New Writer Looking for Tips


Dec 27, 2012
I posted in the new member thread explaining my situation, but prior experience in forums on other sites tells me that it is unlikely that anyone will respond. I am very interested in getting the story I have written submitted, but could use some help from y'all to better know how I should edit it.

A link to the aforementioned post:

Many thanks to all.
I posted in the new member thread explaining my situation, but prior experience in forums on other sites tells me that it is unlikely that anyone will respond. I am very interested in getting the story I have written submitted, but could use some help from y'all to better know how I should edit it.

A link to the aforementioned post:

Many thanks to all.

You're more likely to get answers to writing techniques here. The new member thread is mostly for introductions.

As for your questions, the balance between fluff and stuff varies. There are novels here; there are quick little stroke stories, too.

I find it helpful to actually read things aloud and see how they sound.

As for formatting, when in doubt, make a new paragraph and a line break between them. It's a lot less daunting to read than that solid black wall of type.

How long's your story and what's the probable category? I might be willing to take a look at it and make a few suggestions.

A welcome :kiss: for the little newbie from the good little witch.
...As for formatting, when in doubt, make a new paragraph and a line break between them. It's a lot less daunting to read than that solid black wall of type.....

Can't stress this enough. Books might have paragraphs half a page long. 8 lines max seems to be about right around here.

There are links to writer's resources and How-to articles you could benefit from.

Personally, I like to see a little conflict, or mystery, in a story. Will she or won't she? What will the ramifications be if she does? What will the ramifications be if he does? I guess that's the difference between a story and a vignette. Vignettes are boring, unless they're really really strange. IMO

One of my favorite LIT vignettes was about a plain ordinary housewife who finally got up the nerve to show her stuff to the mailman while he was peeking through the mail slot. She'd stick an empty beer can in her hoo hah, and when she had her orgasm the beer can would make a crinkling sound. Now that's strange.
Christmas brought me two writing books, one by William F.Buckley, the other by James J.Kilpatrick. Two suggestions grabbed me right off, I'd never seen them before: BE OBSESSIVE ABOUT OBSERVING THINGS, and LEARN TO WRITE A CLEAR, WELL-FORMED SENTENCE BEFORE YOU JUMP INTO THE DEEP END OF THE POOL.
A big thank you to those who have replied this quickly. I appreciate the advice. I looked at all the Writer advice on the main site before I started writing. I think I've stayed fairly true to the unspoken 8 lines or less rule with my current story. Its a stand-alone first installment in what I have in my mind as a 3 or 4 installment series.

This installment ended up being about 15 MS Word pages long. Not sure how that will translate to Lit pages. I try to keep the storyline close as I can to what could believably happen in real life, as those stories are generally my favorite. So no big mystery or excitement, but I'm hoping I've justified it with the storyline.

I may take Ms. Witch up on her offer to read through it if she is willing. Anyone else that might want to do so need only say. The story itself is done, so it won't be hard to send it around. It just hasn't been fully edited.

Thank you all again. And please, keep it coming.
with 1.25" margins and a size 12 font, 6 Word pages is close to 1 Lit page.

Lit pages are based on characters so your mileage may vary.
with 1.25" margins and a size 12 font, 6 Word pages is close to 1 Lit page.

Lit pages are based on characters so your mileage may vary.

I reckon it's about 3000 words to a Lit page.
You wear glasses for the screen Tx ?
I just got a new pair and manage with 11pt Bookman.
Your first inquiry, finding the right balance of story, sex and fluff, is another situation where there is no right answer. My recommendation is that you read a lot of stories--as many as you can process in a day or two. Pick out the stories you enjoyed the most, and take note of how those authors allocated the story, sex and fluff content. That will give you an idea of what you think works best. After that, write your stories and adjust them based upon the nature of your stories, the credible feedback you receive, and the development of your own personal style. Writing is a process. Embrace it.
Write for yourself to start with. It's much easier that way.
Wow. I had not noticed that a Lit page contained that much. I was afraid that my story was getting too long, but it looks like I have plenty of room to add some of the imagery and whatnot that I initially was hoping to have. That's very good to know.
Wow. I had not noticed that a Lit page contained that much. I was afraid that my story was getting too long, but it looks like I have plenty of room to add some of the imagery and whatnot that I initially was hoping to have. That's very good to know.

Don't worry about the length size doesn't matter (ummm, well...;)) just let the story come and worry about cutting or adding later.Most people say they prefer stories that are 1-3 lit pages, but most of mine are 5+ and well received.

I also like to point out when people mention that stories should be within 3 pages that two of the highest rated incest stories of all time re 43 and 30 lit pages respectively.
I write half for myself, half for others. I make sure the story I write is one I would enjoy reading. I usually prefer the slightly longer stories (4-10 pages) and write in a way that should somewhat mirror that. I'm loving all this advice. Getting more than I expected. Really coming in handy.
You sound like a really careful and well prepared new writer! :)
You should definitely take up offers to look through your work, and there is also the list of volunteer editors you can ask to take a check if you would like that. I didn't used to do that as when I first joined I asked someone to check my story but she never got back to me - I'm sure that was very unusual. Recently someone offered to look at my story so I said, Yes, without really being bothered but I found his feedback very helpful.
I started a blog recently about writing erotica, Erotica Writers' Bloc, you might start thinking about contributing some blogposts on writing tips yourself soon!
I will definitely think about that, Nako. Thank you for the offer. Send me a PM if you'd like.
I've written a little essay offering my advice for Literotica writers. It got a little green "E" from the editors and polarized everyone else. A lot of people didn't like my defense of stroke stories, and some didn't like the arrogant tone of my attempts at humor, but otherwise most people seemed to agree with the tips I offered.