New Rules for Literotica


Yes i'm back
Oct 8, 2001
Effective immediately the following rules will be adhered too.

1. A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the butt. Watch yourself or Im kicking your ass.

2. You are replaceable

3. It doesn't matter what you do, it only matters what you say. Watch your mouth.

4. The more crap you give, the more crap you are going to get.

5. Women here must present themselves to me to a monthly body cleaning with my toungue.. Men can lick themselves.

6. If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it!

7. There will always be beer cans rolling on the floor.

8. To err is human, to forgive is not my policy.
I have a problem with 5b. Can't reach the place behind my ears.
1. A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the butt. Watch yourself or Im kicking your ass.

Dream on.

2. You are replaceable

It hasn't happened yet. A few have tried and failed.

3. It doesn't matter what you do, it only matters what you say. Watch your mouth.

I can't, it's physiologically impossible.

4. The more crap you give, the more crap you are going to get.


5. Women here must present themselves to me to a monthly body cleaning with my toungue.. Men can lick themselves.

Do you have a deathwish or something? I mean, I can accomodate, but you're not going to be nearly as fun turned into a splat on the ground.

6. If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it!

People don't succeed the first time? This happens? Woooah.

7. There will always be beer cans rolling on the floor.

Not as long as I have an aluminum bat there won't.

8. To err is human, to forgive is not my policy.

Mine either.
Regarding #8

What about the frog? They aren't as bouyant as I initially believed.
Re: Regarding #8

LukkyKnight said:
What about the frog? They aren't as bouyant as I initially believed.

Try putting a ping pong ball in each one. Mine float really well now.
Siren said:
what Proofreadmanx said, that I said.

I like those circular arguments, Siren.

Sorta wraps itself around like a really tight "69" position. (*YUM*)
Siren, help me out here. I am embarrassed to have to ask, since it's probably obscene and so I should certainly already know, but what is a "minger"?
It is not what goes into a man's mouth that defiles him, but what comes out of it.
~Some Guy.

Never. Never Give Up.
Well, yeah, now that you told me. I won't have to worry about those awkward dirty slang faux pas.
Phoenyx said:
Effective immediately the following rules will be adhered too.

1. A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a lick in the butt. Watch yourself or TWB's licking your ass.

2. You are irascable.

3. It doesn't matter what you'd do, it only matters what you actually do. Don't do do.

4. The more crap you give, the more slap you are going to get.

5. Women here must allow the thread starter to drink their bathwater. No, it's ok. He likes it.

6. If at first you don't spill seed, try again. Or viagra.

7. There will always be cans rolling on the floor. Just hope the beer cans are full.

8. To err will be taken up with the moderator.

9. Stop feeding the fucking trolls.
Harbinger said:
Well, yeah, now that you told me. I won't have to worry about those awkward dirty slang faux pas.
Perhaps not, cluelessbinger, but thou hadst best keep thy fine wig out of the inclement weather.