Not Area 51 but something similiar (Open to one woman)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Doctor Sebastian Allen
Age 30
Height 5'10
Hair five inches of dark brown
Eyes hazel
Physical appearance, lean, trim, light build with no tattoos or piercings. Not married and no children. Aquired a Ph.D and works for the government as a researcher and data collector.

The common use of Area 51, also known as Dreamland-Groom Lake-The Ranch, it is a test facility for our military's advanced programs from stealth technology to drones and so forth. The common idea is that it also houses aliens and their space crash that were recovered in Roswell New Mexico in 1947.

What I can say is that the military did recover aliens but it wasn't from Roswell and they certainly are not stored in Area 51. No, it's further north, up the Extraterrestial highway, off the beatn path. There is a complex, built into the mountains where all sorts of testing is going on. The aliens are our guests and they're treated well, but all sorts of stuff happens here all the time that are not known to the public and may never be.

I'm a researcher combing through the data and speak frequently with the aliens. They're humanoid, but very tall at seven feet on average, thin with a slight blue tint and rounded black eyes and no hair. They came here after listening to our radio signals near Pluto and saw there was intelligent life here. Our governments set forth an alliance, more of a trade with the aliens, they study us and we study them in the hopes of making a great partnership. The aliens didn't abduct anyone and force them to do experiments, instead they came here, to Nevada to learn about us, wanting to know our technology, some of which was very new to them such as certain medicines like Penicilin and life forms and plant life.

On this day in particular I was waiting in one of the rooms next to where the aliens were talking to several doctors because one of them was experiencing something similiar to the flu. As I waited there was a gentle knock on the door and in stepped a familiar face. It was Doctor Mellisa Bridge, young-pretty redhead. She was perhaps 30 with long flowing redhead in a ponytail, sleek figure, large chest, rounded ass, thin pink lips and glasses. With the appearance of a model more than a doctor she spoke with a slight southern accent as she smiled at me, "Hey, what's going on?"

"One of them is sick so i'm waiting till they're done," I replied with a slight smile.
I liked Melissa, we've worked together before, but she was married so I had to keep everything locked up.

"Kay," she replied, "Well, i'm going to poke my head in and see what's up," she replied. She was gone for about ten minutes and I was becoming rather impatient. Getting up and going to the other door and knocking there was no answer so I opened the door and stuck my head inside.

was covered in thick, white..stuff. I approached her as she appeared to be in a daze, "What happened?" I asked her.

It took a moment for her to look at me and mutter, "I think...I think he came."

From what I gathered later on, rather after dark the aliens were giving us other stuff under the table. There was a certain powder they harvested on their planet that was a great afrodisiac except it didn't have the effects of viargra. it made one horny almost instantly and gave great energy and the orgasms were said to be better and intense. I didn't try the stuff, but apparently what I gathered from the guards the aliens gave some them and they tried it out and apparently Melissa tried some out with the aliens. I was surprised to say the least.

(if you're interested PM me and we'll go over it. I ask that a picture be placed of your character or characters. No rape, incest, scat or sick stuff, please)
Melissa, poor Melissa. She did not expect to have that to happen. Normally she was a very happy, well-meaning and loving woman and wife, but after taking a pinch of that stuff, she lost herself in the moment. From what the aliens told me she just dropped to her knees and starting sucking off, gobbling up cock wherever she could find it and then lavished in the tidal wave that resulted. When the stuff wore off she was seemingly in a daze and that was how I found her. She didn't have regrets; she was just surprised by everything.
“She merely exercised what she was feeling,” one of them, known as Frank to give them a personal identity, said. “This reduces or removes those reluctant feelings. Perhaps, if the two of you took to it as well, you two may take to fornicating.”

They went to say that other doctors, guards, and folk also tried the stuff. It was one of their gifts to us, however, they restricted this stuff to only a few because some people had the intention of trying to get it mass produced. From what they told me, it was not like a hallucinogen, but it merely removed peoples inhibitions, such as it brought out people's desires, sometimes they were dark and others much more..*****vocative. There was one case where a doctor was given the stuff an d he began telling his cohorts everything he hated about them, and they gave it to one woman whom them began sucking off her partner. There was no telling what it would do to someone, particularly like myself. I had never tried the stuff and was rather reluctant to do so, however, they insisted that it only be used inside the base, for our protection. They didn't want it getting out and somehow affecting others. A mere pinch was enough to last a couple of hours, there was no hang over, or side effects, it merely wore off and better it wasn't addictive. They gave me a pinch, the granules were tiny, almost like powdered sugar, but I said, in a rather joking fashion, that if I was going to try it I wanted a woman next to me, particularly someone good looking. They agreed.
Give a sample of this powder they gave me a stern warning that only a tiny pinch will do and do not give this freely but only to those that you wish to see express themselves because giving it to the wrong person, say a psychopath on his medicine he will snap and run amuck. Pocketing the small vial I left the room and wondered what to do of this. We weren't suppose to take things from teh aliens without clearing it past our superiors and the room was bugged but every time the video and tape come out as static. Either they figured out how to jam the signslor snipped the wires it was becomign an amnesty room.

I found Melissa coming out of the ladies room on my walk back, her complexion was different and seeing me she froze whilst doing up her hair and seemed embarassed as if she remembered what happened and me seeing it. Instead of talking she just continued walking, not making further eye contact.