Male to Female and vice versa


Jul 28, 2021
I was born as a sperm carrier. I've explored my inner feelings that are commonly referred to as female. I wonder as to their authenticity. I feel that a lot of abstract conceptualizations don't measure up to the understanding that role-playing provides. I'd like to find a woman who has the same desire to explore her 'inner male' and play a man to my woman character. "Yes that is how I feel as a man" (or not) to what the scene entails.
Of course, the M has some F qualities in him and vice versa. The opposites are not absolute or static. We see submissive M or dominant F, but I believe the truth is most people play a 'switch' any time without being aware of what's M or F.

So what did you mean when you said 'inner male / female' ?

I was born in the female form biologically but I can be independent, assertive when necessary, decisive or “emotionally stronger”. I don't cry out loud. Do those traits constitute an 'inner male' in me? I have no desire to 'dominate' but I may give advice when the situation calls for my care.

As to your idea of looking for a woman who has the desire to explore her 'inner male' and "play a man" to your woman character, Your wording of “play a man” seems too large of a stroke to me and probably needs an explanation from you. Or an explanation is to be figured out by oneself in RP?
I think what he's saying in an exceedingly roundabout way is that he wants to RP with the female author writing the male role while he writes the female one.