New story on Chyoo - A Contract Renegotiation

Anyone know what the typical turnaround time is for a story to be approved? I'm wondering if anyone aside from myself can actually view it before it is approved. Thanks in advance. Sorry for the "no new content" bump. Just sort of stalled out on writing the rest if it can't be read. :-/
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Going to try reposting it and hope for an approval. :) Also hoping some people will write some chapters.
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Oh the title is changed. It's now called "A Volatile Negotiation". :) Threads one and two contain some "action" but thread 3 is mainly used to introduce a new location and some new characters (and open up a lot of possibilities). :devil:

I'll be adding more "official" threads to the story as well. Part three is nowhere near the end of the adventure. ;)
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It's refreshing to see an introductory thread for a story which is substantial instead of being barely more than a paragraph. I had a quick skim through it and I'll come back to it and potentially add something.
It's refreshing to see an introductory thread for a story which is substantial instead of being barely more than a paragraph. I had a quick skim through it and I'll come back to it and potentially add something.

Thanks for checking it out. I was hoping it wasn't too long. It's all new to me, so any feedback you have would be great. Look forward to reading your part if you choose to write one!
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