Not enough men are fondling their balls

The risks are real...look what happened to me.

Dixon Carter Lee said:
How do I talk my wife into giving me a testicular exam? For about twenty minutes?

Offer it as an exchange for an extensive breast exam? (sorry, slipped into guy mode for a sec)

Not a Tom Green fan huh? After his surgury he toured college campus's singing to young men of the benefits of "Rubbing your balls". It was a catchy tune.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
How do I talk my wife into giving me a testicular exam? For about twenty minutes?

Dix, just tell her it's imperitive for your continued good health, and you need someone else to do it because you can't be clinical if you do it.

Dixon Carter Lee said:
How do I talk my wife into giving me a testicular exam? For about twenty minutes?

If you have to talk her into it, you might want to look into having some poon on the side. Plenty of it where you are too.

Angel said:
If you have to talk her into it, you might want to look into having some poon on the side. Plenty of it where you are too.


Exactly... but miss LadyGuinivere probably doesn't live anywhere near me???
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I not only "forgot" to not do a testicular exam, I had no idea I was supposed to. What am I feeling for, you know, besides kicks?

Dixon, Fondling or examining?

I fondle a lot, never thought of rethinking it as an exam. I can now explain it as a required action.

How often does this need to be done?
I figure they're actually doing it a lot, but don't want to admit to playing with themselves that much.
badasschick said:
I figure they're actually doing it a lot, but don't want to admit to playing with themselves that much.

I admit it!!!
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I not only "forgot" to not do a testicular exam, I had no idea I was supposed to. What am I feeling for, you know, besides kicks?
Trust me, you'll know it if you find it.

What do I have to check for? I still have two of them...

*cough, cough*