Now I understand why the French are against war - ANY WAR!


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001
The French: Les Miserables
Geoff Metcalf
Friday, Feb. 14, 2003

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion. – Donald Rumsfeld

As yet more proof of my credo that “It is not a question of WHO is right or wrong but WHAT is right or wrong that matters,” I submit Tom Lantos. The House International Relations Committee's top Demoncrat, Rep. Tom Lantos of California, has said he was "particularly disgusted by the blind intransigence and utter ingratitude" of Paris, Berlin and Brussels.

"If it were not for the heroic efforts of America's military, France, Germany and Belgium today would be Soviet socialist republics," Lantos noted. "The failure of these three states to honor their commitments is beneath contempt."

Go figure … even Tom Lantos (like a broken clock) can be right.

The French! In military matters they are less significant than Ed Norton, Spike Lee, Sean Penn, Madonna or Rolly Polly Olly.

A friend recently sent me an amusing item that prompted some follow-up research. If you go to a search engine like and type in the query “French Military Victories,” guess what you get?

Type in Geoff Metcalf and you’ll get 9,700. Try George Bush and you get overwhelmed with 2,570,000. But for “French military victories,” zero, zilch, nada …

Some anonymous cyberwag actually took the time to compile a list. I wish I could attribute it to someone, but I did vet it and edited some comments.

Here it is:

Gallic Wars: The French not only lost … they lost to an Italian.

Hundred Years’ War: Although they kinda/sorta mostly lost, they were saved by Joan of Arc (a female schizophrenic), who by accident created the First Rule of French Warfare: "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman."

Italian Wars: France became the first and only country in history to lose not just one but TWO wars against Italians.

Wars of Religion: France was 0-5-4 against the Huguenots.

Thirty Years’ War: Although not technically a principal, they did manage to get invaded anyway. Amusingly, they claim a tie on the basis that eventually the other participants started ignoring them.

War of Devolution: Tied.

Dutch War: Tied.

War of the Augsburg League: Lost, claimed tie.

King William's War: Lost, claimed tie.

French and Indian War: Lost, claimed tie.

Three ties in a row caused some deluded folks to label the period as the height of French military power.

War of the Spanish Succession: Lost.

American In a Scribean foreshadow of the future, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw way more action.

This is eventually known as "de Gaulle Syndrome."

It also establishes the Second Rule of French Warfare: "France only wins when America does most of the fighting."

French Revolution: Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French.

Napoleonic Wars: Lost.

Franco-Prussian War: Lost.

World War I: Tied and on the way to losing. France was saved by the United States.

World War II: Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States and Britain.

War in Indochina: Lost.

Algerian Rebellion: Lost. The first defeat of a Western army by a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades. It gave birth to the First Rule of Muslim Warfare: "We can always beat the French." This rule is identical to the First Rules of Italian, Russian, German, English, Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux Warfare.

War on Terrorism: France has surrendered to Germans and Muslims just to be safe.
How many divisions does it take to defend Paris? No one knows … it’s never been done.
There was (and I suspect still is) a wonderful story flying through cyberspace ( It tells of a confrontation between a U.S. Marine and a French army officer in a PX in Bosnia.

The two soldiers exchange views and insults about France and the USA. Eventually the U.S. Marine offers to step outside and settle things between the two of them. The French officer issues a final insult and walks away. The kicker to the story is the fact that the Marine officer reportedly was a female.

New York Post's Steve Dunleavy has suggested an economic response to French and German perfidy: a boycott of all things French and German. COOL!

"Let's see how fast Jacques Chirac, the president of the whine and cheese club, and Gerhard Schroeder, the German leader whose people enjoy a united Berlin thanks to President Ronald Reagan, react to that one," Dunleavy wrote.

How fast? Steve, quicker than a minnow can swim a dipper. THAT fast.
The French? The French will grovel to anyone with strength!" Longshanks...
Fawking Valentine's Day crud is pushing down my tribute to France's Military Greatness!
Re: Re: Now I understand why the French are against war - ANY WAR!

p_p_man said:
Only a madman would be in favour of war - ANY WAR!


There ya go again....contradicting your sig line....:rolleyes:
Naw, not really, Tungwagger, he'll say something like, "One can defend one's country without war!" . Or something like that. 'Course, no offense, Tungwagger, his tongue wagging doesn't work well against automatic weapons or bomb belts.
Re: Re: Re: Now I understand why the French are against war - ANY WAR!

Tungwagger said:
There ya go again....contradicting your sig line....:rolleyes:

That is....unless YOU are a madman..;)
8ball said:
Naw, not really, Tungwagger, he'll say something like, "One can defend one's country without war!" . Or something like that. 'Course, no offense, Tungwagger, his tongue wagging doesn't work well against automatic weapons or bomb belts.

Yes, I'm well aware that pp has to be right in his mind rather than be percieved as honest in his arguments....:nana:
BAGHDAD (Reuters) -- A high-ranking Iraqi government official said today that his country is just days away from announcing a new military partnership with France.

The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein will make the announcement early next week.

A spokesman for French President Jacques Chirac would not comment on the report.

While this partnership would send shockwaves throughout the European Union and is sure to bring France's continued membership in NATO into question, the official said partnership would not involve France sending arms or troops to the embattled Gulf state.

Instead the French will be sending advisors to Iraq to instruct the Iraqi troops in the finer points of surrendering.

"Our glorious leader was extremely disappointed in our performance in this area during the Gulf War," the official said. "He demanded we improve on it and go out and find the best people we could to train our soldiers."

When asked why Iraq contacted France for assistance the official said, "It really was an easy choice. Nobody surrenders better than the French."

He went on to add that, "we did a horrible job in 1991. Our troops were surrendering to news crews for Allah's sake! It was embarassing."

The French are expected to focus on the following areas during the training courses: the proper way to fasten a white sheet to the barrel of a rifle, how to differentiate between a television crew and a military patrol and how to say "Don't shoot, I give up." in English and Spanish.
The French helped Hitler in WW2..

They gave their approval of the annexation of their "friends" in the East, while appeasing the Vichy factions in France. They downplayed the German buildup, convincing Chamberlain of 'dolfs benign aggression. If we listen again to these backstabbers, we'll pay a similar price in history.
For Sale: One WW2 French combat rifle, never fired, dropped only once!
Re: The French helped Hitler in WW2..

Lost Cause said:
They gave their approval of the annexation of their "friends" in the East, while appeasing the Vichy factions in France. They downplayed the German buildup, convincing Chamberlain of 'dolfs benign aggression. If we listen again to these backstabbers, we'll pay a similar price in history.

They also had the largest and most successful civilian army fighting behind enemy lines without the protection of the Geneva Convention...

The French Resistance...

There was Agincourt where the French had a 10-1 advantage in personnel against the, they lost that one too.
Article in yesterday's Washington Times talked about some of the reasons behind French, German and Russian reluctance to back NATO. All three have been selling lots of goods and services to Iraq even though they're not supposed to be doing so (UN). The French are selling nuclear systems, the Germans are selling warfighting technology and the Russians are selling weapons, lots and lots of weapons.
Yeah, Chirac's going to have a hard time explaining all the "made in France" stencils on Iraq's nuclear reactor equipment.
Now if you're all going to talk about people with no stomach for a fight...

let's hear it for the Italians...

The most famous cowards in history...

During WWII one allied soldier would often walk into camp leading a string of Italians with their hands held high...

"What's the smallest book in the world?"

"The Italian book of war heroes..."

