Not Your Grandfather's GOP in 2020


Literotica Guru
Jan 10, 2008
Not Your Grandfather's GOP in 2020

Gone, are the days when the GOP and the Democrat Party could shake hands, after the win.

Senators from both sides belonged to a brotherhood, with honorary sisters included.

The brothers may have given each other black eyes, but there was a rule- no fists raised,
after they leave the fight, after the winner was un-disputed.There was an understanding,
because they all had reached a great height, that few Americans could fully appreciate.

In grandfather's day, it was possible to exchange one party, for the other without animosity.
The Democrat and Republican politicians were not so different from each other.

J.F.K. had broken the form that made Presidents, in the past. He faced Democrats that
demanded more.

Everything changed after the country shouted ",We Want Obama!"

The GOP had fucked up, so badly, the country rejected the candidates the GOP offered-

Senator John McCaine and Sarah- fucking- Palin. Now that John McCain has died,
Americans pretend he was a saint when he was alive. (As it is done, in polite society.)

John McCaine and Sarah Palin created a name for themselves-"mavericks."
What did that translate to, in reality ? They both behaved as if they were crazy.

If Sen. John McCaine had any self-respect, he would not prove his loyalty to the GOP
by pretending that Obama's farts were so horrible, that he suffered from the powerful
odor, and he pretended that had caused him to gag,and cough,and feel unwell. McCain
did this in public, while following Obama off of the debate stage. Not honorable.

That opened the gates for all the clowns, fools, and circus"barkers"of the new GOP.

Sen. John McCaine insured his family's future by trading his Republican brand in.
He sacrificed his image, because he was dyingof cancer, and could no longer continue
to be a support for the Republican party. He fell on his sword in public,because he could
not hold his seat as Senator. He used it as a bullet to kill a danger to the Republican party.
The truth could damage the GOP brand- the Democrats did all the work, and the that health
plan was desperately needed by the Republican party. The Republican party does not have
the ability to actually build something good for The People- they never had a plan or system.

The truth about what the Republican party really is, was about to be revealed to the world.

John McCain saved the Republican party, by going against the new "brand" the GOP had
developed. John McCain became infamous and hated among the new GOP members.

The old guard, that reached across the divide for the sake of The Country, have gone.

Along came Sen."Moscow Mitch" McConnell, self-interest, above everything, is his motto.

Along came Trump, that sold everything that belonged to The People.

The only people that have any say in Trump's White House, are the wealthy Evangelicals.

The GOP turned their backs on The People, and scorn the hand of a Democrat that reaches
out in brotherhood, and concern for Our Country.
Trotting out a woman to take away my reproductive rights, Civil Rights
and access to safe, affordable health care is even more offensive than
when they used Brett Kavanaugh to do it.

— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) October 12, 2020

'Handmaid's Tale' Cometh!

Hatewatching Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation Hearings, Day One!


The Onion ✓
Twitter › TheOnion

Jim White@JimWhiteGNVRT @TheOnion:

Amy Coney Barrett Promises Catholic Faith Won’t Interfere With Court’s Crushing
Of The Poor, Downtrodden


12 October 2020
Just remember-

This is what Republicans said about Senator John McCaine, as he made his sacrifice
for the Republican party, and traded his reputation for the future of his family's happiness-

"It doesn't matter, he's dying anyway."

- Kelly Sadler, who remains a Trump operative, long after she left the inner circle of current
White House liars

May 10, 2018 · White House special assistant Kelly Sadler reportedly mocked Senator John
McCain's brain cancer diagnosis during a meeting on Thursday

(someone at the Trump White House heard her, and leaked it- Trump ranted on the media
about leaks, again.)




Nearly every media outlet covered the story, because it became the mini- drama of the week.
Another layer deeper, into understanding how the Trump Alliance thinks of The People-

Individually, none of The People matter to the Trump Alliance.

To the members of the inner circle of the Trump Alliance, The People are a mass of nonentities.

Amy Comey Barrett shows the world that she is a parrot, and a liar, during the hearings.

The People have struggled hard and fought for a long time, to get the rights they have.

Amy Comey Barrett is handmaiden to men that are part of the Trump Alliance.

She swears to tell the truth, and delivers only lies, because lies are their weapon.

She's not impartial,she is not fair- minded, and she is not following the law.

She is following the orders of Evangelical men, that are at war with The People.

After private meetings with Trump, did she lie to Trump, and swear an oath of loyalty ?

With her appointment to the Supreme Court, Trump and Evangelists get what they need.

The People will lose out, again, and lose strength, power, and the means to protect themselves.
Raw Story ✓
Twitter › RawStory

Amy Coney Barrett says she will keep ‘open mind’
about Trump unilaterally delaying election

(link to Raw Story)

36 minutes ago

Slate ✓
Twitter › Slate

Barrett’s idea of the courts contains a basic contradiction.

(link to Slate)

25 minutes ago

If you aren’t alarmed by Trump’s appointment of Amy Comey Barrett to SCOTUS,
you’re not paying attention.

At this morning’s confirmation hearing, Senator Dianne Feinstein asked the judge if the
Constitution allows the president, so-called in this instance, to delay a general election.

“If that question ever came before me, I’d need to hear arguments from the litigants
and read briefs … I don’t think we want judges to be legal pundits.” said Barrett.


