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I love short stories. Yours is way better written than mine. I'm going to be using this site to learn to write a lot better.
I just read both of your stories and I love them! They're hot 🔥 The second is much improved from the first. What do you use to write? I have a Mac and I use Pages. There is a program called Grammarly that is free. It works with both Pages and with Word, in case you're using Windows. I highly recommend it. It catches typographical errors as well as grammar mistakes. I'm in America so I don't know how well it does with UK English. It's perhaps worth a try.

💋 Je t'aime
I just read both of your stories and I love them! They're hot 🔥 The second is much improved from the first. What do you use to write? I have a Mac and I use Pages. There is a program called Grammarly that is free. It works with both Pages and with Word, in case you're using Windows. I highly recommend it. It catches typographical errors as well as grammar mistakes. I'm in America so I don't know how well it does with UK English. It's perhaps worth a try.

💋 Je t'aime
I was just using my phone but my second story got rejected with the feed back saying it didn't meet the standards required. I then edited in my email to myself. I need to get a new laptop for personal use. I use a work one but I can't use it sites l8ke this lol
Fun story. I gave it 5 stars. Keep writing. Maybe something longer and more complex?
Thank you! It's odd that you should say that. I have submitted another story which is Chapter 1 of a multiple-chapter series. I was working on it when I hit a block, so I wrote this quickie to break free.
hope I'm doing this right :)

this is a story about a man who lost everything, then finds love when he rescues a woman in an alley. he also gets more than he bargains for in love and trouble.

Part 1 is here

part 2 is being worked on now. hope to have it out by first week of next month.
Author's notes

"Silence Between Brothers"
#gayincest #firsttime #disability

Why I wrote the story
I have a soft spot for people who don't get the love they need or deserve. People with differing abilities, intelligence, and non-conventional attractiveness draw me to them. I consider it a privilege to give them a bit of the pleasure they deserve. I hope this story helps you feel less alone.

What do I like about this story?
Writing a story set in the 1950s made for a fun challenge. I believe this time period intensified the otherness, loneliness, and abject poverty people endured. People weren't as different back then as some would like to believe. The same secrets, desires, and despair haunted people from the beginning.

What criticism do I expect?
Complaints about including a differently abled person, for a few reasons: that I'm fetishizing people with disabilities, that Levi's otherness wasn't necessary to tell a story of the isolation and loneliness featuring gay men in the 50s, that they didn't need to be brothers, but could have been roommates. And, while those takes are not without merit, I think removing those elements would make the story cookie-cutter and difficult to distinguish from ten thousand others.

Follow up post with comments on the story

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Hey everyone! So glad to be here and be a part of this community! I'm newer here; I have four stories out, with a fifth pending right now. All of them definitely lean more towards the BDSM/kink side. I try to pull in plot twists and develop settings as much as possible. When I write non-erotica, those are always my two favorite things to develop.

Anyway, here's a flash fiction thing I did recently, and I *cannot* tell you how sorry I am that I made a typo in the first line. Please forgive me for that.

Definitely writing at the intersection of foot fetishism and cuckoldry for this one, so if that's not your thing, I totally get it!
Hey everyone! So glad to be here and be a part of this community! I'm newer here; I have four stories out, with a fifth pending right now. All of them definitely lean more towards the BDSM/kink side. I try to pull in plot twists and develop settings as much as possible. When I write non-erotica, those are always my two favorite things to develop.

Anyway, here's a flash fiction thing I did recently, and I *cannot* tell you how sorry I am that I made a typo in the first line. Please forgive me for that.

Definitely writing at the intersection of foot fetishism and cuckoldry for this one, so if that's not your thing, I totally get it!
Welcome on board!
Bitch, I Love You is my attempt at a dialogue heavy story. Some serious learning went into that, but I'm pretty happy with the result.

Content wise, it's about two college girls trying to find the right boy for their threesome. It's much more focused on the two friend's dynamics than the boy--though I don't think he leaves with any complaints ;)
hope I'm doing this right :)

this is a story about a man who lost everything, then finds love when he rescues a woman in an alley. he also gets more than he bargains for in love and trouble.

Part 1 is here

part 2 is being worked on now. hope to have it out by first week of next month.
part 2 just got submitted. I'm nervous as hell and excited at the same time!