'No papers, no fear': Illegal immigrants declare themselves on bus tour


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
They are in the United States illegally, and they are tired of hiding.

Over the past few weeks, a group of nearly 40 housekeepers, day laborers, students and immigration activists has been making its way across the country in a ragtag caravan, chanting “no papers, no fear” and proudly declaring “I’m undocumented” in public gatherings.

The riders are not legally in the U.S., a point they want everyone they meet to know. They are on the bus tour, dubbed the “undocubus,” to highlight their plight and to challenge their anti-immigrant foes in the ongoing national debate on immigration.

Almost everyone breaks the speed limit at some time. Only a few get caught but have to pay fines. This is unfair and selective prosecution. We all have good reasons for speeding. Maybe we're late or just in a hurry. I'm cranking up the bus for speeding justice.
Almost everyone breaks the speed limit at some time. Only a few get caught but have to pay fines. This is unfair and selective prosecution. We all have good reasons for speeding. Maybe we're late or just in a hurry. I'm cranking up the bus for speeding justice.

So, tell me where you live because I need to sleep in a bed tonight, take a shower and eat a hearty breakfast. I mean come on, it's only a tiny infraction of the law for me to force my way into your home, kind of like speeding, right?

Ah, satire...never mind.
So, tell me where you live because I need to sleep in a bed tonight, take a shower and eat a hearty breakfast. I mean come on, it's only a tiny infraction of the law for me to force my way into your home, kind of like speeding, right?

Ah, satire...never mind.

You need to start your own bus tour for illegal activities. It's the "In" thing.
Only forty? Seems like they could fit more than that in a whole bus. They get fifteen in a sedan.
The President is working hard on his election drive...lol Not taking chances on people that probably would have voted for him anyway.
They are in the United States illegally, and they are tired of hiding.

Over the past few weeks, a group of nearly 40 housekeepers, day laborers, students and immigration activists has been making its way across the country in a ragtag caravan, chanting “no papers, no fear” and proudly declaring “I’m undocumented” in public gatherings.

The riders are not legally in the U.S., a point they want everyone they meet to know. They are on the bus tour, dubbed the “undocubus,” to highlight their plight and to challenge their anti-immigrant foes in the ongoing national debate on immigration.
Since "papers" refers to the 1940's and today it's all done with plastic cards with magnetic strips...

Does this mean I can now discard my Driver License?
You know, of all non-white cultures I like the Hispanic the most. I grew up around Hispanics. Their culture has a lot of things I like, not to mention the women are generally hot as @#$%.

Yet, their activists can be some of most obnoxious of any group when they do this kind of crap. We have laws, at least pretend to respect them. :mad:
You know, of all non-white cultures I like the Hispanic the most. I grew up around Hispanics. Their culture has a lot of things I like, not to mention the women are generally hot as @#$%.

Yet, their activists can be some of most obnoxious of any group when they do this kind of crap. We have laws, at least pretend to respect them. :mad:

Ditto, ditto & ditto. But don't come here thinking this is a fking free for all, refuse to learn the language and then act like I'm supposed to be pleased as punch about it.