Nipple Sensitivity, lack there of.

How pleasurable are your breasts/nipples?

  • Female - I've cum from direct stimulation, or I can get darn close!

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Female - I like it, and I often want the added stimulation.

    Votes: 16 28.6%
  • Female - Sometimes the stimulation is nice, but I can often go without.

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • Female - I can count the times it's stimulated me on the fingers of one hand.

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Male - You can get a response from my nipples.

    Votes: 11 19.6%
  • Male - Don't waste time on my nipples.

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Nipples? I don't have any nipples, sob, sob!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Ready to Rock!
Mar 31, 2003
I've always admired my current lover's breasts/nipples/teats and like to give them gentle attentions. Actually, I'd like to give the lot of attention, but nothing I do there seems to have a (positive) effect.

Before you say, "It’s you, you clumsy oaf, learn how to, you rough clod!" please let me say in my defense that I've had a number of lovers, two of which have cum from my attention to their nipples (plus a strong mind game). Several others often requested attention to their breasts when I wasn't giving it to them.

Therefore, I suspect that I can do the job right, at least some of the time...

So we had a talk, and lover said that she never had gotten any stimulation via her breasts, either from her own hand or from others. Nursing for her was a "don't care" -- liked holding the baby close, sometimes found the little sucker a bit uncomfortable, never a turn-on.

She concluded that her wiring might be a lot different, maybe even missing or "defective".

First, are there significant numbers of women who don't get any good sensation from their breasts?

Second, has anyone with "low pleasure" breasts ever increased the amount of pleasure they regularly receive?

Tell me, please, that there is some magic therapy like booze and nipple clamps once a week? <grin> Thanks!
First off, I'm a lactating mother and I have never been turned on by nursing. I also find that nursing can be uncomfortable at times, especially if she's really hungry. Now during foreplay and sex it's a different story. I throughly enjoy when my husband pays special attention to them. The best for me is when I'm on top and he squeezes them both together and sucks on both nipples at the same time. Doing that to me while I'm riding him almost makes me come instantly. But each person is different. I hope something works for you, I know I'm a breast woman myself.
Readyone, I love my nipples to be stimulated. In prior threads dealing with this same subject; I have expounded on the pleasures of nipple manipulation. So much so, that a man with whom I have a tryst in the very near future has remarked that he had planned what I had written on a post several weeks ago.
I have cum from just nipple stimulation in the past and enjoy breast torture as well. But that's just me. Not all women enjoy many of the pleasures I do, so its dependent on your partner's tastes. I am after all a bit of a perv.:rolleyes:

-kym- looking forward to my upcumming tryst and His attentions to my nipples :p
I love having my partner give attention to my breasts and nipples. However, most men are way, way too gentle for me. It takes me a while to "break" in a new guy, as most think they are going to hurt me. While I like gentle licking/sucking/fondling, it's the feeling of his teeth clamping down as hard as he can until that sharp shiver of pain courses through me that gets me off. I don't think my nipples are all that sensitive, because what would stimulate a "normal" woman doesn't do much for me. I need that rough, hard play. I've had partners gently sucking my nipples, and I wasn't even aware they were doing anything.

What you might want to do is try increasing the firmness you use with your girlfriend. Watch her expressions carefully and if she tells you something is getting painful, stop! But it might be that this woman needs stronger or harder stimulation to feel anything thing. Start with your hands first. Begin with gentle fonding or caressing, then gradually increase the firmness. Your final goal might be to literally squeeze her breasts in a way that you might think would be painful, but she might find pleasure.

Just keep in mind that the amount of pressure a woman finds pleasurable varies, and she might be somewhere in the middle. And it is possible that no man has ever tried this with her before, so she is not even aware of it. (If this indeed what works for her) If she responds to a little rougher touch, only then should you involve teeth. Teeth give a sharper, more intense feeling than hands. If you are curious, and she responds to a rougher touch, you might want to introduce clothespins. However, if you do, go with wooden ones, and stretch out the spring a bit.

If you try rougher fondling and she doesn't respond to it, than it is entirely possible that she just isn't as sensitive as other women are. It happens.
i second and third everything Chele said, and then some! It could be possible that you lover has lost some sensitivity over time and because of things that have happened in the past.

i used to be able to cum from nipple stimulation. Then i had my first child - and it was like there was nothing there anymore. Very little could be done that i could feel at all. That includes needle play. i just didn't know anything was happening. Over time i did start to get some sensation back, but it still takes a lot of pressure for any sort of reaction.
I like having my nipples sucked, licked, nibbled, bitten, usually I can go from 0 to horny after a couple of bites, of course, there's no way I'll orgasm from it, but it's still nice
Well, going to the REALLY extreme LOL. My pierced nipples (done with 12 gauge curved barbells) are about 10 X more sensitive than they were unpierced. I can cum from nipple stimulation alone. A bare palm barely rubbed across the nipple will drive me right down into subspace. Playing with the rings, with fingers or a tongue, immediately gets me wet.

It was way worth the 4 months of healing time.


On the down side, I can not TOLERATE any kind of heavy nipple play, clips, clamps etc. Everything's a trade-off LOL.

Nipple stimulation never did anything for me until after I had my second baby.

I couldn't feel anything before, but now all my husband has to do is give me a light touch and I'm dripping wet. I'm still nursing (which, like Hotred911, has never once turned me on), so I wonder whether this newfound sensitivity will disappear once I stop. Hope not!
I like having my nipples stimulated, but they used to be a lot more sensitive before they got used for what they're for. As long as I was nursing, they were unresponsive to light touches. I enjoyed nursing, but it was not an erotic experience for me.

