newly signed up and needing support


Really Experienced
Oct 15, 2002
I don't know where to start I guess I just need to vent

I have been lurking for a few weeks and don't know I just needed to vent for a while I am newly divorced and am still on the rollercoster ( I left her ) I knew it would be hard but we were going to either kill each other or have massive head trama from blowing our tops. I learned so much about what she had done after I left that it would have been over long ago if I had opened my eyes. I am too nice and let her walk all over me. I put up with alot and I lost who I was I gave up almost all of my friends and worked whenever I could to pay for what she asked for which ended up mostly just for me to be out of the house. I am in search of my balls I guess. I lost them 3 or 4 years ago if you find them before I do please return them. I hate who I became and who she became. Work is the only thing that is worth anything to me right now I don't really care about anything else. I thought I was over it until we talked last and I realized I still had the same feelings as I did for her when we first met. I have no desire to be with her again even as close friends anymore but my heart won't let go. I wish we could have that moment again when all was right but I know we will never be those people again.
Question how do you move on with your life I am young but I really cant see trusting anyone ever again. I don't know how someone could do things like that but then again I don't remember how to live life without having someone to talk to and tell my dreams to ( even when they were laughing at them ) I wish the former love of my life the best of luck from my heart at the same time I wish that they would move to the south pole and forget to pack any clothes. I am confused and just needed to vent for a little while if anyone has been through some of the same stuff please share if not don't laugh too loud I may be right next door

Remember that first kiss and how your heart jumped out of your body and joined anothers with one spark? It is the most amazing feeling it feels like you have twice the heart pounding inside but when its ripped out it leaves you twice as empty and twice as lonely


Goodnight and please kiss your loved one for me tonight and tell them how your life is better with them than without

Forever is one second without love

That is a sad tale you tell. First my deepest sympathies for what you are going through and the only advice is the the one that has always rang true throught the years. Time will heal all wounds. Give it time. Truly if you can't see yourself back with this woman, then don't dwell on her. Get her out of your mind and your heart will follow. AND yes, you will meet another, perhaps with even more of a spark then she.

Oh...and btw..

Welcome to Lit and if I do find your balls first, I'll be sure to give them a good spit and shine before I return them :eek: :devil:
Thanks S&D

I know you are right but it is still hard ( well for her its not ) haha I wish I could just erase the last 4 years out of my life and go back and hit myself over the head with a 2 X 4 my head kind of feels like it right now but hey its tuesdy another day starts and life must go on but laughter comes and goes quickly nowadays just like the saddness. Everyone tells me thank God you finally opend your eyes or sorry but its about time. It really hurts I thought we really had something but it was not to be and shouldn't have happened in the first place.... As the story goes its not the end of life but the turning of a page that ends this chapter but I have to wonder what has this taught me but doubt, hatred, and loss

Forever is one second without love:( and eternity is the loss of what you felt was the only person you trusted in life
Starting out with a sad tale won't get you much sympathy here, but you're welcome to try. I feel for you, but don't expect the vulchers to go for it. Just want you to be aware.
Tank thanks for the advice would you load one round and blast a hole in me so I can drain all the shit out of my life hahaha

Littlecateyes I appreciate the welcome and if it is the past pulling me back I don't intend to look that way.

I don't know what I was looking for mabe attention or contact with the outside world. I would just like to find a life outthere where the other vultures are circling

Forever is a second without love
Sex & Diamonds said:

That is a sad tale you tell. First my deepest sympathies for what you are going through and the only advice is the the one that has always rang true throught the years. Time will heal all wounds. Give it time. Truly if you can't see yourself back with this woman, then don't dwell on her. Get her out of your mind and your heart will follow. AND yes, you will meet another, perhaps with even more of a spark then she.

Oh...and btw..

Welcome to Lit and if I do find your balls first, I'll be sure to give them a good spit and shine before I return them :eek: :devil:

Gonna agree totally.

Good luck mate, just take one step at a time and one day you will look around and realise just how far you have come.

Something will work out... no idea what or when, but it will... eventually.

hang in there
I'm sorry you've had to go through all of this, I know it is so hard. I think time heals the best. I hope you have some friends you can be with when you feel down. Someone to talk to......I can always offer my shoulder.....:)
Breakups can be so hard. I am pretty young too and have been through a breakup, an abandonment, and a "time off". The best thing that I can say is that despite the fact of who you two became, you were so good with each other for a time and I, coming from my own set of circumstances, would say that those memories of us empower me. You have survived so much heart ache and I would be so thankfull if I had survived such a difficult time. You should be really proud of yourself and your ability to change. I am learning every day.
thebrokenheartedfool said:
I don't know where to start I guess I just need to vent

I have been lurking for a few weeks and don't know I just needed to vent for a while I am newly divorced and am still on the rollercoster ( I left her )

I'm supposed to be doing a five page history report and if a certain person finds out I was in here lurking instead of working on it, especially at one in the blessed a.m., I'm probably gonna get a butt chewing... (Harder please, and a little more to the right!)

Anyway, I just wanted to respond to your letter of despair.

Most of us in here are divorced, and those of us who are divorced were all newly divorced at one time. We feel your pain. We've been there and it sucks.

