Non published story still pending


Aug 15, 2005
I submitted a story titled "Love and Sex" which for some reason could not be published. Can someone tell me what is it that I need to fix?
You should have received a message regarding why your story was returned. What did it say?
There should be some explanation on your Control Panel. Select Works, My Stories, Sent Back. It there is no explanation there then you'll have to PM Laurel and ask. She's the only one who can explain the rejection.
I have not seen a reply.
How do you know it can't be published then?

As @Lumiere_Amie says, a rejection comes with a set of questions (they're generic rejection notices), that you need to address. If you haven't got such a notice, then your story is still in the queue.
The message does not say that it is rejected, it says that it cannot be published with no additional info, but it remains in the pending group.
My story, Long Distance Tryst Caught on Vid4 has been pending for over a week. I know of other users with the same issue. My story is a 4 part series and the other 3 published fine. I have had 7 stories published over the recent years. I resubmitted it this morning based on a users suggestion. Is there something wrong with the pending queue and anything that technical support can look at and assist?
@coollvr1 Hmmm, I've never seen that before. If you click on the story, as if to edit it, then scroll to the bottom of the form, are there any red boxes showing? If you didn't complete all the mandatory fields it will show up as error messages in red boxes. But I don't know how the system would have let you submit if you had an incomplete form. My only other recommendation is to PM Laurel and ask for clarification.
My story, Long Distance Tryst Caught on Vid4 has been pending for over a week. I know of other users with the same issue. My story is a 4 part series and the other 3 published fine. I have had 7 stories published over the recent years. I resubmitted it this morning based on a users suggestion. Is there something wrong with the pending queue and anything that technical support can look at and assist?
Resubmitting puts you at the back of the queue again and you're wait time starts all over. Wait times vary depending on a host of factors including holidays, contests (those submissions get priority), number of submissions in the system, even illness and vacation. You're always better off to wait. My wait time varies from 4 days to 2 weeks.
Thanks. My story submitted fine without error and correctly went to pending status. Yes I did PM Laurel a couple days ago. Haven't heard back. I wonder if there is some problem with the pending queue. I'll give it a couple days to see if my resubmit works. Or maybe Laurel or someone in tech support can assist in the meantime.
Yes, I understand that resubmit puts my story back in queue and the time starts over. A user suggested that I try resubmit in case its stuck in la la land.
I submitted a story titled "Love and Sex" which for some reason could not be published. Can someone tell me what is it that I need to fix?
Underage, drugs, animals. Punctuation, spelling, no real thread to the story. They are the most issues to get a story rejected.
Was it sent back? No reason was given? I could take a look if you want. Just send me a PM.
Don't know what a PM is but the piece is titled "love and Sex" and coollvr1 is the author if that helps.
I recently submitted a story, it was pending for three weeks then got rejected,
After adding another chapter that I wrote while waiting for publication I resubmitted and it was published next day.
Can only assume the moderator was on holiday and got behind, rejected loads to get them off the desk, then published loads to clear the backlog.
Only my opinion.
Love you all.
It's funny some stories get published quicker than others. I submitted four stories at a time to get published, "Sharing Gina Ch. 04' was published the next day, and my 'Bob for Dinner' story after that. My two other stories about Mars sat for a week with no updates. A week later, I submitted 'Sharing Gina Ch.05', and that got published within two days, but the two other stories were pending for a week, no update. I made some minor edits, added a little to both stories and resubmitted them. Still waiting.

TaraTraynor said:​

Underage, drugs, animals. Punctuation, spelling, no real thread to the story. They are the most issues to get a story rejected.

This policy is not uniformly applied. I read stories where underage material is in the story; it was an older story, maybe the standards were different then.