"Normalize" women with muscular shoulders, she said...


Really Experienced
Jul 14, 2022
On YouTube a little while ago, there was a short featuring a beautiful woman with really muscular shoulders, and the caption she included said "Normalize women with muscular shoulders." I told her I couldn't agree more, and that I thought that normalization--of women with all kinds of big muscles--was happening anyway, if only because of the ever increasing number of such women.
I also said to her that part of this normalization will have to come from men, men who are attracted to and aroused by women with muscles. If there are a lot of normally straight men who find themselves turned on by female muscle, they may be afraid to admit it for fear of being thought gay, and if so, those men need to get past that and be willing to express what they feel.
Now, having said that, another part of this normalization if going to have to come from the very female bodybuilders who want to be normalized, meaning they have to be willing to normalize a lot of the men they normally dismiss as prospects for sex or romance, like short men, or bald men, or older men.
If you follow this idea of normalization far enough, it obviously means that truly everyone needs validation and inclusion in the inner circle of society, where all the good stuff can be found. Is this a realistic expectation? One that the human mind is actually capable of? I doubt it, but we will see.
I have no opinion on body-builders per se - but I daily meet women working classic (previously) men-only professions; garbage collectors, forestry workers, carpenters, electricians and truck drivers to name a few. They are there for their skills, education, strengths and professionalism.
I really see this as the real normalization, respect every single one of them and happy to work with them.
I am so proud to live in a part of the world where this is possible!
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Both my wife and our girlfriend, though not muscular like body builders, are pretty toned and ripped... sort of muscular like track athletes. Especially so for their age.

I'm also around a lot of ladies who ride thoroughbreds in trackwork, and they can build solid guns too.

So long as they don't lose their femininity, I think it's fucken hot.
I have always been turned on by broad-shouldered women, especially with a body that tapers to a smaller waist. That V shape, mmm just wow. There was a volleyball player who worked a few cubicles over from me, I watched her every move. Also swimmers. So, that's not really normalization, that's sexualization or objectification. Not sure if this is what you mean.
I had a massage client who was a tiny fit, strong 105 pound power lifter. Perfect skin, amazing shoulders, back, ass...

Heavy sigh