this - her bf has a 10 inch penis (Don't even ask me how or why I know this about my daughter - we are very close- sometimes too close I think lol!) Do you think there will be a problem with HIM feeling it?
It is soft and pliable and I cannot imagine anyone feeling it. It is also tasteless and odorless and if you asked the ob/gun I am certain that they would have told you or your daughter this information...
Yes - they did - I just wanted to hear it from a woman who had used it. Thanks for the help.
I must be living under a rock.

I had never heard of the Nuva Ring. thanks for sharing this information!

Me either - now my older daughter wants to try it too. She's been on the pill for 5 years already. It always seemed to me that girls who had been on the pill for a long time ended up having the hardest time getting pregnant. (And I want to be a gramma one of these days!)