Nostradamus and WW3


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
An interesting link:


The first is Century 2 Quatrain 62:

Mabus will soon die, then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals, At once one will see vengeance, One-hundred powers (Nations), thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

Century 8 Quatrain 77 continues the theme:

The Third Antichrist very soon annihilated, Twenty-seven years his bloody war will last. The heretics are dead, captives exiled, Blood-soaked human bodies, and a reddened, icy hail covering the earth.


Did Nostradamus -- a man of the Renaissance period -- find it hard to explain a future plague raining from biological and chemical agents?

His nightmare visions of a "terrible undoing of people and animals" and "blood-soaked human bodies....a reddened, icy hail..." etc., could be his attempt to describe the "rain" from clouds of reddish and milky white biological or chemical agents falling upon the dead. Thus a rain that kills both human beings and animals alike in our future can come from a hail shower, if you will, of radioactive isotopes, Serin pesticide, or Anthrax bacteria.

The "Third Antichrist" prophecy of Century 8 Quatrain 77 may augur condemnation, labeling the shadowy minions of Mabus as "heretics." Perhaps Nostradamus means they do not follow the teachings of their religion. "Islam means "peace." Moreover, they are "captives exiled," indicating that many terrorist operatives will soon be arrested and find their way into prisons far from their homelands.

The closing words of the Mabus prophecy of Century 2 Quatrain 62, imply an overwhelming counterattack: "At once one will see vengeance" coming from "one-hundred powers..."

The current US coalition against terrorism numbers around one-hundred nations.

The mention of "thirst" and "famine" are common in what one could call Nostradamus' numerous third world war prophecies. (I invite you to verify this by reading my translations of the following prophecies with my commentaries in "Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies." ( Quatrain 98 of Century 5 speaks of a global drought over the Northern Hemisphere's grain belts at latitude 48. In Quatrain 67 of Centuries 1 and 4, you will find mention of a terrible worldwide famine. These perhaps are the future results of today's growing stresses on food and water demands coming from overpopulation. Dozens of other prophecies in Nostradamus infer that our growing numbers could eventually overtax civilization and become a far more powerful factor than terrorism in dragging the world down into a third world war. If my reading of Nostradamus' numerous astrological dates for such a war and ecological disasters are correct then we still have around 20 years' time to avoid this world war "free-for-all" over dwindling resources.


Nutjob or prophet?

What sent shivers up my spine and how I knew everything he said was true was when I read, " ...and the village idiot shall rule the land."
Nostradamus also wrote...

Quatraine XXX
And in the name of the Killer,
the Muffin will ponder,
the calamity draws near,
and so it does,
year after year.

Seriously, all the world religions have an armageddon in their end of the world predictions. Some come pretty damn close in their visions of how it is today. (mark of the beast etc..)

I think of what he wrote along with the others, should be considered and marked for accuracy. We'll know when we die.
nimbus9 said:
What sent shivers up my spine and how I knew everything he said was true was when I read, " ...and the village idiot shall rule the land."

ROFLMAO!! You crack me up :)

Seriously, Nostradamus' predictions can be applied to a lot of things. Look at how many tried to say 9/11 was predicted.

That's what I was referring to but left part out.

More caffeine required.
Peel those two and you'll have a pair of slippers...

Sorry, the rugrat rented Aurthor at the library and I heard that joke three times yesterday.

It kept getting funnier!

The more caffeine, the funnier things get.

Now give me coffee or I'll leave the peels where you slip on them!!

**getting cranky cuz she hasn't had a full gallon yet**

Checked out the link Muff puff, and read a bit about the guys interpretation of the supposed 3rd Anti-christ. His name is Mabus.

Hogue seems to suggest that if you changed various letters or mix up the name Mabus, you can come to various conclusions based on that name being in some sort of Code.

He points to Osama bin Laden based on some saying Usama and if we took out an 'a' and replaced it with a 'b', alas Mabus.

Then he suggests you turn around the letter 'b' and you get a 'd'. Double it and you replace the 'u' with another 'a' which points to Saddam.

I have my own theory. For a start if you re-shuffle the word Mabus, you can come up with the word ambus which points to the word 'AMBUSH'

Then of course we could come up with the word 'bush' on it's own.

Is the third anti-christ George W Bush?

I think Hogue is on the receiving end of my Kuntish Mode :D
"Mabus will soon die, then will come, [IU]A horrible undoing of people and animals,[/IU] At once one will see vengeance, One-hundred powers (Nations), thirst, famine, when the comet will pass. "

Is that bit about animals refering to BSE or the foot and mouth crisis?
It's hard to tell with Nostradomus, cause first his stuff had to be translated, then meanings analyzed.

It's sort of like playing operator with a philosopher of another tongue.
Nostradamus is as much bunk as astrology.

That being said, here is la version originale:

II 62
Mabus puis tost alors mourra viendra,
De gens & bestes vne horrible deffaite,
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comette.

Mabus then will soon die, there will come
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.

L'antechrist trois bien tost annichilez,
Vingt & sept ans sang durera sa guerre,
Les heretiques morts, captifs exilez,
Son corps humain eau rougie gresler terre.

The antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven years his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.
Not really a nutjob...just someone that understood the 1million monkeys pounding on the 1million typewriters idea.

He wrote so much babble that eventually parts of it can be said to magically "COME TRUE" <insert spooky ooohhhweeeeohhhh sounds here>