Nipple Piercing

I did a search and came up with a couple of threads that might be interesting or helpful. Since I am slow at this, I will have to edit my post to include other threads one at a time.

The first one

The last one

Last edited:
Hey man,
I had my nipple pierced 18 months ago. Stay with gettng it professinally done. Fuck it hurt, but was well worth it. It probably took 4 months to heal roperly, and another two months until I was happy to remove the jewellery and replace it. The sensations are great. My girlfried loves to suckon it and this helps increase the erotic sensations during sex. Give it a go. You will enjoy it!
About the spell check, no, there isn't one. The best you can do is to open a wordprocessing document and type in that then cut and paste to the post reply window after you have spell checked. I find it helps to preview the reply too, that way you have a hope of finding typos when you are reading your post back to yourself.

woodcarver said:
wrong thread to be asking this, but.........Where can you learn how to work this dadblamed thing anways. I want to learn how to post pics, run quotes, the whole thing.

Have you tried the FAQ section? I has a lot of useful information there...

Good Luck,
Shescurious, you've got a great name/av/location!!

Can't speak from the receiving side of piercings, but I dated one woman with a pierced nipple and it certainly was fun. I have to say, however, that I prefer them au naturale.
My friend Samm (female)got her girls pierced and she enjoyed them for a while.. but one of them got infected with cellulitious and she went to the hospital.. if she had waited any longer to go to the hospital they probably would have had to remove one of her girls... As a guy i'm sure removal isn't a big concern but still infection is.. if you get it done make sure to follow cleaning directions and never take chances... piercings should be kept cleen and piercings in sensitive areas should be kept sacred...
(i should know.. i got my hood done about 2 months ago)
> (i should know.. i got my hood done about 2 months ago)

Ammre I presume this is not the hood on your car. Please forgive my
ignorance but where precisely did you get pierced ?
I got a vertical hood piercing.... the hood is the skin that's at the top of the clitoris

I bent over backwards to keep it cleen... well.. actually forwards ;D
> the hood is the skin that's at the top of the clitoris
Is the top the end that joins to the rest of your body ?

> I bent over backwards to keep it cleen... well.. actually forwards ;
Bent over forwards sounds good to me.

Do you have a ring or a stud or something ?

I think you are saying the piercing is through skin that surrounds
your clitoris rather than through the clitoris itself. Is this right?

Has this made your clit more/less/same sensitive?

What is it about a hood piercing that made you want to get it done?

I don't have any piercings and never will but my niece had her belly
button done recently and I was surprised to find I liked it. I have
also seen pictures of a woman with nipple rings that I really liked.
Her breasts were large and full and the nipple rings took them to
another level of sexiness.
i got my nipple pierced at the begining of the summer. it was very painful, not the actual piercing but the first 2 weeks of cleaning, but not after months it has become one of my most sensitive areas on my body. i love it when people bit and suck on it. and everyone really agrees that its just hot. i have a pretty nice build for a guy and the nipple kind of tops it off. its fun to play with when im bored waitng for a bus or something, i casually play with it through my shirt, though eveyone stares at me anbd wonders why the hell im pinching my nipple. im getting over it though.
the onyl annoying part is that i get my chest waxed and it kind of gets in the way, but its very much worth it.
for your curiousity roughplay....

The clit is the sensitive bundle of nervs about the size of an eraser head on a pencil... there's skin right above it (imagine a female vagina when their laying on their back) the nerve part of the clit is actually just the nub and the roots under it (the roots extend in to the vaginal canal.. that's waht the g-spot is) the skin above the bundle of nervs (often covering the nerves a little) is the hood... that's the skin that gives the clit the triangle shape.. like the bridge of a nose....

i think the picture should answer most of the questions... it's a 14 gague curved barbell.

on average the clit becomes more sensitive considering there's a ball laying right on top of it... btu than after about 6 weeks it gets used tot he feeling and it goes back to it's regurlar sensitivity. If you so desire you can get a larger ball at the end so that you get the new feeling and the over sensitivy back.

I wanted it done because i like the idea of something of my own. I'm very typical i guess... i'm cute... not normally the person you'd imagine with that piercing... so i have that little secret. i liked that it was different than the normal but still stylish. Also i really wanted to get something pierced and i couldn't imagine getting it anywhere else... so i decided down there and i researched it a LOT (empahsis on a LOT) and decided that i wanted the vertical hood (versus a triangle or a clit piercing or labia or christina or fourchette or something...)

i'm not going to go arround it by today's standards i'm fat. so the belly button thing is a no go for me... and due to my friend's near boob-loss expierence i'm not really intrested in ever getting my nipples done.

i hope this quenched curiousity.
Thanks for this Ammre. I'm really impressed. I think you have a very
attractive hood ornament. I particularly like your reasoning. You're right
it is special. I imagine your current and any future boyfriends will be
fascinated by your barbell. I certainly am.