The president has NEVER delayed a general election in all of US history. Not during
the Civil War, not during WWII. Not after an assassination. Never.

And is the fact that she answered with no mention of Congress whatsoever,
a clear indication that Trump rules supremely? Followup question, please!

Crooks and Liars

Only the congress has the authority to delay a general election.


— The Radical Rosenbaum (@rtopitsch) October 13, 2020

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett says she can’t answer whether
President Donald Trump has the power to delay the general election.

Trump does not have the authority to unilaterally change the date of the election.

Article II of the Constitution gives Congress the power to choose the timing of the
general election. An 1845 federal law made the date the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November.
Lies of omission-

Aaron Rupar ✓
Twitter › atrupar

Amy Coney Barrett won't answer Feinstein's questions about whether she thinks
Roe was wrongly decided

5 hours ago
"...there’s an even more fundamental reason Barrett would need to recuse herself:
the U.S. Constitution demands it."

Washington Post
Did Amy Coney Barett break the oath she took, when she made promises to her faith and Trump ?

AlterNet ✓
Twitter › AlterNet

Amy Coney Barrett reveals her dark traits: Opaque, disingenuous, and frightening

(link to Alternet)

2 hours ago

(Parrots do not make very convincing arguments.)
The GOP of my Grandfather was nothing like the modern day GOP. Over the decades since at least starting in the 80s the GOP has been quietly infiltrated by what was once called "The Moral Majority" and is now known as "The Tea Party Movement." With Trump the old GOP (Grand Old Party) has been completely replaced with Trump's cult GOP (Grab Our Pussy). The current GOP doesn't care about their constituents. All they care about is power and getting rich.
Can Trump Delay Election or Reject Peaceful Transition of Power?
Amy Coney Barrett Refuses to Say

Democracy Now

October 13, 2020

Amy "Parrot" Barrett desires to have a seat on the Supreme Court-
We could not expect her to honor the oath she is expected to take-
she has already broken her first oath.
"It doesn't matter, he's dying anyway."

- White House special assistant Kelly Sadler speaks on John McCain's cancer
May 10, 2018

yikes! Is this how the Trump Alliance talks, behind Trump's back ?

Looking at the many rallies that Trump is traveling to, before the final election day.
Was thinking to myself- this is too much for someone so old and out of shape.
Trump just got out of the hospital, and what ever he had shoved down his throat,
made his voice hoarse. Did Trump get put under, (anesthesia) for surgery ?
"Oh, that is just my coronavirus cough!" Such a liar, who knows the truth ?

I may, very well, believe that Trump does not touch alcohol. It seems he likes
legal drugs much more than anything, but food.

Cocaine: How 'Miracle Drug' Nearly Destroyed Sigmund Freud

(This could explain Trump's mania for molesting every woman in his path, ect.)

There are rumors about pharmaceutical cocaine in the WH-
So many of Trump's favoured states, are horse country...

Sep 15, 2020

Cocaine is for horses, not for men-

Horses disqualified for race- horse tested positive for cocaine.

"Drugs often mask pain, allowing horses to race and train with injuries."

If your day is gone, and you want to ride on, cocaine
Don't forget this fact, you can't get it back, cocaine

She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie

She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie

- Eric Clapton

Amy Siskind ✓
Twitter › Amy_Siskind

Gov Noem of South Dakota has presidential ambitions. Her allowing this rally to happen
should end those.

(ink to Washington Post)

3 hours ago

Jim Acosta ✓
Twitter › Acosta

Extraordinary @Amy_Siskind list of norms Trump abandoned
in Washington Post


2 hours ago
The Laughing MAGA Policeman (A big "Fuck You" to voters and the law)

Uniformed Miami cop spotted wearing pro-Trump mask near voting site

(will be disciplined)

October 20, 2020

A uniformed Miami police officer was photographed sporting a protective mask
with a pro-Trump slogan at a voting site in Government Center Tuesday morning.

The person who saw and photographed him was Steve Simeonidis, chairman of the
Miami-Dade Democratic party.

Simeonidis, an attorney who works downtown, said he was passing through Government
Center when he spotted Ubeda “well within” the 150-foot barrier that police and non-voters
are not permitted under state statute during an election.

“He may have been going to vote. But he was in full uniform with the mask and a gun.
That’s voter intimidation,” Simeonidis said.

A Miami police officer spotted at Government Center and wearing a pro-Trump mask
will be disciplined, Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina said Tuesday.
- Steve Simeonidis

“Obviously this is a clear violation of our department policy regarding campaigning
while on duty,” Papier said. “

The mask read “Trump 2020” and “no more bullshit” on its front.

"...police, whether on-duty or not and like the public, are not permitted within 150 feet
of a polling site unless they are voting. Guns are also not permitted, concealed or
otherwise, though there are exceptions to the statute for police.?

On Monday, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and Police Chief Jorge Colina announced they
were deploying plain-clothed officers near voting sites after receiving an unusually large
amount of emails and messages from voters who they said were worried about violence
and intimidation at any of Miami’s four voting sites.
CBS4 Miami ✓
Twitter › CBSMiami

@MiamiPD Chief Jorge Colina is calling the actions of a Miami police officer
“unacceptable” after the officer was spotted and photographed wearing a pro-Trump
political mask in full uniform while inside a polling location.

(link CBS local)

2 hours ago