
There are zero MAGAts on this forum who care a jot about what Christianity really is.
Some of you might find this interesting. The main thing I noticed is that the author who made these changes has absolutely no idea what Christianity is. Unfortunately she's not likely to learn anything about it by attending a modern church mired in heretical doctrine and apostasy.

Good luck anyway, I guess.
I take it from the tone and substance of your post that any "modern church mired in heretical doctrine and apostasy" isn't really Christian and there is an authority somewhere (I assume by your post you are the one laying claim to that mantle) that has the power to declare the substance and doctrine of each religious sect, as well as what is and is not "heretical"?


Should we genuflect to you now or wait until you are anointed at the second coming?

You may kiss my ass instead.

Of course I am being facetious. I don’t want you that close to me.

It’s comical to me that you wear ignorance like a suit of armor. You also seem to think that if you are ignorant, everyone else must be too.

Yes, I know heresy and apostasy when I see it. It requires a bit of interest and study. Anyone can do it, but most are too lazy or uninterested.

And before you ask, no I won’t explain. I don’t like you enough to teach you.
No, it takes a lot of arrogance and narcissism (which you display in copious amounts) to believe that you and only you have a lock on what is or isn't contained in a specific religion; that you and only you can dictate what others beleive.

You really don't need to try to explain either. Anyone with only a bit of gray matter can understand your meaning. It's all explained by the tone and tenor of your post.


Some of you might find this interesting. The main thing I noticed is that the author who made these changes has absolutely no idea what Christianity is. Unfortunately she's not likely to learn anything about it by attending a modern church mired in heretical doctrine and apostasy.

Good luck anyway, I guess.

This line sums it up - why people turn towards religion instead of self-regulation and looking for the good in others and the truth right before them.

Quote from the link:

“I have also turned to Christianity because I ultimately found life without any spiritual solace unendurable — indeed very nearly self-destructive.”

I believe that the externalization quest for understanding and “need” for a sense of belonging is the main reason so many people are willing to embrace an “us vs. them” mindsets.
An old preacher I used to know, said “you can’t stop people from talking bad about you, but you can make them have to lie to do it.”

You are the living proof.

In order to have something to complain about, you insist that I say I am the “only one“

In fact, I actually said, “anyone can do it…”
Taking your own quotes out of context, an interesting tactic. Let's look at what you said shall we?
Firstly you state with an air of certainty that:
"Unfortunately she's not likely to learn anything about it by attending a modern church mired in heretical doctrine and apostasy."
When challenged on your assertion rather than present any facts to back your statement, you use a Trumpian tactic and go on the attack.

"You may kiss my ass instead."

Such tactics show you have nothing of substance to fall back on, no facts, just an expulsion of bile.

When cornered you fall back on claiming that I said you are the "only one", which isn't what I said at all. Observe:

"I take it from the tone and substance of your post that any "modern church mired in heretical doctrine and apostasy" isn't really Christian and there is an authority somewhere (I assume by your post you are the one laying claim to that mantle) that has the power to declare the substance and doctrine of each religious sect, as well as what is and is not "heretical"?"

In case you aren't conversant in English grammar punctuation, that sign at the end of that sentence is a question mark. It denotes a question rather than a statement, inviting you to answer it.

Then you claim to have said: "Anyone can do it..." Which is true, but parsed from the original text which read:

"Yes, I know heresy and apostasy when I see it. It requires a bit of interest and study. Anyone can do it, but most are too lazy or uninterested."

So you did say you were one of the few who are learned enough on the subject matter to make such a statement.

Perhaps you would like to withdraw and rethink your approach? Or would you like to dig a deeper hole?

I don’t respect you enough to continue responding or even to read this.

Yes the favourite move you make when you're beaten....."ignore"....Guess it helps not to bruise your ego too much eh?

He has two pages of ignores... some on the list are below. I was very surprised to find silver on it. She's so polite I don't know what this fucking idiot could have done to piss her off enough to then ignore her...

Whatever works for ya. Maybe make a post about how you dont talk to homeless people so we can understand your approach on that

You need the last word and you need to feel “meaningful.”

Your mistake is trying to give your life meaning based on things you can’t influence, much less control.

Nevertheless, go ahead and take the last word. I promise not to reply again.


Your eagerness to be outraged is compromising your ability to look at things fairly. I could explain more, but it hardly seems worth the trouble.


Tally Ho, White Knight!


Off you go, silly thing.


I’m not interested in proving anything to you - or educating you. No idea can penetrate your indoctrination.


Talking to you is like waving away an insistent fly.

But eventually it’s time for the swatter.


(This is actually the, “I’ve evaluated you and concluded that you will never say anything unexpected” technique.)

There are already enough people who find ways to blame Trump for everything... which means I don't really need you.


I took you seriously for a moment. Clearly you weren't ready for that.

Rest assured, it will never happen again.


You continue to fantasize. There is no hostility, but your overreaction to some basic correction is giving me the impression you are unstable.

This horse has been beaten to death. Move on with your life.


Your case was nonsense. The article tells you the basis for the action taken and it is in no way similar to your argument.

That's why you're a mindless drone, unworthy of more attention.

On a side note, almost 24 hours passed between our comments... not "zero point five seconds."
Exaggeration does you no favors.


In spite of your early experience, you do not understand what Christianity actually is. Your own words clearly say you are not one… and you seem not to realize it.

I can’t help thinking you are probably confused about a lot of things.


A believer and an unbeliever are not "brothers" in the spiritual sense. And as an actual Christian, I have no tolerance at all for unbelievers trying to explain Christianity to me.


It’s pretty clear there’s nothing worthwhile going on in your head.

I have met quite a few "Christians" like Mr. a bit. Their main "kink" is, basically, hatred and contempt for anyone other than white, heterosexual males. In his case, Mr. A Bit seems to have a lot of vindictive anger towards the GLBT community, though I've seen him make at least a couple blatantly racist remarks as well. And the one thing they all have in common, is that they try to justify their own bigotry with the tried and true phrase, "It says this in the Bible."

I've seen the Bible used to justify slavery, segregation, laws against race mixing, laws oppressing women, even violence and murder of "unbelievers." I've seen posters on this very forum- anyone remember "xFrodobagginsx?"- whose posts would almost always contradict EVERY SINGLE THING JESUS EVER TAUGHT- all the while proclaiming himself some holier than thou crusading Christian. So, when people proclaim themselves to be "Christians" I get a bit cynical.

The Lord judges people by their actions and words. Not by what they label themselves, or how easily they can memorize the entire Bible without grasping any of it's meaning.
anyone remember "xFrodobagginsx?"- whose posts would almost always contradict EVERY SINGLE THING JESUS EVER TAUGHT- all the while proclaiming himself some holier than thou crusading Christian.

Yup - him and Franklin78.

They were so ridiculous that one almost wondered if they were satire. But they were not. 🙄