OTOH, toward the end of our son's nursing period, when I could pump a few bottles and leave him with someone, my husband and I went to New Orleans over the weekend. We ate oysters and drank champagne in the Desire Oyster Bar and when it started to rain, we ran back to our hotel room. We got back all wet and cold and jumped into the shower together. I had been away from the kid long enough to where I was getting painfully engorged, and while we were in the shower I asked my husband to relieve some of the pressure. Being suckled by an adult with teeth was felt completely different from being suckled by a baby, and I experienced such a rush of arousal that the only thing that kept me from impaling myself on him right there in the shower was our dissimilar heights. As it was, some very good sex followed soon after we got out.

I always enjoy reading about a man getting his nipples stimulated. If there's anything I enjoy looking at it's some young, lean guy with quarter-size-or-less, naturally pointy, hyperreactive nipples--I imagine him being like the Mike character in JFinn's The Human Condition, with "nipples hardwired to his cock." Unfortunately, messing around with his nipples is something that my husband can take or leave, and I get the impression he'd just as soon I left it.
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Thanks... and Please keep talking.

I'm going to talk to her about trying a lot more pressure, ask if there is time when she feels we ought to try.
Interestingly enough, the man who talked me into piercing my nipples had one of his pierced as well. That one, and the other, to a lesser degree WERE "hardwired to his cock," unlike any man I've ever been with. Flick the ring through his T-shirt--better yet, pull on it a bit, instant on switch. His eyes would glaze over and shut, and his cock would immediately get hard. It was something to see LOL.

I am one of those lucky gals - great orgasms from nipple play. I love to wear the rings to work under my bra. I would love to get them pierced, but have heard that they decrease in sensitivity afterwards. But you guys make it sound like that's not the case? hmmmm, I'm still thinking about it. Does it really take 4 months to heal?
crazybbwgirl said:
I am one of those lucky gals - great orgasms from nipple play. I love to wear the rings to work under my bra. I would love to get them pierced, but have heard that they decrease in sensitivity afterwards. But you guys make it sound like that's not the case? hmmmm, I'm still thinking about it. Does it really take 4 months to heal?

I had heard that as well. What a fallacy! Everyone I know who has had them done says the exact opposite....increased sensitivity. In fact, I always wear a thin tank top to bed now, because the rings sliding against the sheets when I roll over tends to wake me up.

As far as healing time goes, yes to the 4 months. I have heard of people playing with them right away, but I'm an RN, and no WAY was I getting an infection. I also did a thorough check of the equipment in the shop, made sure everyone was washing hands, wearing sterile gloves, and using sterile equipment and piercing needles. Hey, they're MY nipples! It was recommended to me, since I planned on "playing" with them, to use 12gauge barbells or rings.

I religiously took care of them for 4 months, following all the directions that I was given. After was ON. Oh my, was it worth the wait....
Ok - stupid question: 12 gauge? What's that mean exactly? You'd think I would know this seeing as I have 2 daughters with various and sundry piercings all over - but I'm not sure. Higher gauge - smaller hole - or vice versa?
crazybbwgirl said:
Ok - stupid question: 12 gauge? What's that mean exactly? You'd think I would know this seeing as I have 2 daughters with various and sundry piercings all over - but I'm not sure. Higher gauge - smaller hole - or vice versa?

You got it. Higher gauge smaller hole, and also thinner ring. If you want to play with them, pull on them, perhaps attach weights to them (what can i say *grin* i am who i am) then you need something a bit heavier and a bit more sturdy (lower gauge). Alot of women go for the cute, little, wire type piercing...delicate pretty and all give that pretty one good tug and the thinness of the wire is more apt to tear tissue than a heavier gauge. It all depends on what you are into I suppose. Talk to your piercer about your needs. That's what I did.

Well - my tattoo artist has been trying to talk me into it for years (personally I think he just wants to hold my tits! lol) I keep threatening to do it. My current lover is kinda skittish about it. But I'm slowly working on him...... hehehe
Another male perspective...

I often get incredibly stimulated from nipple play. Having them sucked on and licked is especially nice, though occasionally I like pinching and biting. I even had one woman (who was very excited by my excitability) comment that it was like I had a pair of clits on my chest! :D

One of the REALLY fun, though highly frustrating, options is for her to stroke, flick, and otherwise play with my nipples in public. This kind of play happens more when at parties or other casual environments; I'm usually reclining or semi-reclining and she can sit over me, seemingly absentmindedly trolling her fingers across my chest as she converses with everyone. Meanwhile, I have no idea what's being said because I'm so focused on being turned on! :kiss:
it's a turn on but it can't get me off.. my roommate amber has admitted to having orgasms just from nipple stimulation and tomorrow she'll have them pierced which will mean more stimulation...
I wish ;\
didn't vote-----it depends on my mood/level of horniness. If i'm really horny I can cum from them being sucked on hard. If I'm not that horny (but still horny enough for sex) it doesn't do much for me.
OK, thanks for commenting (and voting)!

Any of you girls use nipple clamps?

Rumor is that tits are more sensative after the clamps come off. Others say that the "sensativity" isn't sexual but is painful.

Remember now, my lady gets little if any arousal from her nipples.

Could I expect nipple clamps to arouse her either while they're on or after they're off?

Or would we probably just be looking at pain, not stimulation?
yuck if I was dating a woman and she didn't enjoy any nipple and tit playing, that relationship would end pretty fast. and if she was a one position woman, I'd tell every guy to stay the hell away from her!