Noodled Before Noon

Rambling Rose

My Aim Is True
Jul 11, 2001
I had to mix up an experimental batch of eggnog. I've had one cup too many in an effort to make sure it tasted just as good with rum instead of the traditional bourbon.


Not bad.
oh, I so need a sample. What's your recipe?
You open the carton and slug back a few thickish glugs and then pour to the top with Meyer's and think about sprinkling with nutmeg and then say "ah, fuck it..." and start sippin'.

Bone Appetite. :)

your typo is amusing, considering.

drunky wench. MUAH!
You're such a lush, Rose.

That reminds me that I have to get my dad's eggnog recipe. I don't like the stuff from the carton.
I'm not a nog fan. I could never get over the idea of drinking raw eggs. Blech!

Rosie if you're toasted you should let me call and take advantage of you.
Sadly, I can't have the eggnog...but pass the rum...

edited to add: From the thread title I though this was a discussion of catfish...:)
Rambling Rose said:
What a novel idea! You've got my number in more ways than one.

I thought about you most of Saturday. lol Damn my prior engagements!
sunstruck said:
I'm not a nog fan. I could never get over the idea of drinking raw eggs. Blech!

Have you ever tried drinking cooked ones? Blech!
Eggnog Abuse is not a laughing matter. Rose, there is help out there if you are willing to admit that you have a problem.

"EA" (Eggnogaholics Anonymous) has a dozen step program that you might consider looking into. The first step is admitting that you are powerless over Eggnog.

However, there are other programs available that you should explore. I wouldn't put all my Eggnogs in one basket, so to speak.

"Just Say Noyolk" is another program that offers support for both Egg and Nog abusers alike. They also have an outreach program for egg substitute abusers.

"MANMEAT" (Mothers Against Needless Manipulation of Eggs that Alter our Temperament) is an organization with widespread support groups.

Good luck Rose. There is an answer out there to the age old question "What came first, the Egg or the Nog?"

And you will find it if you search.

Love Always,


Rambling Rose said:
I had to mix up an experimental batch of eggnog. I've had one cup too many in an effort to make sure it tasted just as good with rum instead of the traditional bourbon.


Not bad.
I would do anything to get my hands on your nog. ;)

It's better with rum. (Or cognac, if you just have it sitting around.) Only tried it with Morgan, but Meyer's sounds good, too.
