No limits to hypocrisy - Good article about the appeasers.

08:23 ET Website reports Iraq has asked Iran to allow Saddam to flee
DPA, a German newswire, says that the news website Baztab (apparently an Iranian news site) is reporting that Iraq has asked Iran to allow Saddam to flee via Iran to political exile in Russia.
Thanks go to Dr, Laurie Mylroie, Iraqi specialist

London Times
February 18, 2003

Berlin 'ignoring smallpox threat'
By Roger Boyes

THE German Government was accused yesterday of leading the campaign against
war with Baghdad even though it had been told by its intelligence service
that Iraq and other states could unleash a smallpox epidemic killing up to
25 million people.

A Health Ministry memorandum dated April 9 last year, which called for about
(Euros) 30 million (£20 million) to fund an inoculation campaign, was
leaked over the weekend.

Opposition politicians, briefed by the BND intelligence service, accuse
Gerhard Schröder, the Chancellor, of playing down the threat to Germany to
maintain the anti-war policy of his election campaign.

"The German security services have documentary evidence that the smallpox
virus is being illegally manufactured outside the official laboratories . .
. and is being stored in Russia, Iraq and North Korea," the memorandum said.

"There are concerns that Iraq will react (to a US invasion) with its
available biological weapons, including the smallpox virus."

The memorandum, published by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, said that
Germans were not sufficiently immunised. "We would therefore have to reckon
with 40 to 45 per cent fatalities, that is 25 million people in Germany

Otto Schily, the Interior Minister, said that the memorandum was genuine,
but accused the Health Ministry of giving a false impression. The
Government, he said, did not have concrete evidence of a smallpox storage
unit in Iraq.

The German Army has 70 million doses of smallpox immunisation fluid, which
will be distributed to regional centres, but this is not part of a general
immunisation campaign. The side-effects are regarded as potentially too
dangerous to give to the public and there is the calculation that fears of a
biological attack could sway the national mood in favour of a preventive
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I still think that the Germans are hiding behind the French, letting them take all the flack.

I expect the Germans to readily come aboard the war train once the 2nd reso gets forced through France.

Then once they've done that, maybe they'll tackle this threat.

germans hiding behind the french??? if you had to picka country to hide behind why would you pick france...bunch of cheese eatin surrender monkeys
Passing Wind

I have you on are a disturbed creature.....DIE!
It's a little overdramatic. The USA saved Europe three times? WW1 America provided only 10% of the troops in the final push to Germany. I think you'll find English sea power and European troops won that one.

WW2 I think you'll find was won by the Russians, considering they were the first to reach Berlin and without their defence of Stalingrad, Leningrad and Moscow and the huge damage to the German army, D-day would never have been successful. Also the USA only took 3 beaches on D-day and actually had to be bailed out by English and Canadian forces on two of those.

The Cold war was won by America. Hip hip hooray. But let's not forget the millions in Eastern Europe who Roosevelt gave to the Soviet Union at the Yalta peace conference. Bet your average Pole or Czech loves the USA for that.

Semantics anyway. I think the French are still a bit narked at the USA siding with the Soviet Union against them over Suez when America applied illegal economic sanctions to France and Britain. And Germany are averse to going to war under most circumstances as a backlash to their history.

The point is that these countries are democratic and the people there don't want a war. The UN is also democratic and France and Germany are voting for what they believe in. If America wants war, America should go to war. If they want the UN to go to war, then they can vote and lobby, just like everyone else. It's democracy. If everyone had to agree with the US all the time because they've got a big army, then that would be despotism. Hang on, isn't despotism what we're trying to get rid of?

The Earl