note to self

NTS I do not look like Don Johnson in his prime, no matter how much the sunglasses cost or how many days I go without shaving.
Note to self...wear a longer shirt when taking a walk, and she calls...facing away from traffic as she describes her wet panties is not always an option.... :) :rose:
Note to self...give it more thought when you're invited to go away for the weekend with someone with zero sex drive.
note to self: fruits & veggies really are a better snack than salty chips
Note to self, there are plenty of smart and stupid people in the world, judge each accordingly
Note to self: do not have a long, hot shower without the exhaust fan on. The smoke alarm doesn't appreciate it.
note to self: don't go for a walk on a sunday afternoon when it's the perfect weather for a walk. you'll run into your former high school teachers and school 'mates' (with a baby, WTF?).

note to self: could have been worse, could have been your father or his cunt of a girlfriend.
note to self: Honey's new Ampic-thread does not include pics of Honey.
Note to self: don't cry. He'll be back and he's only 2.5 hours away at school ferchrissake.
Note to self: Everyone that is staying in a sexually unhappy marriage seems to say "we're friends though." Don't be friends with your lover. Be a lover. Be unique to them in way they can get from no other.