I thought I was over it until we talked last and I realized I still had the same feelings as I did for her when we first met. I have no desire to be with her again even as close friends anymore but my heart won't let go. I wish we could have that moment again when all was right but I know we will never be those people again.

Believe it or not, your heart will let go. It takes time. Just give it time. Sometimes we feel life is not fair. Life isn't fair. Sometimes it deals us a rotten hand, and it's up to us how we play the game.

Question how do you move on with your life I am young but I really cant see trusting anyone ever again.

There are no directions on how to move on. One just does. You take one day at a time and move on. Things eventually get better. Trust me on this one, OK?

I am confused and just needed to vent for a little while if anyone has been through some of the same stuff please share if not don't laugh too loud I may be right next door

What kind of sick person laughs at anothers pain. We've all been there...or most of us anyway.

Remember that first kiss and how your heart jumped out of your body and joined anothers with one spark? It is the most amazing feeling it feels like you have twice the heart pounding inside but when its ripped out it leaves you twice as emptyand twice as lonely

Yes, I do remember, and also believe it or not, you will get that feeling back too. I also know the feeling of emptiness and lonliness that accompanies a vacant bed. Just give it time.

I promise if I find your balls, I'll give them back. I might play with them for a little while first, but be assured they will be in good condition.

On a serious note, a person of the opposite sex is not worth wanting to kill yourself over. Nobody is worth that. I know you feel like you could crawl into a hole and die, but you have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. You sound very young, with a whole lot of life and love ahead of you. This old witch knows it will get better. Promise.
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They say time heals all wounds. But when you are hurting, it seems like it will take an eternity to feel even the slightest bit better.

I got through it one night at a time. Sometimes I went a little wild, sometimes I was a little depressed, and sometimes I felt I was going to be ok.

It is not easy. But someday it will be good again.
:confused: ?

To many TROLLS out lately for me to suscribe to your tale of woe. I will withhold judgement until I've seen more posts...

CYA baybee, CYA...
Tank......:confused: Sometimes we just need to talk to people that aren't in our everyday lives, you know???:(

thebrokenheartedfool...I'm sorry for your pain. You have been given excellent advice and support here, I hope it will help you, in time.
What was always the hardest for me was trying to figure out what i was supposed to gain from such bad experiences that came down to deceit, betrayal, and just being a fool. I never have determined that...but I do know that theres no shame in loving with all your heart.
It will take time, but one day you'll see the other side of this, and you will feel yet another beautiful spark. I'm 41 years old, and I've been sparked so much, I feel like a massive fireworks display gone awry.;)

Give yourself time, don't try to deny the pain, give into it and go through all the stages....thats how you get to the other side.

I welcome you to Lit...hope to hear more from you.
thebrokenheartedfool said:
Remember that first kiss and how your heart jumped out of your body and joined anothers with one spark? It is the most amazing feeling it feels like you have twice the heart pounding inside but when its ripped out it leaves you twice as empty and twice as lonely
If you always sit, standing up feels great. Contrasts are what emphasize the diversity of life (remember the old saying about variety and spice?) You can't learn to walk without falling on your as any more than you can learn to ride a bike without scrapes and bruises.

Yeah, I know, bad analogy. I know about heartache, too (not to mention divorce.) I told somebody just last night I wish nobody ever knew the pain I felt when the person I fell in love with (after my divorce) told me to move on. Life sure the hell bites some days.

I know this, too: We are the product of all the scrapes, bruises, heartaches, and even the times we got duped and/or fell on our asses. All of it adds up: You have to walk that route to become who you are today - it is the precise sequence which has led to you being here.

Keep growing, and learning, and you'll make it. There's good news, too: there's still more ups n downs yet to come, and it's a helluva lot better than life on some drug that holds your emotions flat and level.

Welcome to lit. Stick around.
Hanns_Schmidt said:

For fuck sake...while this muppet spewed his tripe....about 200 kids died in Africa

Yep victims of the USA's war on saddam, they died of insurficent food and medicine

Hi honey, I'm so sorry that you're having a sad spell. I'd love for you to post this thread in the 'how to' forum, considering that you specifically asked, "how to". By posting it there too, you'll get replies from different people who don't frequent the gb. Best of luck to you, and let me know if I can help in any way. :kiss:
Hanns_Schmidt said:

Hanns, Yayati, CV, whomever you are and everyone you are, why don't you fuck off? I've been trying to ignore you, but when you infiltrate someone's "help me" thread, you've gone too far. I don't know what your problem is (or should I say problems) but why don't you try not to be such an ass! It'll be a fun experiment,
I think. Why is it that you get off on negative feedback? Is it because.......
I really don't care what your twisted way of thinking is. But you need to learn when to keep your trap shut! Don't poison someone's "help me" thread with your crap. That's it, I've said what I needed to say, and now I can put you back on ignore!
Find what true friends you still have and spend some time with them. Time heals all wounds but it can also be a killer when you find yourself bored feeling so down you can't make it. Call someone and reach out.
To me the possibilty still exists that yesterday's we have a dead member and today's pity me thread may be linked. Time will tell.