Newby Need Help


Really Experienced
May 20, 2013
WHERE to i report on a player that keeps burst and posting in my threads?
I claimed them closed
can you password these threads?
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And by bargain, I assume you meant "barging in", but you're going to take heat for saying it.
The guy trolling him is called Trolltroll420.

Anyway this one deserve trolling, his SRP's are terribad.
He simply spank her behind hard: Quiet or i will pass you to all the men to have you, see how many cock can fit in your ass, little one...*opens the door of his tent and walk in. The large bed of pelts warm as was a simple table of wine and in the corner was a bowl of water to wash with a towel.It was lit by a fire in the middle. He toss her on the bed of belt and began to take off his belt and pants slowly as he watch her. Smiles down at his young woman as he had not seen such beauty in ages and plan to keep this one for himself .

For your sake, I hope you are a lot better at making IEDs than you are at writing porn.
Maybe he's from the the Iraq /Iran area and doesn't speak or write English very well.

(Not that I'm throwing rocks...)
I am a dominant black man that looking for the right girl to roleplay intense scenes "


Rookie mistake carry on with the slaughter.
Isn't it common courtesy to keep a thread true to topic?
If his threads are being hijacked, doesn't he have a legit argument?

Common courtesy, yes, however, that often gets suspended at login.

He can either take it to a pay-for site that will give him the functionality he requires or make use of the iggy feature here.