New Year/Christmas Gift for the Person Above


My office door is open
Dec 19, 2012
Give the gift of... well, whatever.. Hopefully something naughty. There is only one rule: The gift has to relate to that person in some way (and bonus points for explanation).
Give the gift of... well, whatever.. Hopefully something naughty. There is only one rule: The gift has to relate to that person in some way (and bonus points for explanation).

I will gift you with an avatar now that you have over 100 posts. Preferably of the non-cock-showing variety, but really, whatever blows your skirt up. :)
I offer PlayfuLittle1 a slave to be at her beckon calling, to let her know that someone is there for her. This slave will be there to help her as she sees fit and to be attentitive to her in all manners of life.
Makes this slave sound better than a Husband, don't it? :p
I offer PlayfuLittle1 a slave to be at her beckon calling, to let her know that someone is there for her. This slave will be there to help her as she sees fit and to be attentitive to her in all manners of life.
Makes this slave sound better than a Husband, don't it? :p

I would give L8tnlt a winning lotto ticket. And a really nice new home wherever he wanted it. Just cuz I think he should have it.