Non-Consensual/Reluctance [Male Partner Required]


Jan 16, 2013
My header catch your eye? I do hope that means you'd like to role play with me.
Below is a few note about my role playing preferences.

-Medieval/Middles Ages is my favorite era so normally I favor to play this setting. Don't fret if you don't, modern & fantasy sits well with me too.

-Story lines set up and assigned roles are everything. It's the foreplay of role play. That being said, jumping straight into a sexual scene is not for me as I like to set the scene/mood up, building up the tension and sparking the imagination.

-Third person. I cannot stress these words enough unless you are phenomenal and my type of perfection. Though being a women I don't know what that is, haha. We are role playing not cybering.

-Substantial and quality entries are standardized (at least) to 2-4 paragraphs with proper grammar please and thank you.

-I role play VIA Private Messaging, E-mail or AIM instant messenger. Obvious reasons point to no public forums. :)
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