Not a cynical Oldie or a clueless Newbie? Let's hear it for Tweenie power!!!


Multicellular Life Form
May 22, 2002
The oldie/newbie division just doesn't cut it here. What about all of us tweenies, who have been around long enough to know which end is up, but are still fresh enough to enjoy new things? The best thing going on the board is us tweenies, we rock!!! :D

Arbitrary Lit Classification Scheme:

Oldie: Here at least a year, or have over 7,000 posts.

Newbie: Here less than a month, or have posted less than 250 times.

Tweenies: Neither old nor new, but in our prime!!! :cool:
I just don't feel so comfortable espousing "tweenie power". It's like going to IHOP and ordering the Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity.
I'll root for the tweenies with ya, TC =)
im on my way to being a tweenie.... only forty some odd more posts to go!
Rambling Rose said:
I just don't feel so comfortable espousing "tweenie power". It's like going to IHOP and ordering the Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity.

Nah. Tweenie power is like having a glass of fine cabernet -- instead of a newbie baby bottle, or an oldie geritol with prune juice... :p
Actually, I think there's two kinds. Regulars and newbies. Post totals and sign up time don't mean anything.

A regular is someone who comes here on a regular basis and feels comfortable with the group.

A newbie is someone who doesn't come here on a regular basis and doesn't feel comfortable with the group. They aren't necessarily new to Lit or the BB, but they are new to the current community.

It works for me.
metalpalace said:
im on my way to being a tweenie.... only forty some odd more posts to go!

Hmmm... looks like you need another 197 posts to me... but that's OK! We don't expect newbies to be able to handle that reading, riting and rithmatic stuff yet... :D
I don't know what the hell I am......


What I do that this is my 1000th post. ;)

I don't consider myself an oldie, although I do have some of the cynicism.
takingchances42 said:

I was kind of hoping to root around in your tweenies, Nora... :D

heheheh! Careful, I think Eumenides left some jujubees down there.
takingchances42 said:

Sounds very tasty... better take my time and make sure I find them all.... :p

<southern belle drawl>

I do so love a thorough man! *batts lashes*

peachykeen said:
you knew I'd show up on this thread eventually, right monkey boy?

I could only hope and dream, tree lady... speaking of which the maples are at their peak right now, the woods are just full of bright yellows and orange leaves, as well as ethereal crimsons...
takingchances42 said:

I could only hope and dream, tree lady... speaking of which the maples are at their peak right now, the woods are just full of bright yellows and orange leaves, as well as ethereal crimsons...

Stop stop stop, I can't afford your airfare...
takingchances42 said:

Arbitrary Lit Classification Scheme:

Oldie: Here at least a year, or have over 7,000 posts.

Newbie: Here less than a month, or have posted less than 250 times.

Tweenies: Neither old nor new, but in our prime!!! :cool:

But what about the ones who've been here less than a month and who have over 7,000 posts?
Re: Re: Not a cynical Oldie or a clueless Newbie? Let's hear it for Tweenie power!!!

Hamletmaschine said:

But what about the ones who've been here less than a month and who have over 7,000 posts?

In need of medication? A classification that can cross oldie/tweenie/newbie lines...