note to self

note to self: take a shower every other day. you'll feel better afterwards. cleaner, too.
note to self: eat 3 meals a day (at least 2!). and chocolate or cake is not a meal.
Note to selbst: Put your big-girl knickers on and get over it. It's not the end of the world. :cool:

Think of it this way: there's an excellent chance you're going to get to hear a new term of endearment. ;)

You're melting already, aren't you? :rolleyes:
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Note to selbst: Get rid of the rest of those damn pm's. You know the ones I'm talking about.
NTS: Be true to your core self and never compromise on the important stuff... for anyone!

NTS: Finish the damned cabinets already and put the bathroom remodel to bed!
Note to selbst: Get rid of the baby clothes. Face it, you're not getting a ginger in this life.

(it's a large-family joke, people. when asked why the hell I have so many kids, I tell them i'm still trying for a redhead :p )
Note to self. Fek 'em, treat yourself at lease once a day to something. Christ if no one else is going to, then do it yourself.